Assignment 1

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Madan Mohan Malaviya

University of Technology,
Gorakhpur (U.P.)

Department of Civil Engineering


Submitted to- Submitted by-

Mr. Vinay Kumar Singh Name- Pratik Raj

(Assistant professor-CED) Course - B.Tech - II year

Semester - IIIrd
Roll. No. -2020011105
Unit - I Tutorial Sheet-01

Problem 1.1.1 A hollow circular post ABC (Fig. 1.1.1) supports a load P1 = 1700 kN acting at the
top. A second load P2 is uniformly distributed around the cap plate at B. The diameters and
thicknesses of the upper and lower parts of the post are dAB = 1.25 cm, tAB = 0.5 cm, dBC =2.25 cm,
and tBC =0.375 cm, respectively.
(a) Calculate the normal stress σAB in the upper part of the post. (Ans. σAB =1443MPa)
(b) If it is desired that the lower part of the post has the same compressive stress as the upper part,
what should be the magnitude of the load P2? (Ans. P2=1488 kN)
(c) If P1 remains at 1700 kN and P2 is now set at 2260 kN, what new thickness of BC will result in
the same compressive stress in both parts? (Ans. tBC=0.499 cm)

Given Data-
P1 = 1700 KN = 1700 x 103 N
dAB (outer) = 1.25 cm = 12.5 mm
tAB = 0.5 cm
dAB (inner) = 1.25 cm - (2t)
= 1.25 - 2 x 0.5 = 0.25 cm or 2.5 mm
dBC (outer) = 2.25 cm = 22.5 mm
tBC = 0.375 cm
dBC (inner) = 2.25 cm - (2t)
= 2.25 - 2 x 0.375 = 1.5 cm or 15 mm
(A) Normal Stress in Part AB -
P1 Fig. - 1.1.1
σAB =
1700 𝑋 103 1700 𝑋 103
= 𝜋 2 2 => 𝜋 2
(𝑑 −𝑑 ) [(12.5 )−(2.52 )]
4 𝑜 𝑖 4
= 14430.048 MPa
(B) Load P2 for Equal stress -
σBC =
(1700 𝑋 103)+ 𝑃2 (1700 𝑋 103)+𝑃2
= 𝜋 2 2 => 𝜋
(𝑑 −𝑑 ) [(22.52)−(1.52 )]
4 𝑜 𝑖 4
according to question
σAB = σBC
(1700 𝑋 103)+𝑃2
14430.048 = 𝜋 2
[(22.5 )−(1.52 )]
P2 = 1487.499 KN or 1488 KN

(C) According to question

P1 = 1700 KN
P2 = 2260 KN

and σAB = σBC

𝑃1 𝑃 +𝑃
[(1.252)−(0.252 )] = 𝜋 2 2 1 2
[(2.25 )−(𝑑 )]
4 4 𝐵𝐶(𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟)

1700 1700+2260
= 2
1.5 2.25 −2 𝐵𝐶(𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟)

dBC(inner) = 1.254 cm
dBC(outer) - dBC(inner) = 2t

2.25 - 1.254 = 2t

t = 0.499 cm

Problem 1.1.2 A circular aluminium tube of length L =400 mm is loaded in compression by forces
P (Fig. 1.1.2). The outside and inside diameters are 60 mm and 50 mm, respectively. A strain gage is
placed on the outside of the bar to measure normal strains in the longitudinal direction.
(a) If the measured strain in ϵ = 550 x 10-6, what is the shortening δ of the bar?
(Ans. δ = 0.220 mm)
(b) If the compressive stress in the bar is intended to be 40 MPa, what should be the load P?

Fig. 1.1.2
Given Data-
L = 400 mm
do = 60 mm
di = 50 mm
(A) if ϵ = 550 x 10-6
δl δl
ϵ = => 550 x 10-6 =
𝐿 400

δl = 0.22 mm

(B) if σ = 40 MPa
p P
σ= => 40 = 𝜋
𝐴 2 2
(𝑑 −
4 𝑜 𝑖
𝑑 )
40 = 𝜋 2 => P =34.6 KN
[(60 )−(502 )]

Problem 1.1.3 A tensile test is performed on a brass specimen 10 mm in diameter using a gage
length of 50 mm (Fig. 1.1.3). When the tensile load P reaches a value of 20 KN, the distance between
the gage marks has increased by 0.122 mm.
a) What is the modulus of elasticity E of the brass? (Ans. E=104 GPa)
b) If the diameter decreases by 0.00830 mm, what is Poisson’s ratio? (Ans. μ = 0.34)

Fig. 1.1.3
Given Data-
d = 10 mm
Gauge length, L = 50 mm
P = 20 KN => 20 x 103 N
δl = 0.122 mm
δd = 0.00830mm
(A) Modulus of Elasticity :-
σ 𝑃𝑋𝐿 20𝑋103𝑋50
E = => 𝐴 δl
=> => 𝜋
=> 104363.8 MPa
∈ 𝐴𝑋δl 𝑋10 𝑋0.122
𝐿 4

E = 104.3 GPa

(B) Poisson’s ratio :-

𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 0.00830𝑋5
μ= -⌊ ⌋ => - ⌊ 10
0.122 ⌋ =>
𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 0.122

μ = 0.34

Problem 1.1.4 A brass bar of length 2.25 m with a square cross section of 90 mm on each side is
subjected to an axial tensile force of 1500 KN (Fig. 1.1.4). Assume that modulus of elasticity, E=110
GPa and Poisson’s ratio, μ= 0.34. Determine the increase in volume of the bar. (Ans. ΔV = 9789
Fig. 1.1.4
Given Data :-

L = 2.25 m => 2.25 X 103 mm

Side of Square Cross Section B = 90 mm

P = 1500 KN => 1500 X 103 N

E = 110 GPa => 110 X 103 MPa
Solution:- Axial Stress σx =

1500 x 103
than σx = => 185.185 N/mm2
σx 185.185
and longitudinal Stain ɛ = => => 1.6835 x10-3
E 110×103

than Change in length δl = ∈× L => 1.6835 x 10-3 x 2250

δl = 3.787878 mm
Lateral Strain ɛ' = μ ɛ => 0.34 x 1.6835 x10-3
ɛ' = 5.72390 x 10-4

Change in lateral dimension δb = ɛ' x b => 5.72390 x 10-4 x 90

δb = 0.05151 mm

Final Dimensions:
Length L' = L + δl => 2250+3.788 => 2253.787879 mm

Lateral dimension B' = B - δb => 90 - 0.0515 => 89.948 mm

Change in Volume ∆V = V' - V

∆V = (L' x B' x B') - (L x B x B)

∆V = (2253.788 x 89.948 x 89.948) - (2250 x 90 x 90)

∆V = 9789.0 mm3
Problem 1.1.5 A tubular post of outer diameter d2 is guyed by two cables fitted with turnbuckles
(Fig. 1.1.5). The cables are tightened by rotating the turnbuckles, thus producing tension in the cables
and compression in the post. Both cables are tightened to a tensile force of 110 KN. Also, the angle
between the cables and the ground is 60°, and the allowable compressive stress in the post is
σc=35MPa. If the wall thickness of the post is 15 mm, what is the minimum permissible value of the
outer diameter d2? (Ans. (d2) min =131 mm)

Fig. 1.1.5

Tensile Force T = 110 KN
Compressive Stress in post σc=35 MPa
Wall thickness t = 15 mm
Compression force in post P = 2T cos 300

𝑷 𝟐𝑻 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟑𝟎𝟎
Required area of Post A = => ........(1)
𝝈𝒄 𝝈𝒄
Area of Post A = (𝒅𝟐 − 𝒅𝟐),
𝟒 𝟐 𝟏
here, d2 = outer diameter of post
d1 = inner dia. of post (d2 -2t)
Than 𝝅
A = (𝒅𝟐 − (𝒅 − 𝟐𝒕)𝟐) => A = 𝛑𝐭 (𝐝 − 𝐭)..........(2)
𝟒 𝟐 𝟐 𝟐

From equation (1) and (2)

𝟐𝑻 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟑𝟎𝟎
= 𝛑𝐭 (𝐝𝟐 − 𝐭)
𝟐 𝐱 𝟏𝟏𝟎 𝐱 𝟏𝟎 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟑𝟎𝟎
= 𝛑 𝐱 𝟏𝟓 (𝐝𝟐 − 𝟏𝟓)

d2 = 131 mm.
Problem 1.1.6 A steel bar AD (Fig 1.1.6) has a cross-sectional area of 0.40 cm2 and is loaded by
forces P1=2700 KN, P2 =1800 KN, and P3 =1300 KN. The lengths of the segments of the bar are a =
60 cm, b=24 cm, and c =36 cm.
a) Assuming that the modulus of elasticity E =30 x106 MPa, calculate the change in length δ of
the bar. Does the bar elongate or shorten? (Ans. δ =0.0131 cm)
b) By what amount P should the load P3 be increased so that the bar does not change in length
when the three loads are applied? (Ans. P = 1310 KN)

P1=2700 KN,
P2 =1800 KN, and
P3 =1300 KN
Lengths of the segments of the bar are a = 60 cm, b=24 cm, and c =36 cm

Solution :-
(A) From δ =
Axial forces PAB = P1 + P2 - P3 => 2700 + 1800 -1300 = 3200 KN
PBC = P2 - P3 => 1800 - 1300 = 500 KN
PCD = - P3 => -1300 KN
𝐏𝐋 𝟏
δ=∑ => (𝑷 ×𝒂+𝑷 ×𝒃+𝑷 × 𝒄)

δ= (𝟑𝟐𝟎𝟎 × 𝟔𝟎𝟎 + 𝟓𝟎𝟎 × 𝟐𝟒𝟎 − 𝟏𝟑𝟎𝟎 × 𝟑𝟔𝟎)

δ = 1.31 mm => 0.131 cm

(B) Increasing in P3 for no change in length is P

then put
L = Total length (a+b+c) => 60+24+36 = 120 cm

𝐏 ×𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎
1.31 =

P = 1310 KN.
Unit - I Tutorial Sheet - 02
Problem .1.2.1 The stresses acting on element A in the web of a train rail are found to be 42 MPa tension in
the horizontal direction and 140 MPa compression in the vertical direction (Fig.1.2.1). Also, shear stresses
of magnitude 60 MPa act in the directions shown (Fig.1). Determine the stresses acting on an element
oriented at a counter clockwise angle of 48° from the horizontal. Show these stresses on a sketch of an
element oriented at this angle. (Ans. σx1 = -118.2 MPa, τx1y1= - 84.2 MPa)

Given Data :-

σx = 42 MPa
σy = - 140 MPa Fig.1.2.1
τxy = - 60 MPa
ϴ = 480
Solution :-
From this Formula -
𝜎𝑥+ 𝜎𝑌 𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎 𝑌
σx1 = + cos 2ϴ + τxy sin 2ϴ
2 2

42−140 42+140
= + cos 960 + (-60) sin 960
2 2

σx1 = - 118.2 MPa

𝜎𝑥− 𝜎𝑌
τx1y1 = -
sin 2ϴ + τxy cos 2ϴ

=- sin 960 + (-60) cos 960

τx1y1 = - 84.2 MPa

Problem 1.2.2 The polyethylene liner of a settling pond is subjected to stresses σx = 2100 KPa, σy =300
KPa and τxy = -560 KPa, as shown by the plane-stress element in the first part of the Fig.1.2.2 Determine the
normal and shear stresses acting on a seam oriented at an angle of 22.5° to the element, as shown in the
second part of the Fig.2. Show these stresses on a sketch of an element having its sides parallel and
perpendicular to the seam. (Ans.1440 KPa tension; 1010 KPa clockwise)
Given Data :

σx = 2100 KPa
σy = 300 KPa
τxy = - 560 KPa
ϴ = 22.50
Solution :-
From this Formula -
𝜎 𝑥+ 𝜎 𝑌 𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎 𝑌
σx1 = + cos 2ϴ + τxy sin 2ϴ
2 2

2100+300 2100−300
= + cos 450 + (-560) sin 450
2 2
σx = 1440 KPa i.e. in Tension

𝜎𝑥− 𝜎𝑌
τx1y1 = - sin 2ϴ + τxy cos 2ϴ

=- sin 450 + (-560) cos 450

τx1y1 = - 1032.37 MPa i.e. acting clockwise against the seam.

Problem 1.2.3 A rectangular plate of dimensions 100 mm x 250 mm is formed by welding two triangular
plates (Fig.1.2.3). The plate is subjected to a compressive stress of 2.5 MPa in the long direction and a
tensile stress of 12.0 MPa in the short direction (Fig.1.2.3).
Determine the normal stress σw acting perpendicular to the line of the weld and the shear stress τw acting
parallel to the weld. (Assume that the normal stress σw is positive when it acts in tension against the weld
and the shear stress τw is positive when it acts counter clockwise against the weld.) (Ans. σ w =10.0 MPa; τw
= -5.0 MPa)

Given Data : Fig.1.2.3

σx = -2.5 MPa
σy = 12 MPa
τxy = 0
Solution :-
100 𝑚𝑚
tanϴ = => 0.4
250 𝑚𝑚
ϴ = tan-1 0.4 => 21.800

From this Formula -

𝜎 𝑥+ 𝜎 𝑌 𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎 𝑌
σx1 = + cos 2ϴ + τxy sin 2ϴ
2 2

(−2.5)+12 (−2.5)− 12
= + cos 43.600 + (0) sin 43.600
2 2

σx1 = - 0.5 MPa


𝜎𝑥− 𝜎𝑌
τx1y1 = -
2 sin 2ϴ + τxy cos 2ϴ

(−2.5)− 12
sin 43.600 + (0) cos 43.600

τx1y1 = 5.04 MPa

σy1 = σx + σy - σx1
σy1 = (-2.5) + 12 - (-0.5)

σy1 = 10.0 MPa

Normal stress acting perpendicular to the line of the weld

σw = 10.MPa
Shear stress acting parallel to the weld
τw = - 5MPa

Problem 1.2.4 An element in plane stress from the frame of a racing car is oriented at a known angle θ°
(Fig.1.2.4). On this inclined element, the normal and shear stresses have the magnitudes and directions
shown in the Fig.1.2.4.
Determine the normal and shear stresses acting on an element whose sides are parallel to the xy axes; that is,
determine σx, σy and τxy. Show the results on a sketch of an element oriented at θ = 0° (Ans. σx = 65MPa, σy
= -25MPa and τxy = -28MPa)

Given Data ;-
σx = -26.7 MPa Fig.1.2.4
σy = 66.7 MPa
τxy = -25 MPa
Transform from ϴ = 600 to ϴ = 00
Solution :-
ϴ = 600

From this Formula -

𝜎x+𝜎𝑦 𝜎x −𝜎y
σx1 = + cos 2ϴ + τxysin 2ϴ
2 2

(−26.7)+66.7 (−26.7)− 66.7

= + cos 1200 + (-25) sin 1200
2 2
σx1 = 65 MPa
σ x −σ y
x1y1 = -
sin 2ϴ + τxy cos 2ϴ

(−26.7)− 66.7
=- sin 1200 + (-25) cos 1200

τx1y1 = - 28 MPa
σy1 = σx + σy - σx1
σy1 = (-26.7) + 66.7 - 65
σy1= 25 MPa

Problem 1.2.5 A propeller shaft subjected to combined torsion and axial thrust is designed to resist a
shear stress of 63 MPa and a compressive stress of 90 MPa (Fig. 1.2.5).
(a) Determine the principal stresses and show them on a sketch of a properly oriented element. (Ans. σ1
=32.4 MPa; θp1 =117.23°)
(b) Determine the maximum shear stresses and associated normal stresses and show them on a sketch of
a properly oriented
element. (Ans. τmax
=77.4MPa; θs1

Given Data : Fig.1.2.5

σx = - 90 MPa
σy = 0 MPa
τxy = - 63 MPa
Solution :-

(a) Principal stresses

we know that
2 τ𝑥𝑦
tan2θ = 2 ×(−63) −126
=> =>
σ𝑥− σ𝑦 (−90)−0 −90

2θ = tan−1 ( ) => 54.460
θp2 = 27.230 and θp1 = 900+27.230 => 117.230
where θ1 and θ2 is the location of maximum and minimum normal stress.
From formula:
𝜎𝑥 + 𝜎 𝑌 𝜎 𝑥− 𝜎 𝑌 cos 2θ + τxy sin 2θ
σn = +
2 2
let σn at θp1 = σ1
σn at θp2 = σ2

−90+ 0 −90−0
then σ1 = + cos 117.230 + (- 63 ) sin 117.230
2 2

σ1 = 32.4 MPa
−90+ 0 −90−0
and σ2 = + cos 54.460+ (- 63 ) sin 54.460
2 2

σ2 = -122.4 MP

(b) Maximum shear stresses and associated normal stresses :

σ𝑥− σ𝑦 2 −90−0 2
we know that τmax = √( ) + τ2xy=> √( ) + (−63)2
2 2

τmax = 77.4 MPa

Then, θs1 = θp1 - 450 => 117.230 - 450 => 72.230

at θs1 τ = 77.4 MPa

and θs2 = θp1 + 450 => 117.230 + 450 => 162.230 at θs2

τ = - 77.4 MPa
Problem 1.2.6 An element in uniaxial stress is subjected to tensile stresses 55 MPa, as shown in the
Fig.1.2.6. Using Mohr’s circle, Determine
(a) the stresses acting on an element oriented at an angle θ = -30° from the x axis (minus means
clockwise) (Ans. θ = -30°, σx1= 41.2MPa; τx1y1 = 23.8 MPa)
(b) the maximum shear stresses and associated normal stresses. (Ans. τmax = 27.5MPa; θs1 = -45°)
(c) Show all results on sketches of properly oriented element
Given Data :
σx = 55 MPa Fig.1.2.6
σy = 0
τxy = 0

Solution :-
(a) Element at θ = -30°, From the x axis

In Mohr’s circle 2θ = -60° then , θ = -30°, in actual loading condition

Radius of Mohr’s circle R = = 55 = 27.5 MPa
2 2



A(θ = 0°)
B (θ = 90°)

O σx1
C 2θ =-60°

(θ = -30°)

55 MPa
At Point C :- σx1= 27.5 MP

At Point D :- σx1= R + R cos |2θ| , where R = radius of Mohr’s circle

= 27.5 + 27.5 cos 600

σx1 = 41.2 MPa

τx1y1 = R sin |2θ| => 27.5 x sin 600

τx1y1 = 23.8 MPa

At Point 𝐷′ :- σx1= R - R cos |2θ|

= 27.5 - 27.5 cos 600

σx1 = 13.8 MPa

τx1y1 = - R sin |2θ| => - 27.5 x sin 600

τx1y1 = - 23.8 MPa

Point 𝑆1 :- 2θS1 = - 900 , 𝛉𝐒𝟏 = - 450

𝛕𝐦𝐚𝐱 = R = 27.5 MPa

Point 𝑆2 :- 2θS2 = 900 , θS2 = 450

τmin = - R = - 27.5 MPaO

(b) Maximum Shear stresses

τmin = - R = - 27.5 MPa
Point 𝑆2:- 2θS =2 900 , θS = 45

Point 𝑆1:- 2θS =1 - 900 , 𝛉𝐒 = -𝟏 450

𝛕𝐦𝐚𝐱 = R = 27.5 MPa

Problem 1.2.7 An element in biaxial stress is subjected to stresses σx = -24 MPa and σy = 63 MPa, as shown in the
Fig.1.2.7. Using Mohr’s circle, Determine

(a) the stresses acting on an element oriented at a slope of 1 on 2.5 (Fig.1.2.7) (Ans. θ = 21.80°; σ𝑥1 = -
12MPa; τx1y1 = 30 MPa)
(b) the maximum shear stresses and associated normal stresses. (Ans. τmax = 43.5MPa; θs1 = -45°)
Show all results on sketches of properly
oriented elements.

Given Data : `
σx = - 24 MPa
σy = 63 MPa
τxy = 0
Solution :-
(a) Element at a slope of 1 on 2.5

From, tan θ = => θ = 21.8010 Fig.1.2.7
then 2θ = 43.6030



C 43.6030
(θ = 00) A B (θ = 900)



24 63

From the Mohr's circle: - Radius R = 63 - 19.5 => 43.5 MPa

At Point C :- σx1= 19.5 MP

At Point D :- σx1= - R cos |2θ| + 19.5 , where R = radius of Mohr’s circle

= -43.5 cos 43.6030 + 19.5

σx1 = -12 MPa

τx1y1 = R sin |2θ| => 43.5 x sin 43.603 0

τx1y1 = 30 MPa

At Point 𝐷 ′ :- σx1= 19.5 + R cos |2θ|

= 19.5 + 43.5 cos 43.6030

σx1 = 51 MPa

τx1y1 = - R sin |2θ| => - 43.5 x sin 43.6030

τx1y1 = - 30 MPa

(b) Maximum Shear stresses

Point 𝑆1 :- 2θS1 = - 900 , 𝛉𝐒𝟏 = - 450

𝛕𝐦𝐚𝐱 = R = 43.5 MPa

Point 𝑆2 :- 2θS2 = 900 , θS2 = 450

τmin = - R = - 43.5 MPa

Problem 1.2.8 An element in pure shear is subjected to stresses τxy = -16 MPa, as shown in the Fig.1.2.8.
Using Mohr’s circle, Determine
(a) the stresses acting on an element oriented at a counter clockwise angle θ = 20° from the x axis. (Ans.
σx1 = -10.28MPa; τx1y1 = -12.26 MPa)
(b) the principal stresses. (Ans. σ1 =16 MPa; θp1 =135°)
(c) Show all results on sketches of properly oriented elements.

Given Data : Fig.1.2.8

σx = 0 MPa
σy = 0 MPa
τxy = - 16 MPa
Solution :-
(a) Element at θ = 200

then 2θ = 400

Radius of Mohr's circle R = τxy = 16 MPa

Let O is the centre of circle.

A(θ = 200)

(θ = 200) 2θ

2θP 2

𝑃2 𝑃1



B(θ = 900 )


At Point D :- σx1= - R sin |2θ| , where R = radius of Mohr’s circle

= - 16 cos 400

σx1 = -10.28 MPa

τx1y1 = - R cos |2θ| => - 16 x sin 400

τx1y1 = - 12.26 MPa

At Point 𝐷 ′ :- σx1= R sin |2θ|

= 16 x sin 400

σx1 = 10.28 MPa

τx1y1 = R cos |2θ| => 16 x cos 400

τx1y1 = 12.26 MPa

(b) Principal stresses y

Point 𝑃1:- 2θP1 = 2700 , 𝛉𝐏𝟏 = 1350

σ𝟏 = R = 16 MPa 16 MPa 𝑃2 16 MPa

Point 𝑃2:- 2θP2 = 900 , θP2 = 450 θP2 = 450

σ2 = - R = - 16 MPa 𝑃1 O x

Problem 1.2.9 A rectangular steel plate with thickness t=10 mm. is subjected to uniform normal stresses
σx and σy as shown in the Fig. 1.2.9. Strain gauges A and B, oriented in the x and y directions, respectively,
are attached to the plate. The gauge readings gives normal strains εx = 480 x 10-6 (elongation) and εy = 130 x
10-6 (elongation). Knowing that E = 200 GPa and μ =0.30. Determine the stresses σx and σy and the change
Δt in the thickness of the plate. (Ans. σx = 114.10 MPa and σy =60.20 MPa and Δt = -2610 x 10-6 mm

Given Data :-

steel plate thickness t=10 mm Fig. 1.2.9

normal strains εx = 480 x 10-6 (elongation)

εy = 130 x 10-6 (elongation)

E = 200 GPa and, μ =0.30

Solution :-

From formula σx = (1− μ𝐸 2) (εx + με𝑦 )

200 ×103
= (480 x 10−6 + 0.3x130 x 10−6 )
(1− 0.32 )

σx = 114.1 MPa
and σ =y (1− μ2 )
(εy + μεx )
200 ×103
= (130 x 10−6 + 0.3x480 x 10−6)
(1− 0.32 )

σy = 60.20 MPa
and εz = - (σ x + σy )
=- (114.1 + 60.20)
200 × 103

εz = - 2.6145 x 10−4


Δt = εz × t => - 2.6145 x 10−4 x 10

Δt = - 2614 x 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 mm i. e. decrease in thickness.

Problem 1.2.10 A circle of diameter d =200 mm is etched on a brass plate (Fig. 1.2.10). The plate has
dimensions 400 x 400 x 20 mm. Forces are applied to the plate, producing uniformly distributed normal
stresses σx = 42 MPa and σy = 14 MPa. Calculate the following quantities:
(a) the change in length Δac of diameter ac; (Ans. Δac = 0.0745 mm increase)
(b) the change in length Δbd of diameter bd; (Ans. Δbd = 0.000560 mm decrease)
(c) the change Δt in the thickness of the plate; (Ans. Δt = 0.00381 mm decrease)
(d) the change ΔV in the volume of the plate; (Ans. ΔV = 573 mm3)
(e) the strain energy U stored in the plate. (Assume E =100 GPa and μ = 0.34.);
(Ans. U=25.0 J)
Given Data :- Fig. 1.2.10

σx = 42 MPa

σy = 14 MPa

A circle of diameter d =200 mm

Dimensions 400 x 400 x 20 mm

Assume E =100 GPa and μ = 0.34

Solution :-

(a) Change in length of diameter in x dirextion

1 1
From , εx = (𝜎x − μ𝜎y ) => (42 − 0.34x14 )
E 100 x 103
εx = 372.4 x 10-6

then, Δac = εx × d => 372.4 x 10-6 × 200

Δac = 0.0745 mm ( i.e. increase )

(b) Change in length of diameter in y direction

1 1
From , εy = (𝜎y − μ𝜎x ) => (14 − 0.34x42 )
E 100 x 103
εy = - 2.80 x 10-6

then, Δbd = εy × d => -2.80 x 10-6 × 200

Δbd = - 560 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟔mm ( i.e. decrease )

(c) Change in thickness

μ 0.34
From , ε = - (𝜎 + 𝜎 ) => -z (42 + 14 )
E x y
100 x 103
εz = - 190.4 x 10-6

then, Δt = εz × t => - 190.4 x 10-6 ×20

Δt = - 0.00381 mm ( i.e. decrease )

(d) Change in volume

1−2μ 1−(2 x 0.34)
From , εv = (𝜎 +=>
𝜎x ) y (42 + 14 )
E 100 x 103
εv = 179.2 x 10-6

and, V0 = 400 x 400 x 20 mm => 3.2 × 106 mm3

then, ΔV = εv × V0 => 179.2 x 10-6 × 3.2 × 106

ΔV = 573 mm3 ( i.e. increase )

(e) Strain Energy

1 1
From , u = (𝜎2+ 𝜎2 - 2 μ𝜎 𝜎 ) => (422 + 142 - 2 x 0.34 x 42 x 14 )
2E x y x y 2 x 100 x 10

u = 7.801 × 10-3 MPa


U = u × V0 => 7.801 × 10-3 × 3.2 × 106

U = 25.0 J

Unit - I Tutorial Sheet - 03

Problem 1.3.1 The surface of an airplane wing is subjected to plane stress with normal stresses σx and σy
and shear stress τxy, as shown in the Fig. 1.3.1. At a counter clockwise angle θ = 32˚ from the x axis, the
normal stress is 29 MPa in tension, and at an angle θ = 46˚, it is 17 MPa in compression. If the stress σx
equals 105 MPa in tension, what are the stresses σy and τxy?
(Ans. σy = -19.3 MPa; τxy = -40.6MPa

Fig. 1.3.1

Given Data :
σx = 105 MPa
σy = ?
τxy = ?
At clockwise angle θ = 32˚ (from the x axis) , σ𝑋1 = 29 MPa (in tension)
At clockwise angle θ = 46˚ (from the x axis) , σ𝑋1 = -17 MPa (in compression)

Solution :-
From this formula,
𝜎𝑥+ 𝜎𝑌 𝜎𝑥− 𝜎𝑌
σx1 = + cos 2θ + τxy sin 2θ
2 2

Take, θ = 32˚ and , σ𝑋1 = 29 MPa

105 + 𝜎𝑌 105 − 𝜎𝑌
Then, 29 = + cos 640 + τxy sin 640
2 2

29 × 2 =105 + σY + (105 − 𝜎𝑌 ) cos 640 + 2 x τxy sin 640

0.562 σY + 1.797 τxy = - 93.0289 ................. (1)

Take, θ = 46˚ and , σ𝑋1 = - 17 MPa

105 + 𝜎𝑌 105 − 𝜎𝑌
Then, -17 = + cos 920 + τxy sin 920
2 2
-17 × 2 =105 + σY + (105 − 𝜎𝑌 ) cos 920 + 2 x τxy sin 920

1.0348 σY + 1.9987 τxy = -139 ................ (2)

From equation (1) and (2)

σy = -19.3 MPa

τxy = -40.6MPa

Problem 1.3.2 The rotor shaft of a helicopter (Fig. 1.3.2 (a)) drives the rotor blades that provide the
lifting force and is subjected to a combination of torsion and axial loading (Fig. 1. 3.2(b)). It is known that
normal stress σy = 68 MPa and shear stress τxy = -100 MPa. Using Mohr’s circle, determine the following.
(a) The stresses acting on an element oriented at a counter clockwise angle θ = 22.5 ˚ from the x axis.
(Ans. σx1 = -60.8 MPa, σy1 = 128.8 MPa, τx1y1 = -46.7 MPa)
(b) Find the maximum tensile stress, maximum compressive stress, and maximum shear stress in the
shaft. (Ans. σ1 =139.6 MPa σ2 = -71.6 MPa, τmax = 105.6 MPa)
Show all results on sketches of properly oriented elements.


Given Data :

σx = 0
σy = 68 MPa
τxy = -100 MPa
Solution :-(a) Element at θ = 22.5°, From the x axis in counter clockwise
In Mohr’s circle 2θ = 45° , From the x axis in counter clockwise

Let scale 10 MPa = 1 cm.

then from mohar circle , σx1 = - 6.08 cm (as scale is 10 MPa = 1cm)
then, σx1 = - 6.08 × 10 MPa

σx1 = - 60.8 MPa

and, σy1 = 12.88 cm => 12.88 × 10

σy1 = 128.8 MPa

and, τx1y1 = - 4.67 cm. => -4.67 × 10

τx1y1 = - 46.7 MPa

(b) Maximum tensile stress, maximum compressive stress and maximum shear stress in the shaft

2θ σx


R = √(3.4)2 + (10)2 => 10.562 cm

and , Maximum tensile stress

σ1 = 3.4 + 10.562 => 13.96 cm

then, σ1 = 13.96 × 10

σ1 = 139.6 MPa

and , Maximum compressive stress

σ2 = - (10.562 - 3.4) => -7.16 cm

then σ2 = - 71.6 MPa

Maximum shear stress,

τmax = radius of mohr's circle => 10.562 cm

then τmax = 10.562 × 𝟏𝟎 = 105.62 MPa

Problem 1.3.3 A solid spherical ball of magnesium alloy (E = 45 GPa; ν = 0.35) is lowered into the
ocean to a depth of 2400 m. The diameter of the ball is 225 mm.
(a) Determine the decrease Δd in diameter, the decrease ΔV in volume, and the strain energy U of the
ball. (Ans. Δd = 0.036 mm, ΔV= 2863 mm3; U = 34.4J)
(b) At what depth will the volume change be equal to 0.0324% of the original volume?
(Ans. h= 1620 m)

Given Data :-

E = 45 GPa and ν= 0.35

Lowered into the ocean to a depth h = 2400 m

Diameter of the ball d = 225 mm , r = 112.5 mm

(a) Decrease in diameter Δd

Let Density of sea water ρ = 1020 kg/m3

Pressure P = σ0 = ρgh => 1020x 9.81x 2400 => 24.01 MPa

σ0 (1−2𝜈) 24.01(1−2 x 0.35)

From, ε0 = => => 1.6 × 10−4
E 45 x 103

Then , Δd = ε0 × d => 1.6 × 10−4 × 225

Δd = 0.036 mm

Decrease in volume :-

From, ℯ = 3 ε0 => 3 × 1.6166 × 10−4 => 4.8498 × 10−4

4 π r3 4 π 112.53 => 5.96 106 mm3
V = =>
0 ×
3 3
Then, ΔV = ℯ V0 => 4.8498 × 10−4 × 5.96 × 106 mm3
ΔV = 2863 mm3

Strain Energy U :-

3(1−2ν) σ0 2 3(1−2x0.35) 24.01 2

From , u= =>
2𝐸 2 x 45 x 103

= 5.76 × 10−3N/mm2

U = u V0 => 5.76 × 10−3N/mm2 × 5.96 × 106 mm3 => 34.3296 × 103 U =

34.4 N.m => 34.4 J

(b) Let at h depth the volume change be equal to 0.0324% of the original volume

From, P = σ0 = ρgh => 1020x 9.81x h => 10006.2 h N/m2

σ0 (1−2𝐸) 10006.2 h (1−2 x 0.35)
From, ε0 = => => 6.67 × 10−9 h
E 45 x 109
= 0.0324

Then, ΔV = ℯ V0 => 3 ε0 V0

0.0324 = 3 × 6.67 × 10−9 × h

h = 1619190.404 mm

h = 1619.19 m ~ 1620 m

Problem 1.3.4 A solid steel sphere (E = 210 GPa; ν= 0.3) is subjected to hydrostatic pressure p such that
its volume is reduced by 0.4%.
(a) Calculate the pressure p. (Ans. p = 700MPa)
(b) Calculate the volume modulus of elasticity K for the steel. (Ans. k =175 GPa)
(c) Calculate the strain energy U stored in the sphere if its diameter is d = 150 mm.
(Ans. U=2470 J)

Given Data :-

E = 210 GPa and ν= 0.3

volume is reduced by 0.4% , i.e. ΔV = 0.004 V0

From ℯ = ΔV = 0.004

Solution :-
(a) Pressure P

3 σ0 (1−2ν) 3 σ0 (1−2x−0.3)
From , ℯ= => 0.004 =
E 210 x 103

σ0 = 700 MPa

then, Pressure P = 𝛔𝟎 = 700 MPa

(b) Volume modulas of elasticity

σ0 700
From , 𝐾 = => => 175000 MPa
ℯ 0.004

𝑲 = 175 GPa

(c) Strain Energy U

Diameter d = 150 mm , then radius r = 75 mm

3(1−2ν) σ0 2 3(1−2x0.3) 700 2

From u = =>
2𝐸 2 x 210 x 103

= 1.40 N/mm2 => 1.40 × 106 N/m2

4 π r3 4 π 753 => 1767 −6 3
V0= => × 10 m
3 3

Then , U = u × V0 => 1.40 × 106 N/m2 × 1767 × 10−6 m3

U = 2470 N.m or

U = 2470 J

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