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Combine the causes with the effect and rewrite the sentences
MODEL EXAMINATION-I using appropriate connectives.
I) Answer any TEN the following: 10x4=40 1 I did not have skimmed
Thiyagu studied hard for English and
milk at home
1. Rewrite the following sentences using suitable modal verbs 2 I used full fat milks And so He got an A+
Without changing the meaning
a) I am able to see this. 3 The electricity went out for most
Therefore Your health will be improved.
of the day
b) I ordered you to go.
4 Do the exercise regularly Because The ice cream in the freezer melted
c) You are advised to take blood test at once
d)I express my wish of god to bless you. Since
2. Fill in the following sentences using suitable negatives. then
a) ________ of us knows how to handle this machine. 10. Write suitable response either in affirmative or in Negative to the Following
b) They were ________ at home. questions as directed.
c) We have _______ been to London. a) Is tomorrow a working day? (Affirmative)
d) There are ________ in the drawer. b) Do you want to go home? (Negative)
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the given Subordinating conjunctions given c) Do you like coffee? (Affirmative)
in the brackets. d) Is your father at home? (Negative)
a)We won’t have practice today. It is raining.(Rewrite with ‘since’) 11. Use imperatives and write any 4 institution to be followed for downloading an
b) I cannot get out of bed. I am too tired. (Rewrite with ‘although’) application in the mobile.
c) Ranjith came late but he completed the test soon. (Rewrite with although’)
d) You work hard. You will succeed. (Rewrite with ’If’) II) Answer any four of the following: 4x5=20
4. Complete the following conditional sentences with the suitable verb given in
1. Write an email to your lecturer expressing your willingness to join the industrial visit.
a) If you _____ enough time, you would read more.(had/have/ will have). You are Ajith.
b) If the teacher gives us a lot of homework this weekend, I___ not happy.(was/am/ will) 2. Convert the following acronyms/abbreviations used in social media into
c) If she____her laptop with her, she would have emailed me.(had / has had/will have). Formal language:
d) If I want a new car, I_____ one. (will buy/ buy/ bought) i) SM ii)OMW iii) PM iv)TBH.
5. Rewrite the following conversation in reported speech.
a) Tourist : How far is the temple from here?
3. Write a dialogue with minimum 5 exchanges between the server and
b) Man : a kilometer It is about.
c) Tourist : How can I go there? Teacher and Student
d) Jaya : You can go by an auto.
6. Correct the paragraph by adding appropriate punctuation and Capitalization. 4. Identify the grammatical/ lexical error in the following sentences and correct
thamarais favourite food is chapathi panner butter masala and favourite star is ajith them.
7. Make any 5 words by combining the letters in the hexagon/grid.
The central letter should be common in each word. S.No Sentences Error Correction
A. I is a student the
My uncle has two Childs meanings
with thei
8. Make use of the following phrases and write your own sentences. C. He is a teacher in a elementary school. proverbs
a) a small gift
b) For a while Meaning Proverbs
D. A child of my uncle has along hare
People who wake up early or who prepare or
c) Very delicate Two head are better than one
d) has been reach before the others achieve their target.
When you are in a new place or situation, do
The grass is always greener on the other side
what majority of the people do.
Judging anything is appreciable only if one has .
The early bird gets the worm
used or tired it.
The proof of the pudding is in the It’s easier to do something as a team than by
Eating. your self.
People are not satisfied with what they have IV) Answer
and think that the others have better. any Five
Work hard to succeed instead of dreaming to of the
be lucky.
Deal diplomatically and not with violence.

III) Answer any four of the following : 4x5=20

1. Find the antonyms of the given words in the vocabulary grid
a) Happy b) Hard c) Late d) Hot e) Expensive
following : 4x5=20
W S A P A E H C 1. What fascinated the boy in the fair?
E O U G L Y I O 2. What was the first vision of Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam?
T E A S Y E G L 3. Explain the transformation of the beggar.
S A D O A U H D 4. What was the reaction of Tennyson;s critics?
O R I G H T T E 5. Narrate the difficulties facedby the boy when he was lost.
F L V E F D I N 6. Bring out the symbolism in Tagore’s Poem.

2. You are Sekar, the chairman of students Association of your college. Write a notice
regarding the conduct of intramural Competitions during the next week.

. 3. Write two slogans on your own “Save Environment”.

4. Write the appropriate technical words for the following:

i) A force that strain on a physical body.
ii) The act of implementing the control of equipment.
iii) A mechanic device that compress gases.
iv) Motor convert thats energy into work or motion.
v) Having an input that is proportional.

. 5. Just have a look at the following info graphics and prepare a report of about 50
Words using the information presented in it.

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