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Product Brief

End catalog chaos in your business and capture

revenue from a new generation of digital services.
Digital business opportunities are emerging and evolving fast, making it harder
and harder for service providers to work along traditional product delivery
CREATE lines. What’s needed is a ‘single point of truth’ for all critical product data
that delivers coordinated and consistent product, resource and service
information across the business.
SELL Sigma Catalog is the commercial product and technical service catalog
and lifecycle management application that defines your business and
makes product, service and resource data available across your enterprise
to accelerate product innovation and increase revenue from new business
Full Product Data Control
Control every aspect of how you create, sell and deliver products from a single
point, with a framework for best-practice lifecycle management activities
across the design, build, launch, in-life management and retirement flow of the
An Active Catalog
Product, service and resource data is structured, rationalized and made
accessible to any system, making products easier to develop and test,
configure and launch, components easier to adapt or replace, faults and errors
easier to address with immediate effect across the business.
Deployed in the cloud or on-premise, Sigma Catalog is the unified data
repository for all your physical and digital products, online and digital market
channels, enterprise and consumer markets, simple and complex propositions.
Many business lines, one catalog. | © Sigma Systems Canada LP. All Rights Reserved.

“Next Done Now” and all associated logos, names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Sigma Systems Canada LP.

efficiency to the most complex but PRODUCT DATA SALES

vital area of the business – your MODELER CENTRAL

product portfolio, the source of your CATALOG SELF-SERVICE


market differentiation and profitability CONFIGURATOR SERVICES
– with immediate impact on cost, PROVISIONING/

quality and customer satisfaction. RULES



Sigma Catalog is a structured data

management platform that maintains LIFECYCLE /

and exposes the relationships ERP / CMS / SDP

between products, services and their BI / REPORTING ROLES / SECURITY

component parts. New products,
product variants and versions are IDEA DESIGN BUILD & TEST LAUNCH MANAGE RETIRE
created from validated and pre-tested
product components, dramatically Sigma Catalog within a Typical B/OSS
cutting the time needed to build, test
and launch new market offerings.

Reduced Time-to-Market
Sigma Catalog simplifies and accelerates product
management, bringing vital agility and responsiveness How To Recognize Catalog Chaos
to your business. Introducing clarity to the product • C
 an you bring new product ideas to market quickly?
management space makes products, services and their
Do you know which of your products are technically and
components easier to understand, adapt and configure,
commercially viable?
and confers considerable ‘first mover’ and ‘first responder’
advantage in addressing new market opportunities and • Is your product, service and resource information
competitor initiatives. co-ordinated and synchronized?
Lower Cost-to-Market • 
Do you depend solely on IT to code products – or
Sigma Catalog is a highly-rationalized data store. The does Marketing play an active role in development,
amount of product information needed to manage the configuration and launch?
portfolio is considerably reduced, along with the operating • Is time-to-market for new products and services
costs needed to manage disparate data stores. The inhibiting business growth?
complexity of business processes can be reduced and an
optimal reference architecture made easier to achieve.
Innovation Enabled Improved PLM Quality
Simplifying product management increases the enterprise’s Introducing Sigma Catalog as a centralized data master
ability to address markets emerging from digital eliminates the overhead and risk of duplicate data entry
transformation and the expansion of AI and IoT – because into multiple systems, and the transfer of data between
innovation also becomes less about coding and testing, disparate business functions and players. The product
more about components and configuration. New network lifecycle becomes much more transparent, making it easier
and digital service elements can be brought into the product to see where products and propositions are most viable and
mix and monetized much more quickly. profitable. | © Sigma Systems Canada LP. All Rights Reserved.

Cross-Market / Omni-Channel
Quote and Order Capture

Commercial and Technical Order Über-

Orchestration and Fulfilment Management

Commercial Product and Technical Service

Installed Product, Service and Catalog and Lifecycle Management
Resource Inventory Management

Network Service and

Business and Operational Device Activation
Data Analytics & Decisioning

Product Data Management Product Performance

A centralized product, service and resource Sophisticated reporting and analytics through
catalog, providing master data management the Sigma Catalog system for review and
(MDM) for products and components that are tracking of products and services throughout
controlled and reused throughout their lifecycle. the lifecycle.
Lifecycle Management Single Point Of Truth
Integrated product lifecycle management (PLM) A 360-degree view and ‘single-point-of-truth’ for
capabilities to drive products, service and products, and a global system of record for all
resources through transparent, repeatable and product information, eliminating inconsistencies
measurable lifecycle stages. across the enterprise.
Active Interoperable Catalog Collaborative Configuration
Seamless, automated integration through Multi-purpose configuration and build capability
Sigma Catalog’s standards- and microservices- delivered by a set of workspaces and tools that
based integration framework, which allows support both core component build (in IT and
interoperability across multiple platforms, engineering) and product packaging and offer
applications, technologies and enterprise creation (by Marketing, product managers and
boundaries. business users). | © Sigma Systems Canada LP. All Rights Reserved.

Rapidly Design, Test and Release New Offerings

Sigma Catalog Design and Deployment Interfaces

Sigma Catalog: Agile Innovation for New Products and Services

Agile product innovation – Products that can be built quickly across multiple systems, with the potential for error and
from proven components can be tested and brought to inconsistency leading to order fallout, unhappy customers
market quickly too – faster by a factor of up to 80% – and costly rework.
helping the service provider get early-mover advantage in
Greater service quality – Sigma Catalog is a major contributor
its response to new and changing markets.
to service quality. Avoiding duplication and errored product
Lower cost-to-launch – The cost to launch new products data means a better customer experience, contributing to
can be reduced by as much as 25% – and the time saved greater customer loyalty and much higher lifetime value.
in not routinely recreating existing products can instead be
Happier customers – Being early to market with new and
applied to innovation.
innovative products tends not only to gain a greater share
Smarter working – The product set is defined ‘once only’ of available spend, but also enhances the service provider’s
but then accessed many times, by multiple business market reputation, with long-term benefits for customer
functions and users. Data is no longer replicated acquisition, retention and NPS.

Enterprises Trust Sigma Systems

Sigma empowers digital service providers to get Next Done NowTM, creating and monetizing
their next digital product innovation, next business model, and next growth story NOW, not
tomorrow! Focused on the critical create-sell-deliver processes, Sigma’s catalog-driven
commerce cloud software dramatically accelerates product innovation and time-to-revenue.
The company’s portfolio includes Sigma Catalog, CPQ, Order Management, Provisioning,
Insights and Portfolio Inventory. Serving global leaders like Telkomsel, Vodafone, Orange,
Telstra, and Liberty LATAM, it serves over 80 customers in 40 countries with its award-
winning products. Sigma is a Hansen Technologies company and has offices in North and
South America, Europe and Asia Pacific, with technology and integration partners globally. company/sigmasystems
@SigmaSystems user/SigmaSystemsOSS | © Sigma Systems Canada LP. All Rights Reserved.

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