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Module 2 Quarter 4 English Reaction Paper


The Greatest Showman/Film synopsis Growing up in the early 1800s, P.T. Barnum
displays a natural talent for publicity and promotion, selling lottery tickets by age
12. After trying his hands at various jobs, P.T. turns to show business to indulge
his limitless imagination, rising from nothing to create the Barnum & Bailey circus.
Featuring catchy musical numbers, exotic performers and daring acrobatic feats,
Barnum’s mesmerizing spectacle soon takes the world by storm to become the
greatest show on Earth. After watching the movie, I realize so many things in
life.One should be able to handle positively the negative situations in life, that life
is full of ups and downs. Just like the wheel, sometimes you are in the up but
suddenly and unexpectedly you will go down. But no matter what, at the end of
the day you choose what you want to be. One should embrace diversity. This
movie has shown me different kinds of people,may it be physically,
psychologically, and physiologically. They were accepted though some still didn’t
like them. One should treasure one’s talent/s. We are all blessed with various
talents and weshould not keep them within ourselves. We should use them to
inspire and help people in bettering their lives.One should learn how to take risk
in life, if you never try, you never know.We are all created equally and we are all
special in our own ways. Everyoneof us has its own perfect time. Hussle hard
your dreams and go get it with all yourmight. Dream ! Believe and survive! You
will become successfulAnd if you become successful, you must stay humble,
acknowledge the people behind your success, help other people who are down
and make them feel that they are not alone in their battles. After all, Love is very
powerful thing-and it’s beautiful . Spread the love!

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