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lrlsh aullne L Lreno S38

sychoLherapy and counsellng are Lerms LhaL are ofLen used lnLerchangeably AlLhough Lhey are
very slmllar Lhere are some subLle dlfferences as well 1echnlcally speaklng counselor means
advlsor lL lnvolves Lwo people worklng LogeLher Lo solve a problem lL ls a Lerm LhaL ls used ln
con[uncLlon wlLh many Lypes of advlce glvlng lor example flnanclal plannlng and splrlLual guldance are
boLh Lypes of counsellng !usL abouL anyone aL all may clalm Lo be a counselor lf Lhey are ln Lhe role of
glvlng advlce 1he Lerm counsellng may also properly be used Lo refer Lo whaL occurs ln a relaLlonshlp
wlLh a psychoLheraplsL ln Lhe conLexL of menLal healLh counsellng ls generally used Lo denoLe a
relaLlvely brlef LreaLmenL LhaL ls focused mosL upon behavlor lL ofLen LargeLs a parLlcular sympLom or
problemaLlc slLuaLlon and offers suggesLlons and advlce for deallng wlLh lL sychoLherapy on Lhe
oLher hand ls generally a longer Lerm LreaLmenL whlch focuses more on galnlng lnslghL lnLo chronlc
physlcal and emoLlonal problems lLs focus ls on Lhe paLlenLs LhoughL processes and way of belng ln Lhe
world raLher Lhan speclflc problems ln acLual pracLlce Lhere may be qulLe a blL of overlap beLween Lhe
Lwo A LheraplsL may provlde counsellng wlLh speclflc slLuaLlons and a counselor may funcLlon ln a
psychoLherapeuLlc manner Cenerally speaklng however psychoLherapy requlres more sklll Lhan slmple
counsellng lL ls conducLed by professlonals Lralned Lo pracLlce psychoLherapy such as a psychlaLrlsL a
Lralned counselor soclal worker or psychologlsL Whlle a psychoLheraplsL ls quallfled Lo provlde
counsellng a counselor may or may noL possess Lhe necessary Lralnlng and skllls Lo provlde
O eals wlLh Lhe more serlous problems of menLal healLh
O ls pasL orlenLed
O Lmphaslzes lnslghL more Lhan change
O equlres Lhe LheraplsL Lo conceal hlmself raLher Lhan reveal values and feellngs
O equlres Lhe LheraplsL Lo assume Lhe role of Lhe experL raLher Lhan [oln wlLh Lhe cllenL ln hls
O ls a long Lerm relaLlonshlp Lo range from 20 40 sesslons over a perlod of 6 monLhs Lo 2 years
O rovlded ln boLh lnpaLlenL and ouLpaLlenL seLLlngs
O 1ends Lo be shorLLerm ranglng form 812 sesslons over several monLhs
O ,osL ofLen provlded ln an ouLpaLlenL seLLlng
O eals wlLh personal soclal vocaLlonal and educaLlonal concerns
O CllenLs are usually consldered Lo be ln Lhe normal" range of funcLlonlng and [usL have some
ad[usLmenL developmenLal or slLuaLlonal concerns
O Counsellng Lakes place ln a sLrucLured seLLlng
O Counsellng ls a process ln whlch cllenLs learn Lo make beLLer declslons and formulaLe new ways
of behavlng feellng and Lhlnklng
O Some subspeclalLles are school counsellng marrlage and famlly counsellng and career
O A pracLlLloner musL compleLe a requlred course of sLudy on elLher Lhe masLer or docLoral level
Lo be llcensed or cerLlfled as a professlonal counselor
O 1he counselor ls more acLlve dlfferlng Lo [usL llsLenlng Lo problems
ersonal CharacLerlsLlcs of LffecLlve Counselors
O Sense of ldenLlLy
4 now who Lhey are
4 now whaL Lhey are reallsLlcally
capable of
4 now whaL Lhey wanL ouL of llfe
4 ave a clear sense of values
and prlorlLles
4 Llve by lnLernal sLandards
4 Wllllng Lo reexamlne Lhelr
values and goals
O SelfrespecL
4 especL Lhemselves
4 ave sLrong reallsLlc sense of
4 Able Lo glve and recelve love
and supporL from oLhers
4 o noL lsolaLe Lhemselves from
4 Are noL selfdesLrucLlve
O ower
4 ecognlze llmlLs of Lhelr own
4 o noL mlsuse power for
personal galn
4 -oL narclsslsLlc grandlose or ln
consLanL need of mlrrorlng
O llexlblllLy
4 ln Louch wlLh Lhemselves (noL
defenslvely blocklng ouL
4 pen Lo change
4 -oL rlgld
4 ave Lhe wllllngness and
courage Lo leave Lhe securlLy of
Lhe known lf Lhey are noL
saLlsfled wlLh whaL Lhey have
O AmblgulLy
4 Can LoleraLe uncerLalnLy and
lack of clarlLy
4 Can LoleraLe Lhe facL LhaL llfe ls
noL slmply black and whlLe
4 Can LoleraLe noL knowlng
4 Able Lo acknowledge LhaL
someLlmes Lhere are no rlghL or
wrong answers
O LmpaLhy
4 Can see Lhlngs from anoLher
person's perspecLlve wlLhouL
geLLlng overlnvolved or
O AuLhenLlclLy
4 AuLhenLlc
4 Cenulne
4 onesL
4 Slncere
4 o noL hlde behlnd masks
defenses roles facades
O AcLlve
4 CommlLLed Lo llvlng raLher Lhan
seLLllng for mere exlsLence
4 1ake an acLlve sLance Loward
O umor
4 Able Lo admlL mlsLakes
4 Can acknowledge lmperfecLlons
O resenLorlenLed
4 Cenerally llve ln Lhe here and
4 o noL dwell on Lhe pasL or
always look Lo Lhe fuLure
O SocloculLural
4 Aware of socloculLural
4 SenslLlve Lo lndlvldual
dlfferences and dlverslLy
O Slncere lnLeresL ln Lhe welfare of oLhers
O erlve meanlng from Lhelr cllnlcal work
O Able Lo malnLaln healLhy professlonal
4 now how Lo say no and seL
approprlaLe llmlLs
4 ecognlze LhaL belng an
effecLlve counselor does noL
lnvolve unbounded glvlng and
4 AlerL Lo slgns of burn ouL
4 o noL carry Lhelr paLlenLs'
problems around wlLh Lhem
durlng lelsure Llme
O o noL use paLlenLs Lo meeL Lhelr own
unresolved needs

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