Vocab 1

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 noun( C1)

1. the type of mathematics that deals with the adding, multiplying,

etc. of numbers

 He's not very good at arithmetic.

2. sums involving the adding, multiplying, etc. of numbers

 I think there's something wrong with your arithmetic.

 I’ve worked out the price, but I need to check the arithmetic.
 a test of mental arithmetic


(Adjective) C1

1. thinking carefully about something before doing it, in order to

avoid risk

 He was very circumspect in his financial affairs.

2. Synonyms: 
Cautious, Considerate, Discriminating

3- provisional


1. arranged for the present time only and likely to be changed in the

2. SYNONYM temporary



1. to give comfort or sympathy to somebody who is unhappy or


Nothing could console the children when our dog died.

2. SYNONYM comfort

o She put a consoling arm around his shoulders.

o  console somebody/yourself with something Console
yourself with the thought that you did your best.
o  console somebody/yourself that… I didn't like lying but I
consoled myself that it was for a good cause.
o  console somebody + speech ‘Never mind,’ Anne consoled

5- repudiate


1. repudiate something to refuse to accept something

Socialism had been repudiated at the polls

2. SYNONYM reject
o  (law) Borrowers have begun repudiating their debt
o  (law) The buyer is entitled to repudiate the contract within a
reasonable period of time.

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