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Date Time Task

February 7th 12pm - 3pm (3 hours) Attended saftey/orientation class

February 8th 12 - 3 (3 hours) Safety class
February 9th 12 - 3 (3 hours) Met the shift supervisors, more safety
Februray 10th 12 - 3 (3 hours) Finished safety, took test, live demo of hooks and of a bridge crane
Februrary 14th 2 - 4 (2 hours) Met shift supervisor again, got my own gear (welding mask, gloves, etc), met one of the welders and hung out with him for a while, I mostly watched while he welded,
Februrary 15th 2 - 4 (2 hours) More watching but also got to weld a little of a part of a truck, one of the supervisors said he'd get me an application to work there
Februrary 16th 2 - 3:30 (1.5 hours) Welded a little bit more but mostly watched welder make an entire roof of truck
Total Time - 17.5 Hours

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