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Professor Samantha Gonzalez

ENC 1102

30 April 2023

Can’t Find the Home Page: An Analysis of the Accessibility of Websites Over Time

Introduction/ Literature Review

With the world becoming more technology based, there has been a major issue that has

occurred because of it. Websites are not requiring the proper features to make it so that everyone,

including people with disabilities, are able to view it. The font may be hard to read, there isn’t

any captions on videos for those who may be visually impaired, the layout of the site could be all

over the place making it very confusing, and so much more could happen. Having accessible

websites is vital to have because it allows everyone to be able to access the internet and be able

to do things online since that is where everything is now. There have been many studies made

that discuss this issue and share their research, but for this paper, I will be looking at how

accessibility has changed over time specifically for social media websites and how this affects

people’s longevity for staying on the website. I have found five scholarly articles that I will be

using to compare my own research to and use them as a way to help back up my findings.

After reading through my sources, a common topic that was talked about in them is that

they described examples of how website accessibility has changed over the years. In Progress on

Website Accessibility, they specifically looked at government and topsites and examined how

they have changed according to accessibility over 14 years (Hanson and Richards 2). However,

in “The Growing Importance of Accessible Social Media”, it looks at a few social media apps

and sees how accessible they have gotten over the years (Hollier 6). The results of both studies

included that there have been some improvements with the websites becoming more accessible,

but there are still issues that are being made. Something that was different about these two

sources is that they had contrasting main ideas. In Hanson’s and Richard’s article they focused

on the different guidelines that websites must follow to ensure that they are accessible (2). While

in Hollier’s article, he mainly focused on the importance of disabled people being able to use

social media (3).

Another main topic that is shown in multiple sources is that they think it is important to

create awareness on the subject because it will get more people to understand how essential

website accessibility is and encourage them to speak out about it. In “Social media accessibility:

Opportunities and challenges for rural communities”, it shares that people in rural communities

think that social media can be hard to use, so they try to avoid it. However, the author believes

that getting people aware of social media can help increase its accessibility (Chukwuere 3).

“Also, according to Web Accessibility: an introduction and ethical implications”, out of 26 web

authors that they reached out to, 11 said that they do not work with website accessibility when

designing websites (Peters and Bradbard 18). This shows how little people are aware of

accessibility and it needs to be something that is talked about more. When more people are aware

of it, businesses will have to make their sites accessible giving everyone an equal opportunity to

use them.

Something only one of my sources talked about is how some of the accessibility issues

that occur on social media is due to the users itself, not the platform. In “Social media

accessibility and inclusion is a crucial consideration”, the author goes into details about how

users can make what they post more user-friendly on specific social media platforms. This

includes providing captions on videos on YouTube, using hashtags on Twitter, and making the

layout simple on blogs (Philip 1-4). Doing these things can help social media become a place

where people with disabilities can easily use it like everyone else can.

The difference in content in these sources allowed me to learn more about website

accessibility and social media, which will be able to help me when conducting my own research.

Each of them had an element that was useful in helping me get a better understanding of the

current discussion on these topics. I want to be able to continue these ideas in my research, but I

will be specifically looking at popular social media websites and analyzing how they have grown

according to accessibility over the years. I will also be looking at how bad accessibility and good

accessibility affects how long a person interacts with a social media website for. With my

findings, I believe that my research can help continue the conversation of website accessibility

and be able to help influence it to become a more well-known thing.


For my research, I will be doing an observational study of different popular social media

websites from various time periods. The social media websites that I will be analyzing are

Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. In order to look at what these sites looked like in the past I

used a website called, The Internet Archive, which acts as a digital library and keeps records of

websites from more than twenty-six years ago. I took screenshots of each site from two different

time periods, 2007 and 2023. I then examined how accessible they were from the past and the

present, looking to see if they hit certain criteria that are essential for websites to have. I used my

results to determine some of the common elements I saw and how they have progressed over

time. I also used this to determine how this affects how long someone will actively use the

website for.



Figure 1: Screenshot of the Twitter website from 2007. Figure 2: Screenshot of the Twitter website from 2023.

The Twitter website from 2007 is displayed with very light and bright colors. The logo is

also made in a similar color to the one of the background, which can be hard to read for those

who are visually impaired. Another thing that I noticed is that all of the text is using a very small

font size and the pictures are small as well. Not only does this make it hard for those who are

visually disabled to not be able to read the website, but it can also be annoying for other users to

have to deal with it as well. Usually, websites will have customization options in their settings

that can allow the users to change the font size and color, but they did not have that either.

Something that is very essential when it comes to website accessibility is having alt text on

images. Alt text is used when coding websites when there is a non-text item, like an image, on

the page. The coder will provide a short description of that image so that someone who uses a

screen reader will be able to know what is going on in that image. In 2007, Twitter did not use

any alt text for any of the images that were displayed. Something positive that the site had in

terms of accessibility is that it was well organized and not all over the place.

In 2023, the Twitter website has made many improvements. The whole layout is really

simple and very well organized. People who are disabled can easily find where everything is and

be able to use the site with very little issues. The site has a plain, white background with black

text, making the content very readable. I found that there is an option in their settings that allows

the user to be able to change the font size of the text and be able to put the site in dark or light

mode. This makes it so that the user can change the look of the website based on the impairment

or preferences that they have. There is also a feature that allows users to add alt text to images

that they post and there are auto captions provided on the videos.


Figure 3: Screenshot of the YouTube website from 2007. Figure 4: Screenshot of the YouTube website from 2023

In 2007, the layout of the YouTube website is very cluttered with many different sections

taking up the whole page. The disorganization can make someone’s experience confusing and

make it challenging to figure out where everything is. Unlike Twitter, it uses contrasting colors

that do not inherit someone’s ability to read the content. It also has a top navigation bar that

helps with keeping the website more organized and easily useable by others. The font size is very

small and there are no customizable features in order to change this. The videos do contain auto

captions that can help those who have audio impairments or visual impairments.

YouTube in 2023 also has improved many of its accessibility issues that were made in the

past. The text is much larger now and the display of the thumbnails is significantly bigger than

what it used to look like. The website is still using the same contrasting colors for the

background of the page and the font color. The videos also still have auto captioning on them,

but there is now a feature that allows the creator to type in their own captions on the videos to

make sure that they are accurate as well. The layout of the website is much more organized, with

a side bar navigation that contains everything that is needed for using the site. YouTube also has

keyboard shortcuts that users can use to be able to do certain tasks easily.


Figure 5: Screenshot of the Facebook website from 2007. Figure 6: Screenshot of the Facebook website from 2023

The Facebook website in 2007 also used very contrasting colors like how YouTube did.

The website is well organized with not much going on in the page that may be very distracting to

someone. Similar to the other social media sites from 2007, Facebook uses a very small text font

that makes it hard for people with a visual disability to see. The website has only a bottom

navigation which can be annoying for users because the navigation is one of the most important

parts of a website, which should be displayed at the top of the page for easy use. The navigation

is also really small. None of the images on the page use alt text, causing those who use screen

readers to not be able to view that content.

In 2023, Facebook has also enhanced its website by fixing many of the accessibility

problems and adding more accessibility elements to their site. The font size is much larger now

and there are customizable features that allow the user to change the font size as well. The

images are also bigger and uses alt text for people with screen readers. Like YouTube, Facebook

has a side navigation bar that is very simple and large, making it very easy to use. There are also

keyboard shortcuts that can be used, so that people who may have a hard time using a mouse can

use that. When someone posts a video, there are auto captions that are displayed for people to



Based on all of the data that I have collected, social media websites have greatly

improved in terms of accessibility. In the past, they all had really small fonts, there weren’t any

captions or alternative text for images, there were no keyboard shortcuts, and the layout tended

to be a little bit confusing. However, as of currently, these sites have fixed most of these

problems. They have adjustable font sizes, captions for videos, pictures have alt text, they use

contrasting colors, and the layout is well organized. These fixes make it easier for people with

disabilities to be able to use social media just as easy as anyone else can. I did notice that some

of the websites did still have some accessibility issues. For an example, sometimes the captions

on the videos did not accurately portray the words that were actually being said. I also noticed

that some of the accessibility issues have to do with the users itself. When they post something,

they have to be the ones to include accurate captions and alt text onto the images. This means

that it isn’t just the social media company’s fault for the issues, but it is also the people using the

website’s fault too.

Everyone being able to access and use social media websites is important because it is a

way for people to stay connected with their friends and families, and it is where a lot of people

get their information on what is happening in the world. Not only does having an accessible

website make it easier for disabled people to be able to use it, but it influences people to stay on

your site for longer. If someone were to use one of these social media websites from 2007, they

would have a hard time navigating through the pages and get frustrated quickly because of how

hard it is to do something on it. This would cause the user to stop using the website and most

likely wouldn’t recommend it to anyone they know. However, if the website was very accessible

like the websites from 2023, users would have a happier experience with the site and be on it for

much longer. This means it is essential for websites to be accessible because it will also

influence the users to stay and interact with the site for an essential amount of time.

A limitation I had when doing my research was that on the Internet Archive website,

there isn’t a way to fully interact with the websites from the past. There were some links to site

pages that did work, but there wasn’t a way for me to access certain things, like videos, profiles,

and more. If I was able to access these, I could have found even more possible accessibility

issues. For future studies of research, I think researchers should explore accessibility issues for

other types of websites because I am sure that there is more progress to be made on the subject.

With more technological based things being created, more research should be made to ensure

that everyone would be able to use it. I also think that there should me more research on website

accessibility in terms of mobile devices or another type of device that has a different screen size

than a computer. Making websites adaptable to different screen sizes is very important since

mostly everyone uses a smart phone.


By finding how accessibility has changed over the years through social media websites, I

was able to get a deeper understanding of how important accessibility is and the technological

advancements that have been made in order to make the Internet available for everyone. Not only

is having accessible social media websites crucial but having every other type of website be

accessible is just as important. It is essential to hold companies accountable to make the changes

needed to allow everybody the same equal opportunities for being able to use websites. I am

hoping that my research can help get more people aware of this type of problem and for them to

be able to learn something from it.


Works Cited

Chukwuere, Joshua. “Social Media Accessibility: Opportunities and Challenges for Rural

Communities.” International Conference on Emerging Technology and Interdisciplinary

Sciences, 2021,

Hanson, Vicki, and John Richards. “Progress on Website Accessibility?” ACM Transactions on

the Web, 1 Mar. 2013,

Hollier, Scott. “The Growing Importance of Accessible Social Media: 16: Disability and Social

Media.” Taylor & Francis, Taylor & Francis, 10 Nov. 2016,

Jenkinson, Philip. “Social Media Accessibility and Inclusion Is a Crucial Consideration –

ProQuest.” ProQuest, 2017,

Kahle, Brewster, and Bruce Gilliat. “Wayback Machine.” Internet Archive: Wayback Machine,

10 May 1996,

Peters, Cara, and David Bradbard. “Web Accessibility: An Introduction and Ethical

Implications.” ProQuest, 2010,

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