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A woman with her reports into the emergency room department with a potentially broken

arm. The husband explains to the nurse that slid on the stairs and fell. The nurse notices a bluish

discoloration on the wife’s neck and the woman keeps on holding her abdomen with her other

hand. What is the first step the nurse should take?

a) Determine whether the injuries were caused by the accident

b) Ask for a private examination with the victim

c) Report to the physician or their supervisor

d) Notify law enforcement

2. A client reports that lately he has been constantly afraid of death. His heart rate increases

every time he is travelling or thinks about his future. He also, can’t sleep and has a headache that

doesn’t stop. What is the intervention that the nurse should suggest?

a) The client should keep busy to avoid overthinking

b) The client should avoid things that make them anxious

c) The client should intentionally replace these negative thoughts with positive thoughts

d) The client should start looking at life more realistically

3. A patient with a history of alcohol abuse has been admitted in a treatment facility after relapse.

What is the best nursing intervention to prevent future relapses?

a) Ensure the patient participates in follow up care and attend support group meetings

b) Educate the patient on the effects of alcohol abuse

4. A new mother shared with a nurse during postnatal hospital visits that since she has given

birth, she loses her temper easily. She says she feel very much detached from her husband and

her two older children. She also feels guilty that she doesn’t spend time with her family. What

problem can the nurse conclude the client is having?

a) Ineffective coping

b) Postpartum depression

c) Compromised family adjustment

d) Anxiety

5.  A 16 year old girl was brought to the ER by her parents. She had attempted to commit suicide

by trying to cut herself of her left wrist. The parents also report that the girl has been keeping to

herself, rarely talks to the parents and has attempted suicide two times before. What is the next

scope of action the nurse should take?

a) Encouraging the parents to be more involved in their child’s emotional wellbeing

b) Create a rapport with the girl for her to open up to you

c) Engaging the girl in individual and group therapy groups

d) Providing positive reinforcements for appropriate behaviors

6. A male African immigrant patient diagonised with stage 3 colon cancer refuses chemotherapy

for his treatment. He expresses that cancer patients from his country who use herbal medicine

live longer that those who opt for chemotherapy opting. As his nurse what would be your

a) Educate the patient on the advantage and dis advantage of alternative medicine

b) Discourage the patient from taking that option

c) Recommend herbal remedies that the client should use

d) Respect their decision

7. A young lady has been taking care of her mother going through the terminal stage of cancer in

a palliative care unit. A palliative nurse observes that she is always in a great mood trying to

cheer up her mother. However the nurse notices that the lady always seems sad when she has left

the room. What is the first cause of action should the nurse take to support the care giver?

a) Suggest to the young lady to join a support group

b) Ask her how she is doing

c) Educate her on grief and accepting death

d) Educate her on helping her mother grieve her own death

8. Which one of the following scenarios would a nurse identify as dysfunctional family processes

a) Living with members of the extended family

b) A parent with substance abuse

c) A chronically ill parent

d) Single parent family

9. A couple who were involved in a road accident were brought into the ER. Unfortunately the

husband died while undergoing treatment. Days later the nurse observes that the wife has never

said a word since the news was broken to her. Which stage of grief is the patient in?
a) Anger

b) Acceptance

c) Denial

d) Depression

10. A nurse finds out that a bipolar patient has not been diligent with treatment plan. What

intervention would the nurse apply?

a) Assess the cause of the apathy

b) Refer the patient to a psychiatrist

c) Encourage the patient to follow their treatment plan

d) Follow up on the patient regularly

11. A teenage boy who has been shot is brought into the ER and his father accompanied the

paramedics. The attending doctor establishes that the patient needs an emergency blood

transfusion as well as surgery. However, the father tells the nurse in charge that they are

Jehovah’s witnesses and they don’t allow blood transfusion. What should the nurse do?

a) Respect their decision and inform the attending doctor about the father’s request

b) Obtain a court order to allow blood transfusion

c) Explain to the father that the son has lost a lot of blood has been lost

d) Transfuse blood to save the life of the boy

12. When planning nursing care plans for a patient with dementia, which of the following is not

one of the nursing diagnoses a nurse can use

a) Risk for trauma

b) Disorientation

c) Risk for falls

d) Risk for getting lost

13. While doing a test, a boy in fifth grade tears his paper, throw his books and accidentally gets

hurt with a pen. As a school nurse, what type coping mechanism would you conclude the boy


a) Projection

b) Acting out

c) Regression

d) Displacement

14. A 50 year old man has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Which one of the following

is not part of the health education given by the nurse to help the in family taking care of the


a) The nature of the disease and its progression

b) Feeding and cleaning the patient

c) Maintaining the patients’ level of optimal independence

d) Utilizing support systems

15. Which one of the following is NOT a role of a nurse in the therapeutic environment?

a) Administering medications to patients

b) Educating patients about their health and treatments

c) Cleaning the rooms for the patients

d) Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries

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