Motion Sickness, Console Video Games, and Head-Mounted Displays

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Motion Sickness, Console Video Games, and Head-Mounted


Omar Merhi, Elise Faugloire, Moira Flanagan, and Thomas A. Stoffregen, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Objective: We evaluated the nauseogenic properties of commercial console video games

(i.e., games that are sold to the public) when presented through a head-mounted display.
Background: Anecdotal reports suggest that motion sickness may occur among play-
ers of contemporary commercial console video games. Methods: Participants played
standard console video games using an Xbox game system. We varied the participants’
posture (standing vs. sitting) and the game (two Xbox games). Participants played for
up to 50 min and were asked to discontinue if they experienced any symptoms of mo-
tion sickness. Results: Sickness occurred in all conditions, but it was more common
during standing. During seated play there were significant differences in head motion
between sick and well participants before the onset of motion sickness. Conclusion:
The results indicate that commercial console video game systems can induce motion
sickness when presented via a head-mounted display and support the hypothesis that
motion sickness is preceded by instability in the control of seated posture. Applica-
tion: Potential applications of this research include changes in the design of console
video games and recommendations for how such systems should be used.

INTRODUCTION regen et al., 2000), and head-mounted displays

(Patterson, Winterbottom, & Pierce, 2006).
There are widespread reports of motion sick- There is a positive correlation between the tech-
ness among users of simulation and virtual envi- nical sophistication of visual simulation and the
ronment systems. Sickness is common in systems incidence of motion sickness among users (Crow-
that depict motion of the user, such as flight and ley, 1987; Kennedy & Fowlkes, 1992; Miller &
driving simulators, and many virtual environments Goodson,1960; Nickerson,1992). This correlation
(Stanney et al., 1998; Stoffregen, Hettinger, Haas, highlights the importance of behavioral research
Roe, & Smart, 2000). The effectiveness of simu- on motion sickness in simulator systems: By it-
lation and virtual environment systems, and their self, technological development is making the
acceptance by users, can be limited if they produce problem of motion sickness worse, not better.
motion sickness (Biocca, 1992; Stanney et al., Technological development, per se, will not solve
1998). This provides a strong practical motivation this problem. What is needed is behavioral science
for understanding the malady. research on how people interact with simulator sys-
Most virtual environments consist of visual tems. A successful approach is likely to depend
simulations and, so, are considered to create visu- upon research in which the unit of analysis is the
ally induced motion sickness (e.g., Hettinger & human-machine system (e.g., Flach, Hancock,
Riccio, 1992). Visually induced motion sickness Caird, & Vicente, 1995; Vicente & Rasmussen,
occurs in laboratory devices such as moving rooms 1990).
(Bonnet, Faugloire, Riley, Bardy, & Stoffregen,
2006; Lishman & Lee, 1973; Smart, Stoffregen Console Video Games
& Bardy, 2002; Stoffregen, 1985; Stoffregen & One area of rapid technological development
Smart, 1998), fixed-base flight simulators (Stoff- involves console video games, such as PlayStation

Address correspondence to Thomas A. Stoffregen, School of Kinesiology, Cooke Hall, 1900 University Ave. SE, Minneapolis,
MN 55455; HUMAN FACTORS, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2007, pp. 920–934. DOI: 10.1518/001872007X230262.
Copyright © 2007, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

and Xbox, in which players use a handheld con- independent measure of motion sickness in-
troller, or game pad, to interact with a virtual world. cidence.
Many studies have shown that motion sickness The limitations of Zone Hunter are not shared
can occur when users of virtual environments en- by more recent commercial console video games
gage in perception-action tasks that resemble those that have achieved great popularity (and profitabil-
in commercial console video games. However, in ity). In contemporary games, players can look and
most cases, researchers have not used commer- move in multiple dimensions and axes. Thus, re-
cially available console video games but, instead, search conducted with games that feature restrict-
have used game-like situations created specifical- ed motion may not generalize to games in which
ly for research; in some cases, researchers have users are able to engage in complex, multiaxis mo-
used commercially available games in which play- tion. For this reason, direct tests of the nauseogenic
er movement has been restricted. properties of contemporary commercial console
The principal motivation for the use of non- video games are desirable and may have consid-
game situations has been to permit experimental erable practical value in terms of the design and
control of parameters of visual stimuli, and of task evaluation of current and future games.
parameters. For example, Stanney, Kennedy, Drex-
ler, and Harm (1999) asked participants to move Motion Sickness and Movement
objects around within a virtual room or to follow a Theories of motion sickness etiology have typ-
predetermined path through a virtual room. Sim- ically been based on the concept of sensory con-
ilarly, Stanney, Hale, Nahmens, and Kennedy flict (e.g., Duh, Parker, Philips, & Furness, 2004;
(2003) varied the complexity of navigational con- Reason, 1978). The central idea of this approach
trol that was available to participants and the com- is that motion sickness situations are characterized
plexity of visual scenes. Participants were asked by patterns of perceptual stimulation that differ
to complete specified tasks, such as navigation from patterns expected on the basis of past expe-
through hallways, passage through elevated door- rience. These differences are interpreted as sen-
ways, picking up and moving objects, and choice sory conflict, which is alleged to produce motion
reaction time. sickness. Theories based on this concept have low
These experimental virtual environments were predictive validity (Draper, Viirre, Gawron, & Fur-
not games (e.g., participants could not win, lose, ness, 2001), and some researchers have argued that
or accumulate points). These studies are valuable, such theories may not be scientifically falsifiable
but they cannot directly assess the nauseogenic (e.g., Ebenholtz, Cohen, & Linder,1994). We sought
properties of commercial console video games. to evaluate an alternative theory of motion sick-
Relative to game-like situations used in previous ness etiology, the postural instability theory of
laboratory experiments, commercial console video motion sickness (Riccio & Stoffregen, 1991).
games tend to have greater realism, faster update The postural instability theory of motion sick-
rates, and more content-related decisions and in- ness etiology (Riccio & Stoffregen, 1991) predicts
teractions. that motion sickness should be preceded by in-
Cobb (1999) and Cobb and Nichols (1998) used stabilities in the control of bodily orientation. The
a “virtual reality game,” Zone Hunter, in which postural instability theory claims that postural
players navigated through a virtual environment, instability is both necessary and sufficient for the
gaining points by shooting at objects and creatures. occurrence of motion sickness. The theory does not
Despite this, the relevance of these studies to the attempt to explain why the symptoms of motion
nauseogenic properties of commercially available sickness are what they are (e.g., nausea, vomit-
console video games is uncertain. In Zone Hunter, ing). We do, however, claim that the symptoms of
players’ visual exploration was limited to a single motion sickness do not arise from sensory conflict.
axis (they could look from side to side) and their Consistent with the postural instability theory,
locomotion was restricted to a single degree of postural instability has been found to precede
freedom; they could move only forward. The main motion sickness in a fixed-base flight simulator
result in both of these studies was an increase in (Stoffregen et al., 2000) and in a moving room, a
postural sway following exposure to Zone Hunter. laboratory device that generates optic flow by mov-
Measures of motion sickness severity were not ing the physical surroundings around observers
subjected to statistical analysis, and there was no who are inertially stationary (Bonnet et al., 2006;
922 October 2007 – Human Factors

Faugloire, Bonnet, Riley, Bardy, & Stoffregen, rate groups of participants played the games while
2006; Smart et al., 2002; Stoffregen & Smart, sitting and standing. Posture is known to influence
1998). In each case, participants who eventually motion sickness susceptibility in ships and other
became motion sick exhibited increased variabil- vehicles (Baumgarten, Vogel, & Kass, 1981; Man-
ity and/or velocity of movement of the head and/ ning & Stewart, 1949; Money, 1970).
or torso, relative to participants who did not report Console video games are rarely played using
motion sickness. HMD systems, and in this sense our study is un-
In the present study, we sought to test the hy- representative of typical play situations. As a result,
pothesis that postural instability will precede mo- our presentation of the games through an HMD
tion sickness in the context of commercial console means that our data on motion sickness incidence
video games. We collected data on body move- and severity cannot be taken as being representa-
ment prior to the onset of motion sickness, and we tive of the incidence or severity of motion sickness
tested the hypothesis that prior to the onset of sub- that might occur when people play console video
jective symptoms of motion sickness, movement games that are presented on CRT monitors, pro-
would differ between participants who eventually jection video systems, and so on.
became motion sick and those who did not. Aside from this factor, we sought to maximize
the naturalism of the experimental situation. Par-
The Present Study ticipants were asked to play a console video game
We had three main purposes. The first was to de- continuously for up to 50 min. There were no ex-
termine whether commercial console video games perimental manipulations of any aspect of the
might be associated with motion sickness. Given game. We warned participants that they might be-
the limited previous research on commercial con- come ill and asked them to discontinue play im-
sole video games, we did not have a clear basis for mediately if they experienced any symptoms of
predicting the percentage of users who might be- motion sickness. We collected data on the time of
come motion sick while playing a console video discontinuation, self-reports of the existence of mo-
game. For this reason, we sought to maximize the tion sickness, and ratings of the intensity of motion
chance that users would experience motion sick- sickness symptoms.
ness. We did this by presenting the video games Our third main purpose was to document par-
through a head-mounted display (HMD); HMDs ticipants’body movements during game play and
are known to be nauseogenic (e.g., Cobb, 1999; to use these data to evaluate a prediction of the pos-
Cobb & Nichols, 1998; Draper et al., 2001; Patter- tural instability theory of motion sickness (Riccio
son et al., 2006). & Stoffregen, 1991). We measured motion of the
Our second main purpose was to understand head and torso while participants played the con-
some of the factors that may influence the inci- sole video games. We terminated the collection of
dence of motion sickness when commercial con- movement data immediately when participants
sole video games are presented via an HMD. The reported the onset of motion sickness symptoms.
use of commercial games meant that we did not Following previous studies, we predicted that pri-
have experimental control over the parameters of or to the onset of subjective symptoms of motion
game play. Manufacturers of game systems have sickness there would be differences in movement
declined to provide access to quantitative data of the head and/or torso between participants who
about parameters of game play, such as linear or eventually became motion sick and those who
angular velocities of players’ movements within did not.
the virtual world of games. Manufacturers have al-
so declined to permit researchers to have experi- Data Analysis
mental control over parameters of game play, such Some participants were deleted from our analy-
as the geometry or layout of the virtual world, or the ses. Two a priori issues guided the selection of
gain between players’ control actions and visible participants for analysis. First, to enable rigorous
changes in the game situation. We exercised lim- assignment of participants to the sick and well
ited control over content by varying, across exper- groups, we sought to ensure comparable exposure
iments, the game that was played. In addition, we to the console video games for all participants. As
exercised experimental control over participants’ expected, some participants discontinued during
posture during game play. In Experiment 1, sepa- the 50-min session, stating that they were motion

sick. However, some participants discontinued for variables were the standard deviation of position
other reasons – that is, without being motion sick. and the velocity of motion, each examined sepa-
A consequence was that some participants in rately in the anterior-posterior, medial-lateral,
the well group received a relatively brief exposure and vertical axes. Each variable was analyzed
to the video games, whereas some participants in separately for motion of the head and torso. For
the sick group received a longer exposure. A per- each significant main effect and interaction in our
son who discontinued because of boredom, fatigue, ANOVAs, we estimated the effect size using the
or discomfort with the HMD might have become partial η2 statistic.
motion sick if he or she had continued in the exper-
iment. The reverse is also true: A person who be- EXPERIMENT 1: METHOD
came motion sick after a given exposure duration
might not have done so with a shorter duration. For In Experiment 1, participants played Whacked,
these reasons we included only well participants a game that has been anecdotally associated with
who completed at least 30 min of game play and motion sickness (Randy Pagulayan, personal com-
sick participants who discontinued before the 30th munication, June 2004). Whacked was released in
min. One consequence of our selection criteria is 2002. In the game, an avatar moves through a sim-
that the incidence of motion sickness observed in ulated environment, trying to gain points by ac-
our experiments may not be representative of the quiring resources and destroying threats.
general incidence of motion sickness related to The independent variable was participants’pos-
console video games presented via an HMD. ture. In some previous studies participants stood
The second issue guiding our selection of par- while wearing an HMD (e.g., Cobb, 1999; Cobb
ticipants for analysis concerned the analysis of & Nichols,1998; Murata, 2004; Owen, Leadbetter,
movement data. Our analysis of movement data & Yardley, 1998), whereas in other studies they
included a procedure that permitted us to examine were seated (e.g., Draper et al., 2001; Stanney et
the evolution of sway over time during play (Bon- al., 1999, 2003).
net et al., 2006; Faugloire et al., 2006). We aimed
to analyze postural sway before the occurrence of Participants
sickness symptoms. For this reason, we excluded Thirty-three persons were screened for the study.
the final 2 min of postural data because participants Of these, 24 met our selection criterion of compa-
might have been conservative in reporting the onset rable exposure times to the console video game
of sickness; that is, they might not have followed (see previous section on Data Analysis) and were
our instructions to discontinue participation im- retained as experimental participants. The partic-
mediately at the onset of symptoms. The remain- ipants (11 women and 13 men) ranged in age be-
ing data were divided into 2-min windows. Any tween 17 and 35 years (mean = 22 years), in height
excess data (i.e., the remainder when the total between 160 and 187 cm (mean = 173 cm), and in
duration was divided by 2 min) were deleted from weight from 54.4 to 90.7 kg (mean = 70.1 kg).
the beginning of the trial. All participants had normal or corrected-to-
The first, middle, and last windows were ana- normal vision and reported no history of recurrent
lyzed. For example, for a participant who discon- dizziness, recurrent falls, or vestibular (inner ear)
tinued after 13.3 min, the first window was from dysfunction. All women stated they were not preg-
1.3 to 3.3 min, the middle window was from 5.3 nant, and all participants stated that they were in
to 7.3 min, and the last window was from 9.3 to good health. As part of the informed consent pro-
11.3 min. For well participants, the windows were cedure, participants were informed that they could
defined on the basis of the mean exposure dura- discontinue their participation at any time, for any
tion (for each experiment) completed by the sick reason, and that they would receive full credit for
group. The last window selected for well partici- experimental participation regardless of whether
pants corresponded to the average position (time) they completed the experiment; thus there was no
of the final window from the sick group. This win- motivation for falsely stating that they were mo-
dow selection ensured that the average exposure tion sick.
duration would be similar for the sick and well
groups. Apparatus
For data on body movement, our dependent We used a standard Xbox system (Xbox 2,
924 October 2007 – Human Factors

Microsoft Corp.), including the game unit and could discontinue at any time for any reason, there
game pad. Participants played Whacked, in which was no motivation for participants to give false re-
players control their own motion through a virtu- ports of motion sickness as a means to discontinue
al world. Accordingly, the game is characterized participation. For this reason, we accepted partic-
by frequent displays of optic flow simulating com- ipants’statements that they were motion sick. Ver-
plex patterns of self motion. bal reports of motion sickness were unambiguous
The game was presented on an HMD (Visette- (e.g., “I feel nauseous, my stomach is queasy,” “I
Pro, Cybermind Interactive Nederland, Maastricht, was going to throw up”).
The Netherlands). The VisettePro is a biocular We quantified motion sickness symptoms using
video graphics array system with a field of view of the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ; Ken-
60° (horizontal) × 48° for each eye and 300,000 nedy, Lane, Berbaum, & Lilienthal, 1993). We
pixels (Figure 1). The display unit weighs 0.68 kg. administered the SSQ at the beginning of the ex-
The display screens and housing make the HMD periment and again at the end (e.g., Bonnet et al.,
“front heavy.” The display is secured to the head 2006; Stoffregen et al., 2000; Stoffregen & Smart,
using an adjustable clamp on the rear of the unit. 1998). The initial administration ensured that
Participants donned the unit by themselves and participants were familiar with the symptoms of
were asked to adjust the tightness of the clamp so motion sickness and provided a baseline level of
that the unit was snug. symptoms against which scores from the postex-
We used a magnetic tracking system to collect posure administration could be compared.
movement data (Fastrak, Polhemus, Inc., Colchest-
er, VT). One receiver was attached to the HMD, and Procedure
another was attached to the skin at the level of the After completing the informed consent proce-
7th cervical vertebra (i.e., between the shoulder dure, participants filled out the SSQ and then were
blades), using cloth medical tape. The transmit- asked to remove their shoes. Participants were told
ter was located on a stand behind the participant’s that they might experience motion sickness and
head. Six degree-of-freedom position data were that they should immediately report any subjective
collected from each receiver at 40 Hz and stored symptoms of motion sickness, however mild. They
on disk for later analysis. were also reminded that they could discontinue at
any time, for any reason. The participant was given
Motion Sickness Assessment a brief introduction to the Xbox system and to
We assessed the incidence of motion sickness Whacked. The user controlled movement of an av-
by asking participants to make yes/no statements atar in a virtual world by way of the game pad,
about whether they were motion sick. Participants which controlled three linear degrees of freedom
were divided into sick and well groups based on (fore-aft, left-right, up-down) and one angular de-
either their explicit verbal statements or, if they gree of freedom (left-right rotation). Participants
reported that they were not motion sick at the end were permitted to explore the game until they felt
of the session, written comments from take-home that they understood the rules and the use of the
forms returned after 24 hr. Because participants game pad.

Figure 1. The head-mounted display unit. Reproduced with the permission of Cybermind Interactive Nederland, 1997.

In the experimental session, participants played standard deviation was 1.0 cm. Based on previous
the game for up to 50 min. If the game ended (e.g., experiments on postural sway (e.g., Bonnet et al.,
if the avatar was killed a certain number of times), 2006; Faugloire et al., 2006; Stoffregen & Smart,
the participant was asked to restart the game im- 1998) and our present design (participants playing
mediately and continue play. At the end of 50 min a console video game), we concluded that this lev-
(or if they discontinued), participants filled out the el of power was adequate.
SSQ a second time. The experiment was imme-
diately stopped when a participant reported the EXPERIMENT 1: RESULTS AND
onset of symptoms. Participants reporting symp- DISCUSSION
toms were asked to remain in the lab until the
symptoms dissipated. We conducted separate analyses on subjective
Participants who completed the 50-min session reports (motion sickness incidence and severity)
without developing symptoms were given a take- and on movement data (head and torso).
home packet that included a printed copy of the
SSQ as well as a yes/no question: “Did you be- Subjective Reports
come motion sick?” They were asked to fill it out Motion sickness incidence. Each of the 7 par-
if they developed symptoms during the following ticipants in the standing condition reported motion
24 hr (Bonnet et al., 2006; Stoffregen & Smart, sickness while playing the game and discontinued
1998). Symptom onset is sometimes delayed up participation. The mean latency to discontinuation
to several hours following termination of exposure for these participants was 17 min, with 100% inci-
to visual simulations of self-motion (e.g., Smart et dence of motion sickness.
al., 2002; Stanney et al., 1999, 2003; Stoffregen Of the 17 seated participants, 10 (3 men, 7 wo-
& Smart, 1998). men) reported motion sickness while playing the
There were two experimental conditions: stand- game (59%). For these participants, the mean la-
ing and sitting. In the standing condition, partici- tency to discontinuation was 14 min. Two other
pants played Whacked while standing comfortably, participants discontinued, stating that they were
in stocking feet. They were instructed not to move not motion sick. The times of discontinuation for
their feet. In the sitting condition, participants these 2 participants were 36 and 37 min. These 2
played Whacked while seated on a stool (i.e., there participants reported that they discontinued be-
was no passive support of the torso). They were cause of the weight and tightness of the HMD,
permitted to rest their feet on the floor or on a rail stating that they experienced pain in the back of the
near the bottom of the stool but were asked not to neck or pain on the front of the head and around
change foot position during the session. The stool the eyes. (The experimenter observed red marks
was 58 cm high. Seven participants (2 women, 5 around the eyes of some participants after removal
men) participated in the standing condition, where- of the HMD.) The experimenter questioned these
as 17 (9 women, 8 men) participated in the sitting individuals closely concerning motion sickness;
condition. Each person participated in only one both insisted that they were not motion sick. The
condition. other 5 participants completed the 50-min expo-
sure period and did not report motion sickness.
Power Accordingly, the sick group consisted of 10 partic-
We conducted a power analysis for our planned ipants and the well group consisted of 7.
analyses of movement data, assuming the use of We compared the incidence of motion sick-
ANOVA with 24 participants and a criterion alpha ness between the standing and sitting conditions.
of .05. To conduct the power analysis we used The difference in sickness incidence was signifi-
G*Power 2.0 (Faul & Erdfelder, 1992). We found cant, χ2(1) = 6.75, p < .05. The difference in motion
that our experimental design had 90% chance of sickness incidence between standing and sitting
identifying an effect size of .70 (Cohen’s f; Cohen, participants indicates a significant effect of posture
1988) as being significant. In our study, an effect on susceptibility to motion sickness among users
size of .70 would correspond to a difference be- of console video games.
tween means of 0.77 cm if the within-groups Symptom severity. The SSQ data are summa-
standard deviation was 0.5 cm, or to a difference rized in Table 1. SSQ data were analyzed using
between means of 1.54 cm if the within-groups nonparametric statistics because SSQ scores are
926 October 2007 – Human Factors

TABLE 1: Total Severity Scores for the Simulator Movement Data

Sickness Questionnaire, Experiment 1

Pre- Post-
We conducted Group (sick vs. well) × Condi-
exposure exposure tion (standing vs. sitting) × Window (beginning,
middle and end of exposure) ANOVAs, with re-
N Mean SD Mean SD peated measures upon the last factor, conducted
All standing 7 29.4 47.0 63.6 49.8
for each dependent variable. Given that there was
Sick 7 29.4 47.0 63.6 49.8 not a well group in the standing condition, we
Well 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. could not test for interactions involving both group
All sitting 17 8.8 8.9 58.1 45.8 and condition (i.e., Group × Condition and Group
Sick 10 11.2 8.6 75.5 51.3 × Condition × Window interactions). Of the 24
Well 7 5.3 8.6 33.1 20.6 participants, 23 completed a sufficient duration of
Note: n.a. = not applicable.
exposure to “fill” the three windows without over-
lap and were therefore included in subsequent
analyses of postural data.
Overall movement. There was a main effect of
not normally distributed (Kennedy et al., 1993). group (sick vs. well) on variability of head move-
We computed total severity scores in the recom- ments in the vertical axis, F(1, 20) = 5.32, p < .05,
mended manner (Kennedy et al., 1993). The total partial η2 = .21. Sick participants (mean = 1.20 cm,
severity score reflects the overall extent of symp- SD = 0.56 cm) moved more in the vertical axis
tom severity. SSQ scores were treated as a repeat- than well participants (mean = 0.58 cm, SD = 0.55
ed measures variable (before vs. after exposure to cm). The main effects of condition (standing vs.
the game). sitting) were significant for velocity of head and
In the standing condition, the pre- versus post- torso motion in both the anteroposterior and medi-
exposure difference was significant (Wilcoxon’s olateral axes, each F(1, 20) > 6.46, p < .05, par-
signed rank test, Z = –2.37, p < .05), indicating tial η2 > .24. The main effect of condition was also
that the severity of symptoms increased following significant for variability of torso movements in
game play. Given that there was not a well group in the mediolateral axis, F(1, 20) = 5.13, p < .05, par-
this condition (each member of the standing group tial η2 = .20. In each case, movement was greater
reported motion sickness), we could not test for in the standing condition than in the sitting con-
differences in symptom severity within this group dition (Figure 2).
as a function of motion sickness status. The difference in the variability of vertical head
For the sitting participants in the sick group, the movements between sick and well participants in
mean pre- and postexposure SSQ scores differed, the seated condition is consistent with a central hy-
Z = –2.80, p < .05, revealing that symptom severity pothesis of the postural instability theory of motion
was significantly greater following game play. This sickness. Riccio and Stoffregen (1991) predicted
was true also for the well group, Z = –2.37, p < that measurable instabilities in the control of pos-
.05. There were no significant differences between ture should exist before the onset of subjective
sick and well groups either preexposure (Mann- symptoms of motion sickness. In previous studies,
Whitney U = 33, ns) or postexposure (U = 29.5, ns). we have found that motion sickness is preceded by
The mean preexposure scores for the standing changes in displacement of the head, torso, or cen-
and sitting groups did not differ (Mann-Whitney ter of pressure (e.g., Bonnet et al., 2006; Stoffregen
U = 47.5, ns). The mean postexposure score for the et al., 2000; Stoffregen & Smart, 1998). Stoffreg-
sick group in the sitting condition did not differ en et al. (2000) found changes in motion of the head
from the mean postexposure score for the sick prior to the onset of motion sickness among par-
group in the standing condition (Z = –0.538, ns). ticipants seated in a flight simulator. Our present
Thus, sitting down brought a reduction in the inci- results confirm that postural instability precedes
dence of sickness but not in the severity of symp- motion sickness and extend this finding to the seat-
toms. As the standing condition did not include any ed use of an HMD.
well participants, we could not test for differences Stoffregen et al. (2000) found differences in
in symptoms between the postural groups as a head movement of sick and well participants pri-
function of motion sickness status. or to the onset of motion sickness. They did not


Mean Velocity (cm/second)



Mean Variability (cm)




Head AP Torso AP Head ML Torso ML Torso ML


Figure 2. Significant main effects of condition, Experiment 1, for velocity (left) and variability (right). Error bars
represent standard error. AP = anterior-posterior axis; ML = medial-lateral axis.

collect data on torso motion (participants were re- The ANOVAs revealed significant Window ×
strained in the flight simulator cockpit using shoul- Condition interactions for variability of head and
der straps). Thus, it is not possible to know whether torso motion in the anteroposterior axis, F(2, 40) >
the absence of group differences in torso move- 3.57, p < .05, partial η2 > .15. The Window × Con-
ments in the present study is general. It is possible dition interaction was also significant for vari-
that in the seated posture, instabilities in postural ability of head movements in the mediolateral
control are limited to head motion; however, we axis, F(2, 40) = 3.38, p < .05, partial η2 = .14, and
know of no theory that would predict this. for torso velocity in the vertical axis, F(2, 40) =
An alternative view, which we prefer, is that the 3.56, p < .05, partial η2 = .15. For the significant
absence of group effects on torso motion may be Window × Condition interactions, movement of
related to the weight (Draper et al., 2001) and nov- standing participants exhibited an inverted U func-
elty (Lackner & DiZio, 1998) of the HMD head- tion or increased over time, whereas movement of
set. It would be interesting to measure motion of seated participants tended to be stable over time
the head, torso, and legs when seated and standing (Figure 4).
participants wore an HMD that was inactive or We found no significant Window × Group (sick
showed a static scene. Such a study would permit vs. well) interactions in any of our dependent vari-
us to understand changes in multisegment postur- ables, for either the head or the torso.
al control that are related to the physical charac- We found a number of differences in head and
teristics of the HMD. torso movement between standing and sitting par-
Evolution of movement during game play. The ticipants, in both overall movement and in the evo-
ANOVAs revealed main effects of Window on ve- lution of movement during game play. The main
locity in each axis (anteroposterior, mediolateral, effects of condition suggest that players moved
and vertical) for both head and torso movements, more when they were standing than when seated.
Fs(2, 40) > 5.47, p < .05, partial η2 > .21. The ve- Such a result would be expected, based on the dif-
locity of head and torso movement increased over ferent biomechanics of standing and sitting. When
time in each axis (Figures 3a and 3b). The main ef- standing, people control their body posture pri-
fect of window was also significant for variability marily through rotations around the hips and ankles
of torso movement in the vertical axis, F(2, 40) = (e.g., Bardy, Marin, Stoffregen, & Bootsma, 1999;
5.85, p < .05, partial η2 = .23. Variability tended to Horak & MacPherson, 1996). When seated, they
increase over time (Figure 3c). control body posture primarily through rotations
Continued on page 930
928 October 2007 – Human Factors


Mean Velocity (cm/second)




0.4 Anteroposterior
0.2 Vertical

W1 W2 W3
(a) Windows

Mean Velocity (cm/second)






W1 W2 W3


Mean Variability (cm)





0.1 Anteroposterior
0.05 Vertical

W1 W2 W3

Figure 3. Significant main effects of window, Experiment 1, for (a) velocity of torso movement, (b) velocity of head
movement, and (c) variability of vertical torso movement. Error bars represent standard error.
1.80 1.80
Standing Standing
1.60 Sitting 1.60 Sitting

1.40 1.40

1.20 1.20

1.00 1.00

0.80 0.80

0.60 0.60

Mean Variability (cm)

Mean Variability (cm)

0.40 0.40

0.20 0.20

0.00 0.00
W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3
(a) (b)
Windows Windows

1.80 0.25

1.60 Standing
1.40 0.20 Sitting




Mean Variability (cm)

Mean Velocity (cm/second)


0.00 0.00
W1 W2 W3 W1 W2 W3
(c) Windows (d) Windows

Figure 4. Significant Window × Condition interactions, Experiment 1, for (a) variability of anterior-posterior head
movement, (b) variability of anterior-posterior torso movement, (c) variability of mediolateral head movement, and
(d) velocity of vertical torso movement.
930 October 2007 – Human Factors

around the hips. Thus, relative to sitting, stance is motivation for falsely stating that they were mo-
characterized by the control of more limbs and the tion sick.
coordination of rotation around more joints.
These differences may explain the increases in Procedure
movement observed in the overall data. However, Participants played Halo, a commercially avail-
the window analyses suggest more complex inter- able Xbox game. Like Whacked, Halo depicts
pretations. Why would movement evolve differ- self-controlled motion of the player through a vir-
ently over time for seated and standing players? tual world. Participants played while seated on the
One possibility is that seated and standing players stool that was used in Experiment 1.
may adapt differently to the novel task of stabiliz-
ing the bulky HMD unit. Another possibility is that
players may move differently in response to action
within the game, depending on whether they are
standing or sitting. Additional research will be Subjective Reports
needed to address these and other possibilities.
Very little is known about the control of seated Motion sickness incidence. The sick group com-
posture; in particular, there are few studies in which prised 8 participants (6 men, 2 women), or 89% of
the control of seated posture has been measured our sample. All of the sick participants discontin-
using modern quantitative methods (e.g., precise ued during the game session, stating that they were
tracking systems). motion sick, with a mean discontinuation latency
of 16 min. The sole well participant discontinued
EXPERIMENT 2: METHOD after 35 min, denying motion sickness and giving
reasons similar to those reported in Experiment 1.
In Experiment 2, we sought to determine wheth- The high incidence of sickness confirms that the
er the nauseogenic properties of our experimental phenomenon of motion sickness in console video
situation were unique to the particular game we games is not limited to Whacked and confirms that
were using or could generalize to other games. players of console video games can experience mo-
Accordingly, Experiment 2 was identical to the sit- tion sickness while seated.
ting condition in Experiment 1, except that a dif- The incidence of motion sickness of seated par-
ferent game was used. ticipants playing Halo (Experiment 2) did not differ
from that of seated participants playing Whacked
(Experiment 1, sitting condition), χ2 (1) = 2.50, ns.
Symptom severity. The SSQ scores are sum-
Of an initial sample of 15 participants, 9 met marized in Table 2. For the sick group, the mean
our selection criterion of comparable exposure preexposure and postexposure scores differed, Z =
times to the console video game and were select- –2.52, p < .05. For the well participant, the preex-
ed for subsequent analysis. These participants (2 posure score was 3.74 and the postexposure score
women and 7 men) ranged in age between 19 and was 93.50.
22 years (mean = 20 years), in height between 167 We compared the severity of motion sickness
and 190 cm (mean = 174 cm), and in weight from between the participants playing Halo to those play-
61.2 to 99.8 kg (mean = 79.0 kg). All participants ing Whacked. The difference in SSQ scores was not
had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and re- significant for either the sick or the well groups,
ported no history of recurrent dizziness, recurrent either before or after game play (each p > .05).
falls, or vestibular (inner ear) dysfunction.
Movement Data
All the women stated that they were not preg-
nant, and all participants stated that they were in Given that there was not a well group in Ex-
good health. As part of the informed consent pro- periment 2, we could not test the prediction that
cedure, participants were informed that they could movement would differ for sick and well groups,
discontinue their participation at any time, for any and we could not test interactions involving state
reason, and that they would receive full credit for (sick vs. well). We conducted repeated measures
experimental participation regardless of whether ANOVAs assessing effects of the window factor
they completed the experiment; thus there was no (beginning, middle, and end of exposure). No

TABLE 2: Total Severity Scores for the Simulator each experiment, a minimum of 59% of partici-
Sickness Questionnaire, Experiment 2 pants reported motion sickness. In Experiment 1,
Pre- Post-
the incidence of sickness was greater when par-
exposure exposure ticipants played while standing rather than while
sitting. Across experiments, symptoms of motion
N Mean SD Mean SD sickness (i.e., SSQ scores) were higher after play-
All 9 7.9 9.2 79.4 24.7
ing the game than before. We were able to com-
Sick 8 8.4 9.7 77.6 25.8 pare postural motion of sick and well groups only
Well 1 3.7 0 93.5 0 in the seated condition of Experiment 1. This com-
parison revealed significant differences in motion
of the head between groups, prior to the onset of
motion sickness.
significant effect of window was found in any of
our dependent variables, for either head or torso. Motion Sickness Incidence
Halo versus Whacked. We examined the pos- We have confirmed that motion sickness can
sibility that Halo and Whacked may have evoked occur among users of commercially available con-
different patterns of movement. For each depen- sole video games. The incidence of sickness was
dent variable, in each axis, we compared move- high during the standing condition and was signif-
ment data from the participants in Experiment 2 icantly lower when participants were seated. The
(who played Halo) with the participants in the sit- difference in incidence as a function of posture may
ting condition from Experiment 1 (who played have implications for theories of motion sickness
Whacked). To that end, we conducted Game (Halo etiology. For example, it is not clear whether this
vs. Whacked) × State (sick vs. well) × Window (be- result could be predicted or explained by the sen-
ginning, middle, and end of exposure) ANOVAs sory conflict theory of motion sickness (e.g.,
on the head and torso dependent variables. Reason, 1978). The reduction in motion sickness
The ANOVAs revealed main effects of window incidence during seated game play is compatible
on torso velocity in each axis, Fs(2, 40) > 3.35, with the postural instability theory of motion
p < .05, partial η2 > .14. The main effect of win- sickness if one assumes that the body tends to be
dow was also significant for head variability in the more stable in a seated posture than in a standing
vertical axis, F(2, 40) = 3.25, p < .05, partial η2 > posture.
.14. In each case, velocity and movement tended Our use of the HMD means that the present
to increase over time (Figure 5). study cannot be taken as indicating the incidence
The ANOVAs revealed a main effect of game of motion sickness that would be expected when
for variability of head movement in the medio- commercially available console video games are
lateral axis, with F(1, 20) = 4.48, p < .05, partial played through more typical presentation systems,
η2 = .18. Participants playing Halo who later be- such as television monitors. HMDs are known to
came motion sick exhibited greater mediolateral be associated with motion sickness (e.g., Draper
head movement (mean = 1.06 cm, SD = 0.32 cm) et al., 2001). Thus, it seems likely that the incidence
than did participants playing Whacked who later of sickness would be lower if commercially avail-
became sick (mean = 0.36 cm, SD = 0.33 cm). able console video games were not presented
There were no other significant effects. Because through HMDs.
there was only 1 well participant, we could not test
possible interactions between games and motion Postural Instability and Motion Sickness
sickness status. Riccio and Stoffregen (1991) predicted that in-
stabilities in the control of posture would occur
GENERAL DISCUSSION before the onset of subjective symptoms of mo-
tion sickness. That hypothesis has been confirmed,
In two experiments, we asked participants to for both standing and sitting persons, in studies that
play a commercially available console video game involved neither HMDs nor video games (e.g.,
that was presented through an HMD. We varied Bonnet et al., 2006; Stoffregen et al., 2000; Stoff-
participants’posture (standing vs. seated) and the regen & Smart,1998). In the seated condition of Ex-
game that they played (Whacked versus Halo). In periment 1, we found a difference in head motion
932 October 2007 – Human Factors

0.7 Vertical

Mean Velocity (cm/second)







W1 W2 W3
(a) Windows


Mean Variability (cm)



W1 W2 W3
(b) Windows

Figure 5. Significant main effects of window, Experiment 2, for (a) velocity of torso movement and (b) variability of
vertical head movement. Error bars represent standard error.

between participants who did not report motion were present at the onset of game play. Future re-
sickness and those who did. Postural motion was search will be needed to determine whether these
greater among participants who later became sick early differences in movement were related to the
than among those who did not. This difference use of the HMD or to the playing of commercial-
supports the postural instability theory of motion ly available console video games.
Some studies have found that during exposure CONCLUSION
to nauseogenic stimuli, body movement evolves
differently for participants who become sick and We have confirmed that motion sickness occurs
those who do not (e.g., Faugloire et al., 2006), among users of commercially available console
whereas in other studies this effect did not occur video games. Our findings are consistent with
(e.g., Bonnet et al., 2006). In the present study, dif- anecdotal reports from game users. Because of our
ferences in body movement between sick and well use of an HMD, it should not be assumed that the
participants did not evolve over time. This finding incidence of motion sickness among players of
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