Medical Jurisprudence Perelims

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Medical Jurisprudence Prelims

Topic: Medical Jurisprudence Introduction, Medical Act 1959, Medical Act of 1959, RA 8981 PRC MODERNIZATION ACT,
Patient's Rights
Date: March 10, 2023
items/points 85

1. Legal Medicine is sometimes called forensic medicine while TRUE

medical jurisprudence are for lawyers and doctors.
A. True
B. False

2. The characteristics of LAW include the following: a) it is a rule FALSE

of conduct; b) it comes from legitimate power or source, and a)
it is not compulsory and obligatory.
A. True
B. False

3. Medical Jurisprudence means knowledge of law in relation to TRUE

the practice of medicine and the study of rights, duties and
obligations of a physician arising from doctor-patient
relationship. It also includes the study of patients' rights.
A. True
B. False

4. Ignorance of the law does not excuse a person from liability. TRUE
This also applies to doctors, lawyers and ordinary persons.
A. True
B. False

5. There are 4 main principles of bioethics which include: FALSE

Justice; maleficence; beneficence; and autonomy. Non - maleficence
A. True
B. False

6. The long version of the Hippocratic Oath includes topics like TRUE
dietary regimens
A. True
B. False

7. The long Hippocratic Oath has reference to a doctor's TRUE

relationships with teachers, other doctors and their family.
A. True
B. False

8. The long version of the Hippocratic Oath also refers to TRUE

conduct of a physician related to the patient's disease or other
information that one gets about their patient's private lives
which should be treated with confidentiality.
A. True
B. False

9. The Physician's Pledge is also called the Declaration of TRUE

Geneva of the World Medical Association.
A. True
B. False

10. The Declaration of Geneva of the WMA includes the TRUE

principles of patient autonomy, to practice medicine for the
well- being of patients and without discrimination, and a pledge
to take care of one's well-being and not to use medical
knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties.
A. True
B. False

11. The last time that the WMA revised the World Declaration TRUE
of Geneva was in 2017.
A. True
B. False

12. The WMA Declaration of Geneva includes the following: not TRUE
to "use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil
liberties, even under threat,..
A. True
B. False

13. The principle of non-discrimination is found at the WMA TRUE

Declaration of Geneva.
A. True
B. False

14. The confidentiality principle included in the WMA TRUE

Declaration of Geneva means that even if the patient dies,
everything confided by the patient to the doctor remains as
confidential information except when public health demands
that such information must be revealed.
A. True
B. False

15. The principles of beneficence and non- maleficence must be TRUE

considered by a physician when clinically assessing the patient,
deciding on goals of treatment and treatment options.
A. True
B. False

16. Issuance of false medical certificates can result to TRUE

suspension of license to practice
A. True
B. False

17. Alcoholism is not a cause for suspension of License to FALSE

practice as a doctor.
A. True
B. False

18. Spreading rumors or untrue information about a colleague FALSE

in the medical profession cannot be a cause of suspension of a
doctor's license to practice.
A. True
B. False

19. Medical malpractice is one of the basis for suspension of a TRUE

physician's certificate to practice medicine.
A. True
B. False

20. The Physician's Pledge of the WMA includes I WILL NOT PERMIT TRUE
considerations of age, disease or disabity, creed, ethnic or gn gender,
nationality, poltical affiation, race, sexual orientation, social standing
or any other factor to intervene between my dity and my
A. True
B. False

21. The principles and practice of social accountability of a physician TRUE

include: nationalism and internationalism.
A. True
B. False

22. Wholistic approach to medicine and dedication to medical TRUE

practice are included as ethics in social accountabilty of a physician.
A. True
B. False

23. The principle of autonomy in bioethics in the practice of TRUE

medicine means that the physician has to respect self-determination
of the patient and must secure informed consent from the patient.
A. True
B. False

24. The holistic/wholistic approach to health and medicine refers to TRUE

an attitudinal approach to health and well-being and not to specific
techniques of health service.
A. True
B. False

25. A wholistic approach to health and medicine emphasizes the D. All of the above
A. the mutuality of the doctor-patient relationship
B. each person's responsibility for his or her own health care
C. society's responsibility for the promotion of health
D. All of the above
E. Only a and b.

26. The Medical Act of 1959 provides for and governs the following: D. All of the above
A. the standardization and regulation of medical education
B. the examination for registration of physicians
C. the supervision, control and regulation of the practice of
medicine in the Philippines
D. All of the Above
E. Only b and c.

27. The amended Medical Act of 1959 also provides possibility of D. All of the above
revocation of license to practice as a physician in the following cases:
A. addiction to alcoholic beverages or to any habit-forming
drug that results to incompetence;
B. false or extravagant or unethical ads;
C. performance or aid in any criminal abortion;
D. All of the above
E. A and c only.

28. The (PRC/Commission) is the licensing and regulatory agency of D. All of the above
the national government for the practice of regulated professions,
A. Physicians and nurses
B. Medical technologist
C. pharmacists
D. All of the above
E. Only a and b.

29. According to the new IRR of the Continuing Professional B. False

Development Law, starting March 2019, the required CPD units for
the renewal of professional license is now 10 CPD units every 3 years
from the former 45 units.
A. True
B. False

30. According to the Board of Medical Examiners, NO person shall E. Only b and c are correct.
engage in the practice of medicine in the Philippines unless he/she
A. Is at least twenty years of age
B. has satisfactorily passed the corresponding Board of
C. Is a holder of a valid Certificate of Registration duly issued
to him by the Board of Medical Examiners.
D. All of the above
E. Only b and c are correct.

31. The Board of Medical Examiners also have the following tasks D. All of the above
A. Recognition of specialty societies, board and certification
of specialists
B. Determine the policies and guidelines on conduct of
residency and fellowship of foreign medical professionals
in the Philippines
C. Conduct qualifying assessment for foreign medical
D. All of the above
E. Only b and c are correct.

32. The Code of Ethics of the medical profession were approved by: C. Both of the above
A. The Philippine Medical Association
B. Professional Regulatory Board of Medicine (PRBOM).
C. Both of the above
D. Only the PRBOM

33. The objectives of the Code of Ethics of Physicians are the D. All of the above
A. Insuring the safety of patients
B. Insuring interest of patients
C. Insuring the safety and interest of the public in general.
D. All of the above
E. Only a and b are correct.

34. The Code of Ethics of Physicians as approved by PMA and PRC D. All are correct
include the following professional responsibilities of physicians:
A. To patients,
B. To the health care system,
C. To the community
D. All are correct.
E. Only a and b are correct.

35. The Physician's Code of ethics includes professional D. All above are correct
responsibilities of physicians
A. To colleagues in the medical profession
B. to alied health professionals
C. to the health product industry
D. All of the above
E. Only a and b are correct.

36. In the Code of Ethics for Physicians, the following are D. All above are correct
professional responsibilities of physicians
A. improving Qually of Care
B. improving access to care
C. Cost-effective management of limited heaticare resources
D. All of the above
E. Only a and bare corred

37. Govemment physicians have the following professional D. All above are correct
responsibilities to the community
A. assist the State by participating in the formulation and
proper implementation of health policies
B. act as expert witness or amious curia when requested in
the admimstration of justice
C. provide up to date and accurate information on health
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

38. Government physicians have the following professional D. All above are correct
responsibilities to the community
A. enforcing measures for the provention of disease,
promation of health, management , and rehabilitation of
those who need it
B. altending to victims in times of epidemic and calamity,
except when personal safety is at stake
C. protecting the community against unlicensed praditioners
D. All of the above are correct
E. Only a and b are correct

39. In the promotion of practice, physicians have professional D. All above are correct
A. physicians shall not employ agents
B. may use signboards (1x2) meters in size - in cline or
C. Physicians aro not allowed to publish special certificates or
diploma but alowed to display them in clinic or residence -
not allowed; ok within the confines of his clinic or
D. All of the above
E. Only b and c are correct.

40. Physicians must observe ethical and professional conduct in its D. All above are correct
relationship with the health product industry through the following
A. Ensure that they should not take advantage of the health
product industry
B. Ensure that they should not allow themselves to be
exploited in this relationship
C. Should not solicit favors from the biopharmaceutical and
medical device companies for personal interest or gain.
D. All of the above are correct
E. Only a and c are correct.

41. Physicians' relationship with the pharma industry must be with C. All above are correct
docorum including.
A. When physicians are engaged as resource persons in the
biopharmaceutical and medical device companies, this
should not bind physicians to promote, prescribe or
recommend a particular equipment/product.
B. Physicians shall not participate in any marketing strategies
including but not limited to special prescription pads,
robates, commissions, or raffles.
C. All of the above are correct
D. Only b is correct.

42. Violation of any section of the Code of Ethice shall constitute D. All of the above are correct
unethical and unprofessional conduct. Any violation may result to:
A. Reprimand
B. Suspension
C. Or revocation of the certificate of registration of the
offending physician.
D. All of the above are correct
E. Only a and b are the punishment for the violation of the
code of Ethics.

43. The following are correct: D. All of the above are correct.
A. Without a Magna Carta on Patient's Rights, physicians do
not know the rights of patients.
B. The Code of Ethics of Physicians approved by the
Professional Regulation Board of Medicine is the same as
that approved by the Philippine Medical Association.
C. Informed consent is one of the rights of patients.
D. All of the above are correct.
E. Only b and c are correct

44. The following are False statements: E. None of the above

A. The Hippocratic Oath has similarities with the WMA
Declaration of Geneva.
B. The Declaration of Geneva has similarities with the Code
of Ethics approved by the PRC.
C. The Hippocratic Oath has similarities with the Code of
Ethics approved by the PMA
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above

45. The following statements are correct: D. All of the above are correct.
A. RA 8344 penalizes refusal of hospitals and medical clinics
to administer emergency treatment of patients without
any deposits.
B. RA 8344 penalizes only physicians who refuse emergency
treatment to a patient due to absence of health insurances
C. RA 8344 penalty for refusal to render emergency health
services to patient without deposit includes imprisonment
and/or fines.
D. All of the above are correct.
E. Only a and b are correct.

46 The following are false statement/s: C. A is false.

A. As long as you have given emergency treatment, you can
transfer a patient to another hospital without much
B. “Law" in its broadest sense includes regulations and
circulars that have the effect of law.
C. A is false.
D. B is false.

47. The following are correct statements on the 2 forms of law. All of the above.
A. Written or Statutory Law is also called Lex Scripta.
B. Common law or unwritten law is also called Lex Non



50. Statutory Law is defined as; C. Both a and b are correct

A. Laws produced by legislative bodies
B. Laws defined and codified by law making body such as
C. Both a and b are correct
D. Only b is correct.

51. The following statements are false about Common law: E. None of the above
A. Common law are Unwritten laws based on immemorial
customs and use
B. Common law also refers to case law.
C. Common law is also called jurisprudence or customary law.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above

52. The following statements are correct. C. All of the above

A. Jurisprudence is a practical science which investigates the
nature, origin, development and functions of law,
B. Jurisprudence is a science of giving a wise interpretation of
the law and making just application of them to all cases as
they arise
C. All of the above
D. Only b is correct.

53. The following statements are correct in relation to the principle C. Both of the above statements are correct
of Stare Decisis:
A. When the court has laid down a principle of
law/intepretation as applied to a certain state of facts, it
will apply to all future cases where facts are substantially
the same.
B. The principle is one of policy, grounded on the theory that
security and certainty require that accepted and
established legal principles be recognized and followed
C. Both of the above statements are correct
D. Only a is correct.

54. The following are false statements: A - TRUE

A. Patients have a right to decide on treatment as advised by B C - FALSE
the attending doctor
B. Doctors should accept a patient's decision regarding
surgery without having to explain the advantage and risks
of the surger
C. It is a doctor's right to choose patients except in cases of
D. All of the above are not true
E. Only b is not correct.

55. Advance directives maybe in the form of D. All of the above

B. In case of cardiac arrest, who to call
C. Disallowing blood transfusion due to religion.
D. All of the above
E. Only a is a form of advance directive.

56. The following are important to be done by hospitals: D. All of the above are important
A. Display patient's rights at public places in the hospital
B. Display rules of the hospitaL
C. Aside from displaying rules of hospital, hospital staff
explain the hospital rules.
D. All of the above are important
E. Only a and b are important.

57. Patients have rights. This includes being informed about D. All of the above are relevant questions
medicines they take and may ask these relevant questions about
their medicines such as:
A. What is the medicine for?
B. How to take medicine of medicine?
C. What to do if there are side effects
D. All of the above are relevant questions
E. None of the above.

58. You as doctors need to inform patients about the surgery being D. All of the above should be done by doctor
advised by consultant which should include the following:
A. Explain the procedure
B. Explain the objective for that surgery
C. Inform about possible side effects
D. All of the above should be done by doctor
E. Only a and b should be told the patient.

59. Patients have rights but should also be involved in their health D. All of the above are responsibilities of patients
care thru the following:
A. Participating in health-care decisions
B. Providing accurate and complete information about
present complaints/past illnesses,
C. Reporting unexpected changes in condition to the
responsible doctor.
D. All of the above are responsibilities of patients
E. Only b and c are relevant.

60. The following is/are incorrect statement/s E. None of the above are incorrect.
A. When patients are very sick but still coherent and
coscious, it is advised that patient decides on who to call
and make decisions for him/her in case she/he is
B. When patients are very sick, they can give advance
directives on resuscitation.
C. When patients are seriously sick, the doctor should tell the
patient about his/her condition.
D. All of the above are incorrect.
E. None of the above are incorrect.

61. The following are incorrect statements: D. All of the above are incorrect
A. A medical student or medical doctor does not need to
know about the bio-psychosocial services to victims of
torture during martial law under President Marcos
B. A medical student does not need to know about the
health problems of people during martial law in the
C. Not many doctors converged at EDSA during the EDSA
People Power revolution before Marcos Sr. was ousted in
February 1986.
D. All of the above are incorrect
E. Only b is incorrect.

62. The following are reasons why medical students and medical TRUE
doctors should know about the heath issues during martial law
A. RA 10368 requires the DOH to provide psychosocial
services to victims of martial law
B. The current medical students may be required in the
future to deliver the services to ML victims who are
present in various regions of the Philippines
C. The 2 information above are relevant for future doctors
D. The 2 info above are not relevant for future doctors

63. The only advance directives are directives for DNR. FALSE
A. True
B. False

64. An advance directive maybe about organ donation TRUE

A. True
B. False

65. Only Supreme Court decisions may be considered jurisprudence TRUE

in our country
A. True
B. False

66. An advance directive for organ donation by a minor must be FALSE

C. True
D. False

67. Failure to give emergency treatment at a hospital may be an TRUE

accountability of the doctor on duty or the hospital director
A. True
B. False

68. A medical doctor is allowed to post advertisements in FALSE

newspapers about his medical services, where the ads are paid for
by a pharmaceutical company.
A. True
B. False

69. It is ethical to sell the physician's samples given by FALSE

pharmaceutical companies as long as they are sold at lower prices.
A. True
B. False

70. It is ethical that a medical doctor will ask a pharmaceutical FALSE

company to fund a trip abroad, in return for the doctor's
commitment to prescribe the medicines manufactured by that
A. True
B. False

71. It is un-ethical to use prescription pads advertising specific brand TRUE

of medicines.
A. True
B. False

72. When doctors have differences of opinions with doctor TRUE

colleagues, they should sort it out with respect and courteous
A. True
B. False

73. Learning about laws that matter in medical practice should be FALSE
forgotten when you are already licensed.
A. True
B. False

74. It is okay not to answer telephone calls from the hospital when FALSE
you are on duty because you are sleepy.
A. True
B. False

75. It is okay to give physician's samples as initial medicines for TRUE

patients as long as they are not sold, then prescribe the other
A. True
B. False

76. It is okay to instruct patients to buy medicines only from FALSE

drugstores that you endorsed.
A. True
B. False

77. It is ethical to stop medications of the patient because the FALSE

patient did not agree to undergo surgery.
A. True
B. False

78. It is okay for patient to reverse a previous DNR directive while TRUE
still in the same hospital.
A. True
B. False

79. Pain management must continue even if there is a DNR directive TRUE
from the patient when he/she entered the hospital.
A. True
B. False

80. As part of patient's rights, informed consent must be given by TRUE

the patient as a rule.
A. True
B. False

81. In case of minor or an unconscious patient, informed consent TRUE

maybe given by a relative closest to the patient. In case of minors,
the usual persons to give consent are the parents.
A. True
B. False

82. A patient may be allowed to go home against doctor's advice but TRUE
the doctor must inform the patient and relatives about possible
negative consequences if the patient should still be hospitalized for
his/her ailment.
A. True
B. False

83. I will not permit considerations of gender, politics, religion, race TRUE
or social position to interfere between my patient and me - is a
principle included in the Code of Ethics of Physicians.
A. True
B. False

84. Non discrimination is a principle in medical ethics TRUE

E. True
F. False

84. The Hippocratic Oath is generally relevant in medical practice TRUE

until now despite developments in medicine
A. True
B. False

85. A physician has professional responsibilities to the community TRUE

according to the Code of Ethics approved by the Professional
Regulatory Board of Medicine.
A. True
B. False

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