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Carbonate Accumulation in the Bark of Terminalia bellirica: A New Habitat for

the Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway

Article  in  Geomicrobiology · January 2018

DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2017.1309087


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7 authors, including:

Vincent Hervé Guillaume Cailleau

Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology Data Partner


Matthieu Bueche Thomas Junier

Université de Neuchâtel Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics


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Carbonate Accumulation in the Bark of Terminalia bellirica: A New Habitat for the
Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway
Vincent Herve a,b
, Martin Clerca,b, Guillaume Cailleaub, Matthieu Buechea, Thomas Juniera,c, Eric Verrecchiab,
and Pilar Juniera
Laboratory of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, University of Neuch^atel, Neuch^atel, Switzerland; bLaboratory of Biogeosciences, Institute of Earth
Surface Dynamics, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; cVital-IT, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland


Oxalate oxidation and carbonate precipitation associated with the oxalogenic tree Terminalia bellirica were Received 10 October 2016
investigated. Calcium oxalate crystals, oxalotrophic bacteria (dominated by genera Methylobacterium and Accepted 16 March 2017
Burkholderia), and carbonate accumulation (82% dry weight), were detected in the bark. In contrast, only a KEYWORDS
slight accumulation of carbonate was observed in soil (1.5%). The combined geochemical and Burkholderia; carbon cycle;
microbiological analyses suggest that bark of an Indian living tree represents a novel habitat for the dermosphere;
accumulation of carbonate associated with bacterial oxalate oxidation. The importance of these types of Methylobacterium; Terminalia
habitats needs to be quantified when considering the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and calcium in bellirica
tropical ecosystems.

The oxalate–carbonate pathway (OCP) is a biogeochemical of their role in the transport and dispersal of oxalotrophic bac-
pathway that has been hypothesized to link a flux of carbon teria (Martin et al. 2012; Bravo et al. 2013).
with pedogenic accumulations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) The combination of a source of Caox (i.e., oxalogenic organ-
in unexpected geological settings such as acidic red tropical ism), the oxidation of Caox by oxalotrophic microorganisms,
soils (Braissant et al. 2004; Verrecchia et al. 2006). Indeed, the and the precipitation of CaCO3 has been observed as part of an
conventional pH of such soils is around 5 (or below), preclud- active OCP (Cailleau et al. 2011). Although those elements
ing the abiotic precipitation of calcium carbonate. Moreover, have been found in many areas around the world, the OCP has
these red acidic soils are extremely depleted in calcium (they been shown to be particularly relevant to carbon budgets in
are characterized by a very low cation exchange capacity), mak- tropical soils (Cailleau et al. 2011 2014). So far, the precipita-
ing the precipitation of secondary calcium carbonate unlikely tion of secondary carbonate has only been considered for the
(Legros 2012). In this pathway, carbon dioxide enters the sys- pedogenic habitat of the ecosystem. However, numerous plants
tem through photosynthetic fixation by oxalogenic plants. Part are able to accumulate large quantities of Caox crystals in dif-
of this fixed carbon is diverted in the plant for the production ferent tissues (Bauer et al. 2011; Franceschi and Horner 1980;
of oxalic acid, a molecule with diverse functions. One of the Libert and Franceschi 1987; Webb 1999). Therefore, the aim of
most widely recognized functions of oxalic acid is the regula- this study was first to describe an OCP site with carbonate
tion of intracellular levels of Ca2C, which is achieved through accumulation in the soil and, second, to test the existence of
the formation of calcium oxalate (Caox) salts (Franceschi and other deposits of carbonate within the tree tissues. For this, the
Nakata 2005). These insoluble crystals remain trapped within existence of a Caox source, the presence of oxalotrophic bacte-
the plant tissues until they become part of the organic matter ria, and the precipitation of CaCO3 were investigated in the
pool by entering soils as litter (Garvie 2006). In soils, different bark of the tropical tree T. bellirica. This deciduous tree is dis-
microbial metabolic activities determine the fate of Caox tributed throughout tropical Asia including India (Dangi et al.
(Martin et al. 2012). One of those is the use of Caox as carbon 2012). Previously, calcium accumulation has been observed in
and energy sources by oxalotrophic bacteria (Herve et al. 2016; the bark (habitat also known as dermosphere; Lambais et al.
Sahin 2003). In addition, soil fungi have been shown to be key 2014) of Terminalia spp. in Thailand (Stone and Boonkird
in the OCP, participating in the release of Caox from plant tis- 1963). Here, using a culture-independent approach, we
sues by decomposition (Cailleau et al. 2011), the production of explored for the first time the diversity of oxalotrophic bacteria
fungal Caox (Guggiari et al. 2011), and more recently because associated with the bark surface of T. bellirica.

CONTACT Pilar Junier Laboratory of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, University of Neuch^atel, Rue Emile-Argand 11, Neuch^atel CH-2000,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the publisher’s website.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Materials and methods at 1.50 m height with a sterile spatula and brought back to the lab-
oratory using axenic procedures. At this height, carbonate accu-
Field sampling
mulations were clearly visible in the bark of the entire tree
The study site was located 25 km south from the city of (whitish aspect of the bark tissue). The outer bark was sampled
Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh State), in the North Panna Tiger where carbonate deposits were the most abundant. Additionally,
Reserve forest (24 380 1800 N/79 510 900 E), India (Figure 1). This branches, roots and leaves were randomly sampled and brought
region belongs to the Indo-Gangetic area. The climate is defined as back to the laboratory using axenic procedures.
a tropical monsoon with three seasons (summer, winter and mon- Additionally, two soil profiles were dug and sampled, one at
soon) and with a mean annual precipitation of 1100 mm. During the base of the trunk (called profile A) and another at 14 m
the exploratory phase, 35 tree species out of the 65 species listed by away from the tree (called profile C). The latter was considered
the Madhya Pradesh State were screened for the presence of car- as not under the influence of other oxalogenic plants. The study
bonate in the surrounding soils and in the tree tissues. site was flat and visually homogeneous. Profile A was investi-
These soils developed on carbonate-free parent material. Efferves- gated to evaluate the effect of the oxalogenic tree and its associ-
cence using 10% HCl reaction was used as field method to evaluate ated microbiome on the soil, and profile C was used as a
the presence of carbonate. In addition, pH of the soil under the tree control. Each profile was 1 m deep. For microbiological analysis
and away from the tree was also estimated with a Hellige pH indi- the profiles were sampled every centimeter for the first 5 cm
cator (Eijkelkamp). Only the tree specimen presenting the highest and then every 5 cm until 1 m. Each sample consisted of
reaction with 10% HCl and the highest alkalinization of the soil approximately 4 g of soil obtained with a sterile spatula and
under the tree was selected for further analyses in this case study. immediately mixed with 5 ml of RNAlater solution (Qiagen)
The tree selected for this study was a specimen of T. bellirica and stored at 4 C until laboratory analyses. Additionally, 200 g
((Gaertn.) Roxb., Combretaceae), locally known by the names of soils sampled every 5 cm were used for geochemical analyses.
Bahera, Bastard myrobalan, or Belleric myrobalan. This specimen
was the largest in the study site with a height of 20 m and a diame-
Tree tissue analysis
ter at breast height (DBH) of 79 cm. The canopy was estimated at
13 m. Based on these measurements, the age of the tree was esti- Presence of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the tree tissues was eval-
mated to be 50 years. Trunk outer bark (rhytidome) was sampled uated in the field directly by reaction with 10% HCl. To measure

Figure 1. Location map of the sampled site in the North Panna Tiger Reserve forest, India (24 380 1800 N/79 510 900 E). The map was generated with the QGIS software ver-
sion 2.3.

the carbonate concentration, i.e., weight of carbonate per weight of frc627-R (Khammar et al. 2009). This gene codes for the for-
dried sample, 1 g of crushed bulk sample was dissolved with a mix myl-coenzyme A (CoA) transferase (EC, a key enzyme
of 25 ml of sulfuric acid (0.5 N) and 125 ml of deionized water and involved in bacterial oxalotrophy. The PCR reaction mix con-
subsequently placed at 90 C in a water bath for 60 min. Then, car- tained (final concentration in 25 mL of final volume) 1X Buffer
bonate concentration was measured by back titration with a with 2 mM MgSO4 (Standard Buffer Biolabs, New England,
sodium hydroxide solution (0.5 N). This method was selected for Ipswich, MA, USA), 0.2 mM dNTPs mix (Promega AG,
the soil and wood samples with less than 20% carbonate concentra- D€ubendorf, Switzerland), 0.2 mM each primer, and 1 U of Stan-
tion because of the lack of accuracy and robustness of other meth- dard DNA Taq polymerase (Biolabs, New England, Ipswich,
ods at this low concentration of CaCO3 (Pansu and Gautheyrou MA, USA). A total of 2 mL of diluted DNA was added as a tem-
2007). This chemical approach ensures the total dissolution and plate for each reaction. The initial denaturation was carried out
accurate measurement of low calcium carbonate proportions. For at 94 C for 4 min 30 s, followed by 30 cycles consisting of dena-
the samples with concentrations higher than 20% (arbitrary limit), turation at the same temperature for 30 s, primer annealing at
carbonate concentration was measured by estimating the mass loss 60 C for 30 s, and extension at 68 C for 1 min 30 s. A final
of the sample after drying at 105 C and dissolution during 60 min extension was performed at 68 C for 10 min. PCR products
in 10% HCl. Oxalate concentration was measured on an Agilent were visualized by gel electrophoresis using 1% agarose gels.
HPLC 1100 Series (Agilent Technologies, USA) instrument PCR products from different bark samples were pooled
equipped with a BP-100 hC column (Benson Poymeric, USA), together and cloned with a TA PCR Cloning Kit (Invitrogen)
with 20 mM H2SO4 eluant at a flow rate of 1 ml.min¡1 and temper- according to manufacturer’s guidelines. A total of 94 clones
ature of 35 C. Ca-oxalate (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) was used as were picked randomly and checked for inserts of the expected
standard. Different tree tissues including bark, roots, wood and size by PCR with the plasmid-specific primers M13f/M13r fol-
leaves were collected for observation using scanning electron lowed by visualization after electrophoresis on agarose gel.
microscopy (SEM) to verify the presence of Caox crystals. The One-shot sequencing with M13f primer was performed using
identification of Caox with SEM was based on the habitus of the services of Microsynth AG (Switzerland).
the crystals as well as semi-quantitative information obtained with Soil DNA was extracted similarly, using 0.8 g of soil from each
the energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) coupled to the SEM. sample. Quantification of the frc and 16S rRNA genes was per-
Caox are characterized by specific crystal morphologies related to formed using the QuantiTect SYBR Green PCR Kit (Qiagen, Ger-
the tetragonal and monoclinic systems, which are clearly different many), as described by Martin et al. (2012). For the frc gene, the
from the calcite trigonal-rhombohedral system. In addition, EDS frc171-F/frc306-R primers were used. To amplify the V3 region of
analyses provide a clear and indisputable signature of the main the 16S rRNA gene, the primer pair 338-F/520-R was used. Each
chemical components of the crystals, i.e., essentially C and Ca. All qPCR was performed in triplicate and the average value was used.
the relevant information about the identification of Caox crystals is To examine relationships between gene abundances and soil char-
given by Verrecchia et al. (1993). SEM observations were per- acteristics, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients (rS) were com-
formed using a Tescan Mira LMU at a working distance of puted in R version 3.2.2 (R Development Core Team 2015).
10–15 mm and a 20 kV acceleration voltage. Prior to observations,
samples were coated with gold.
Sequence analyses

Soil analysis In total, fifty sequences were successfully cloned and sequenced.
Among them, one was suspected to be chimeric and thus was
Soil pH (pHH2O) was measured using 10 g of sieved soil mixed discarded. Sequences have been deposited in GenBank under
with 25 ml of deionized water. Because carbonate concentra- the accession numbers KU247480–KU247528. The 49 remain-
tion was much lower in the soil than in the tree tissues, the ing DNA sequences were translated into amino acid sequences
back titration with sodium hydroxide (0.5 N) was used to mea- using the getorf function EMBOSS version 6.6.0–1 (Rice et al.
sure carbonate content. Similarly, oxalate concentration was 2000). Taxonomic assignment of these sequences was per-
measured using the method described above for the tree tissues. formed using MLgsc (Junier et al. 2015) and an Frc database
composed of 661 Frc sequences extracted from UniProtKB on
July 22nd, 2015 (The UniProt Consortium 2015).
DNA extraction, amplification, and cloning
To evaluate phylogenetic relationship among the Frc pro-
Bark samples were also collected for molecular analyses. DNA teins, sequences were first aligned using the G-INS-i algorithm
extraction was performed with a Fast DNA Spin Kit for Soil of MAFFT version 7.221 (Katoh and Standley 2013). Then,
(Bio 101 Sytems, Q-Biogene, Switzerland) following the manu- phylogenetic trees were built using maximum likelihood (ML)
facturer’s guidelines. Total DNA was extracted from 0.1 g of estimates and Bayesian inferences (BI) with RAxML version
bark previously ground in liquid nitrogen. 450 mL of DNA 7.7.2 (Stamatakis 2006) and PhyloBayes version 4.1 (Lartillot
lysate was purified using 450 mL of binding matrix. DNA was et al. 2009), respectively. The Frc sequence from the bacterial
then extract in a final volume of 80 mL in the DES solution. model Lactobacillus acidophilus SC30 was used as an outgroup.
The final DNA concentration was measured by spectropho- The ML tree was built using the Jones-Taylor-Thornton (JTT)
tometry (Nanodrop ND-1000, Thermo Scientific, USA) to model of amino acid evolution with gamma-distributed rate
dilute the DNA to a final concentration of 1 ng mL¡1 on MilliQ variation across sites. To obtain the statistical confidence of
water. Amplifications by PCR of a partial fragment of the frc internal branches, 10,000 bootstrap replicates were generated.
gene (473 bp) were carried out using the primers frc171-F/ Regarding the BI tree, the CAT-GTR model was selected

a Copy of frc gene / g of soil Copy of 16S rRNA gene / g of soil pH oxalate (mg/kg) CaCO3 (%)
0e+00 2e+10 4e+10 6e+10 8e+10 0.0e+00 1.0e+11 2.0e+11 3.0e+11 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5





Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)
















b Copy of frc gene / g of soil Copy of 16S rRNA gene / g of soil pH oxalate (mg/kg) CaCO3 (%)
0e+00 2e+10 4e+10 6e+10 8e+10 0.0e+00 1.0e+11 2.0e+11 3.0e+11 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5





Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)
















Figure 2. Variations of five biogeochemical parameters along the soil profiles (a, upper panel) under the influence of the oxalogenic tree Terminalia bellirica (profile A)
and (b, lower panel), 14 meters away from Terminalia bellirica (profile C).

(Lartillot and Philippe 2004) and three independent chains Indeed, HCl 10% reaction occurred with leaves found on the
starting from random trees were run using a Markov chain forest floor in a 4-m perimeter around the tree.
Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler. Chain convergence was veri- To further explore the carbonate accumulation in the T. bellir-
fied using the bpcomp command (maxdiff<0.05) and the initial ica system, a 1-m deep profile (profile A) was dug under the tree
10,000 trees sampled in each MCMC run were discarded as the and the copy numbers of the frc (a molecular marker of oxalate-
burn-in period. Subsequently, one 50% majority-rule consensus oxidizing bacteria; Khammar et al. 2009) and 16S rRNA genes,
tree and the associated posterior probabilities were computed pH, oxalate and carbonate concentrations were measured
from 50,000 trees. Trees were visualized with TreeGraph 2 ver- (Figure 2a). As a negative control for the influence of an oxalo-
sion 2.7.1 (St€
over and M€ uller 2010). genic plant, a second profile (profile C) was dug 14 m away from
To analyze Frc diversity, amino acid sequences were clustered the tree and analyzed similarly (Figure 2b). Quantification of the
into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 95% sequence simi- frc gene revealed that oxalotrophic bacteria were present in both
larity (Herve et al. 2016) using CD-HIT version 4.6 (Fu et al. soil profiles and were particularly abundant in the upper sample
2012). Subsequently, rarefaction curve and diversity indices were corresponding to the litter. The abundance of the frc gene was
computed in R version 3.2.2 (R Development Core Team 2015) strongly correlated with the concentration of oxalate in both pro-
using the vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2012). files (rS D 0.67, p < 0.02; rS D 0.90, p < 0.005 for the profiles A
and C, respectively), indicating that oxalotrophic bacteria can be
abundant in oxalate-rich niches from forest soils. For both pro-
Results and discussion files, the highest concentration of oxalate was found in the litter
samples. This result is in accordance with a recent study showing
Identification of an active OCP in the soil
that leaf litterfall provided an important amount of Caox to forest
During the exploratory phase, 35 tree species were screened for soils (Dauer and Perakis 2014). In the litter samples, oxalate con-
the presence of carbonate in the tree tissues as well as for evi- centrations and frc copy numbers were higher in the profile C
dence of a local alkalinization in the soil below the tree. Among than in the profile A. Subsequently, we quantified more copies of
those, six species were found to be positive: Buchanania lanzan the frc gene and higher oxalate concentrations in the soil samples
(Anacardiaceae), Diospyros melanoxylon (Ebenaceae), Garde- under T. bellirica compared to profile C, especially until 60 cm
nia pinnata (Rubiaceae), Aegle marmelos (Rutaceae) and two depth. Copy number of frc gene was low and monotonic along
species of Terminalia: T. bellirica and T. tomentosa (Combreta- the profile C except for a unique sample between 65 and 70 cm
ceae). Interestingly, members of the genus Terminalia were depth (Figure 2b). On the contrary, frc abundance varied along
also found to be present in OCP ecosystem in Bolivia, with the the profile A, indicating a vertical pattern of oxalotrophic bacteria
species T. amazonia and T. oblonga (Cailleau et al. 2014). The under the influence of T. bellirica which is at least partially
species T. bellirica presented the highest reaction with HCl explained by the variations in oxalate concentration (Figure 2a).
10%, especially in the bark tissue. Thus, one specimen from Most of this oxalate is expected to originate from T. bellirica root
this species was selected for an in-depth analysis in the North exudates (Strobel 2001). The copy number of 16S rRNA genes fol-
Panna Tiger Reserve forest. During this exploratory phase, it lowed a very similar trend to the frc abundance and the quantifi-
was also observed that carbonate was not equally accumulated cation of both genes was highly correlated in both profiles
in all tree tissues. For instance, the outer bark of G. pinnata (rS D 0.94, p < 0.001; rS D 0.79, p < 0.001 for the profiles A and
showed a lower reactivity to HCl 10% compared to the leaves. C, respectively). Both pH and carbonate content showed different

trends between the two profiles. Indeed, soil pH was found to be to January followed by important and regular precipitations dur-
acidic (up to pH 6.1) in the first 50 cm of the profile C ing the rest of the year (1500 mm.year¡1), whereas the Indian site
(Figure 2b) but was alkaline (up to pH 8.4) in the first 60 cm of was subject to temporary and intense precipitations during the
the profile A. This local alkalinization in the upper soil layers monsoon from June to September while the rest of the year
coincides with an accumulation of carbonate (3.4% of the dry was relatively dry (1100 mm.year¡1). Thus, monsoon likely indu-
weight in the litter and 1.5% in the upper 5 cm). On the contrary, ces the leaching of carbonate from the soil. Altogether, these
carbonate content was lower in the profile C and showed a mono- results showed that the carbonate accumulation in this Indian
tonic trend. OCP system does not occur mainly in the soil habitat, as previ-
In summary, these results revealed the presence of oxalate, ously described in African OCP systems, but in the tree habitat
oxalotrophic bacteria and carbonate as well as a local alkaliniza- especially in the bark (rhytidome).
tion in soil under T. bellirica compared to the surrounding for- SEM observations of bark and leaf samples revealed the
est soil. Altogether, these data indicate the existence of an presence of numerous Caox crystals (Figure 3a–d). More
active OCP in the North Panna Tiger Reserve forest; this OCP generally, Caox crystals are commonly found in tissues of
being, to date, the first described in India. Although carbonate various plant species (T€ ut€
u Konyar et al. 2014; Volk
accumulation in soil was low, compared to other OCP sites et al. 2002; Webb 1999). Caox crystals were particularly
such as in Ivory Coast (Cailleau et al. 2004), and restricted to dense in the bark tissues of T. bellirica. Specifically, calcium
the first 10 cm, since a strong reaction with HCl 10% was oxalate druses were frequently observed in the bark
observed on the tree tissues, the same tree specimen T. bellirica (Figure 3c). Barks of diverse tree species have been shown to
was further investigated to address if the OCP could occur in contain Caox crystals of various shapes and sizes, including
other habitats associated to the tree. druses, e.g., in barks of Quercus robur, Populus tremula and
Betula pendula (Trockenbrodt 1995). Although a quantifica-
tion of the Caox content in the tree tissues (root, bark, leaf,
Biomineralization of the plant tissues
branch) was attempted, no positive signal was detected by
The different tissues of the T. bellirica specimen contained a vari- HPLC. Nonetheless, here we showed that the bark tissues of
able concentration of calcium carbonate. The bark displayed a T. bellirica contained both calcium oxalate and calcium car-
very strong reaction to HCl, and carbonate concentration corre- bonate, which are two essential compounds of the OCP. The
sponded to 82.0% weight. In comparison, the oxalogenic tree Mil- coexistence of Caox monohydrate (whewellite) and some
icia excelsa, which is the model tree in other OCP sites from carbonate species, such as low-magnesium calcite and high-
Africa concentrated calcite mainly in sap exudates (Cailleau et al. magnesium calcite, was also observed in the bark of other
2011). In addition, monohydrocalcite and biogenic Mg-calcite trees in Bolivian OCP sites, such as Ficus coerulescens
were identified in the bark of a Pentaplaris davidsmithii in a Boli- (Cailleau et al. 2014). In the upper 5 cm of soil, oxalate con-
vian OCP site (Cailleau et al. 2014). Leaves and wooden parts centration was relatively low (1.89¡1 soil) compared
(branches) of T. bellirica contained carbonate to a lesser extent to the results of Cailleau et al. (2014) who found much
(46.9% and 33.9%, respectively). Similarly, the presence of bio- higher concentrations of oxalate near trunks of Ceiba spe-
genic Mg-calcite was detected in leaves and wood tissues from P. ciosa (27.84¡1 soil) and P. davidsmithii (16.33 mg.
davidsmithii in Bolivia (Cailleau et al. 2014) and in the wood tis- kg¡1 soil) in other OCP sites from Bolivia. These differences
sues of M. excelsa in Africa (Cailleau et al. 2005, 2011). In the support the assumption that in the Indian site, the OCP pri-
present study, no Mg forms of carbonate, such as high-magnesian marily occurred in the outer bark.
calcite, were detected in T. bellirica. Regarding the roots of T. bel- According to the forest range officer of the Madhya Pradesh
lirica, no reaction to HCl has been observed and the measured State (personal communication), the bark texture of T. bellirica
concentration of carbonate was null. However, in Ivory Coast, gets smoother with time, which will affect the physico-chemical
partial calcite pseudomorphosis was observed on the root and the properties of the bark. Indeed, bark water storage capacity is
basal trunk (stump) of M. excelsa, and calcite blocks identified as expected to be lower for smoother bark (Levia and Herwitz
former root fragments were also found (Cailleau et al. 2011). 2005). Additionally, stemflow will be affected by modifications
These results suggest differences in the carbonate accumulation of the bark roughness, with a stemflow being greater for
within oxalogenic trees of different OCP sites studied so far. Vari- smooth barks compared to rough ones (Navar et al. 1999).
ous factors and combinations of them could explain these differ- These modifications will likely impact biogeochemical cycles of
ences: tree taxonomy, tree age, climatic variables, edaphic the forest ecosystem (Levia and Frost 2003), especially regard-
variables and/or the microbiome associated to the tree. In India, ing the calcium and carbon soil inputs. Lastly, the accumulation
the carbonate concentration in the upper 5 cm of soil was rela- of calcium carbonate in the aerial parts (bark, leaves, branches)
tively low (1.5% of the soil dry weight, Figure 2) compared to the of a living and standing tree might increase the retention time
results of Cailleau et al. (2004) who found that carbonate concen- of calcium aboveground, and thus potentially reduce the cal-
tration reached 63% below the hollow trunk of a M. excelsa and cium concentration in the soil surrounding such tree.
12–14% below its foliar crown in another OCP site from Ivory
Coast. Such differences might be explained by the different rain-
fall distributions between Indian and Ivory Coast sites, since the Diversity of oxalotrophic bacteria
dissolution of pedogenic carbonate is related to the intensity of
rainfall during wet periods (Violette et al. 2010). Indeed, the site The presence of both calcium carbonate and Caox crystals in
in Ivory Coast was characterized by a dry season from December the bark of T. bellirica raised the question of the presence of

Figure 3. Scanning electron microscope micrographs of (a–c) the bark tissues and of (d) a leaf of Terminalia bellirica. Druses were present in the bark (arrows).

oxalotrophic bacteria in this habitat. Their presence was con- diversity of this plant habitat and its ecology remains largely
firmed by the amplification of the frc gene. Subsequently, using unexplored (Kowallik et al. 2015).
a cloning/sequencing approach, the diversity of these oxalotro- Regarding the taxonomic diversity, 47 sequences belonged
phic bacteria was investigated. From 49 sequences, amino-acid- to the Proteobacteria phylum and 2 sequences were assigned to
based OTU clustering at 95% sequence similarity resulted in 19 Actinobacteria (Table S1). These two phyla are known to con-
Frc OTUs. Interestingly, the rarefaction curve was unsaturated tain oxalotrophic bacteria (Herve et al. 2016). Among Proteo-
(Figure 4), indicating that not all the bacterial oxalotrophy bacteria, 42 sequences belonged to the order Rhizobiales (class
diversity could be explored. The Chao1 richness estimator Alphaproteobacteria) and 3 sequences belonged to order Bur-
(Chao 1987) indicated 31 potential Frc OTUs, revealing an kholderiales (class Betaproteobacteria). The two other Proteo-
unexpected richness of oxalotrophic bacteria in the dermo- bacteria sequences could not be assigned to a lower taxonomic
sphere. It also suggests that the bark of oxalogenic trees is a level. Regarding the three Burkholderiales sequences, they were
potential hotspot of bacterial oxalotrophic diversity. More gen- all assigned to Burkholderia, a genus known to harbor oxalotro-
erally, bark tissue has been shown to harbor an important bac- phic bacteria associated to plants (Kost et al. 2014). Further-
terial diversity (Martins et al. 2013), however the microbial more, 16S rRNA gene sequences assigned to Burkholderia were
Number of observed OTUs


0 10 20 30 40 50

Number of sequences

Figure 4. Rarefaction curve of the number of observed Frc OTUs, using a 95% similarity threshold among the amino acid sequences.

detected in the dermosphere of the tropical trees Eugenia mela- This raises the question of the origin of the oxalotrophic
nogyna, Ocotea dispersa and Mollinedia uleana from the pris- bacterial community of the T. bellirica dermosphere. On the
tine Atlantic forest in Brazil (Lambais et al. 2014), suggesting one hand, these bacteria could have an epiphytic/endophytic
that this bacterial genus is frequently found in tropical dermo- origin, or alternatively they might have been deposited by aeo-
spheres. Most of Frc sequences reported here were assigned to lian deposition (aeolian origin). On the other hand, they can
the Rhizobiales order. Interestingly, three unclassified members initially originate from the soil beneath the tree as suggested by
of the Rhizobiales were found among the seventeen most abun- Leff et al. (2015). Recently, in a study of the dermosphere of Q.
dant bacterial OTUs of the trunk bark of Ginkgo biloba trees robur in United Kingdom, four sources for the bacterial com-
(Leff et al. 2015). Although this study was based on 16S rRNA munities have been suggested: the rhizosphere, between-trees
gene sequences, it suggests that oxalotrophic bacteria might be dispersal, the phyllosphere, and aeolian dispersal (Meaden et al.
an abundant functional group on tree dermosphere. Among 2016). In this same study, no dispersal limitation for the bacte-
our Rhizobiales sequences, three main groups can be distin- rial communities associated to the dermosphere could be
guished: a group related to genus Methylobacterium, a group detected at the hectare scale. If such phenomenon also occurred
related to family Bradyrhizobiaceae (including one sequence in our study site and since other trees from the same forest
assigned to genus Bradyrhizobium) and a group of unclassified showed carbonate accumulation in their tissues, one hypothesis
Rhizobiales sequences (Figure 5, Table S1). Remarkably, an would be that bacterial communities (including oxalotrophic
oxalotrophic strain belonging to genus Bradyrhizobium was bacteria) associated to the bark could colonize other trees via
also isolated from the upper soil layer of T. bellirica, in the aeolian dispersal. At the tree scale, since both Caox crystals and
same sampling site (Bravo et al. 2015). This might indicate that carbonate were found in both the bark and the leaves of T. bel-
the bark tissue can be a reservoir of oxalotrophic bacteria that lirica, an aeolian dispersal of oxalotrophic bacteria could also
would later transfer to the surrounding soil during bark decay. be hypothesized.
Sequences assigned to the Methylobacterium genus were the The phylogenetic relationship between the unique Frc
most abundant (n D 20) (Table S1, Figure 5) and various Meth- sequences is presented in Figure 5. Trees generated by ML and
ylobacterium species are known to be oxalotrophic (Sahin et al. BI approaches resulted in a similar topology, and thus only the
2008). Additionally, Methylobacterium spp. are commonly BI tree is presented here. A cluster of Methylobacterium
found in the plant phyllosphere (Knief et al. 2010), and were sequences was clearly identified (Figure 5), indicating a poten-
isolated as plant epiphytes and endophytes (Marx et al. 2012). tially high diversity of oxalotrophic bacterial strains among
Methylobacterium. However, no cluster was observed for the
Burkholderia (Betaproteobacteria) sequences that were found
among the Alphaproteobacteria, indicating that this Frc phy-
logeny is not completely congruent with the 16S rDNA phylog-
eny. Lastly, this Frc sequence analysis provided the first insight
into the functional diversity of the dermosphere of a tropical
tree. Such molecular analyses could be integrated into larger
studies about the functional ecology of barks (Poorter et al.
2014; Rosell et al. 2014). Additionally, future studies should
integrate RNA-based community analysis to identify the active
taxa involved in oxalate oxidation.

For the first time, results combining geochemical and microbial
analyses revealed the existence of an active OCP in the bark of
T. bellirica, adding a habitat to the OCP primarily detected in
soils from African and Bolivian OCP sites. Additionally, bark
tissues appeared as a niche harboring an unexpected diversity
of oxalotrophic bacteria, which can contribute to carbon and
calcium cycling in tropical ecosystems. Lastly, since observa-
tions of calcium carbonate in the bark of trees are more and
more frequent, our results could also provide a mechanistic
explanation of a more general phenomenon, i.e., the presence
of carbonate in the rhytidome as the product of bacterial cal-
cium oxalate oxidation.

Figure 5. Phylogenetic tree of the unique Frc sequences based on Bayesian inferences The authors wish to thank Audrey Taviaux for the help with the QGIS
(BI). Posterior probabilities of individual nodes are indicated on branches. The Frc software, as well as the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the
sequence from Lactobacillus acidophilus SC30 was used as an outgroup (LAC30SC). improvement of the manuscript.

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