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Capital Cuckway (yes I’m keeping the name because fuck you): Second Draft

Area 1: The Capital


Situated in the middle of the Stage, some Buildings here will be small enough for Mario to jump
on with a Sideways Somersault. Many of the Buildings have Doors which Mario can enter, but
some Buildings will also have Secret entrances. (e.g. a chimney, Open Windows, small holes,
Bomb-able walls, etc.) this Stage also has an Platforming Sub-Area called „The Capitals Sky“

The Capital Inside:

The inside of the Buildings will consist of 8 Small Puzzles (e.g. Using big Fans to get a Block to
The top of a Building, Going through a Small maze, Messing with Pipes in multiple Buildings to
raise the water level just right in another Building, Stairs moveable in 3 directions & upper oors
moveable in 2 directions which you have to match up, etc.) the reward for Clearing each of these
Puzzles is a Red Coin.

The Capital Outside:

The Outside is very open, being able to jump from rooftop to rooftop and having light platforming
elements makes it similar to a more di cult version of Del no Plazza, while being populated with
the most coins in this Stage, needing to explore it in order to get access to The Capitals Sky (&
having to nd secret entrances in it to collect all red coins) means you will visit this place a lot.

(I also heard of some huge buildings towering into the sky, I wonder how you could get up

The Capitals Sky:

The Capitals Sky will be very Platform-Heavy, the goal is to ascend to the top of a Mysterious
Tower to get a star, in order to do that you have to climb up huge Buildings that get Smaller and
Narrower The more you go on, ascending from Building to Building using small clouds. There isn’t
just one path, though, you can actually take loads of paths up! More risky paths take not as long
as easy paths & reward you with 1-ups & such. To get here you must Ground-Pound on one of the
Buildings, which will reveal a cannon, then shoot up to a tall Building you normally could not
reach, this will trigger the loading zone For the Capitals Sky.

(I‘m 10000% aware that my English is dogshit and that someone probably got a stroke from
reading this)(also, for anyone that thinks „wow that is really basic for a whole stage“ read again,
this is just Area 1, I’ve planed about 4 Areas, yes, I will be making more.)

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