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Before you will going to perform the cleansing bed bath, what are the things that you need to assess to your patient? ( 4 points ) What are the equipments that you will going to prepare in the bed side of your patient before performing the cleansing bed bath? ( 9 points ) Reading the chart of the patient is essential before giving the client a cleansing bed bath, this will guide the midwife in other procedure. What is the most important thing that the midwife need to consider before giving the patient cleansing bed bath? a. Confidentiality of the patients chart b. Privacy c. Medication to be given d. Result of the Doctors order To prevent the patient in chilling, all but one is essential that the midwife will consider: a. Maintain the prescribe temperature of the water b. Drape properly the patient c. Avoid too much exposure of body part d. Maintain clients privacy Why is it necessary to adjust the bed to working height, lower the side rail nearest you, and position the patient supine close to the side of bed you will be working on? a. To avoid back ache on the side of the midwife and maintain body mechanics b. To make the work more easy c. To promote comfort for the patient d. All of the listed above is correct The midwife will remove the bedspread, and spread the bath blanket over the top sheet, then have the patient hold the bath blanket in place while you remove the top sheet in order to: a. Provide privacy at all time b. Avoid chilling of the patient c. Maintain body mechanics d. Promote hygiene Cleaning the eye is essential in cleansing bed bath, the midwife will wipe the eyes from inner canthus to outer canthus of the eye, the reason for this is that: a. Maintain sterility of the eyes b. Avoid contamination of the clean area of the eye c. Maintain comfort of the patient d. Promote body mechanics To promote venous return, the midwife will wash the arm of the patient: a. Proximal to distal b. Distal to proximal c. Any point d. Circular firm motion In cleansing the penis of the male client, why is it the midwife will handle the scrotum with care? a. Scrotum is sensitive b. Scrotum is the skin that hold the testicle c. Scrotum is private organ of the male patient d. None of the listed above

True or False: Right the O if the statement is correct and Q if the statement is false before the number _____10. . Cover the patients chest with a bath towel, and lower the bath blanket to the patients waist _____11. Wash the chest. For women, gently lift each breast to wash the skinfold if needed. Keep the chest covered between the wash and rinse. Rinse and pat the chest dry. Cover with a bath towel . ____12. Position the patient on his side with his back facing you, or in the prone position. Make sure the side rail on the far side of the bed, facing the patient, is still up ____13. Exposing only the back and buttocks, wash the back and then the buttocks. Rinse and pat dry, paying particular attention to gluteal folds. Observe for redness and skin breakdown in the sacral area . ____14. . Don procedure gloves if you have not already done so, and wash the rectal area, removing any fecal matter with tissues prior to washing with washcloth. WASH FROM FRONT TO BACK ___15. Discard the soiled washcloth, and change the bath water. Wash and wipe out the basin as needed before refilling it. Cover any soiled linen prior to repositioning the patient ___16. Position the patient on her back. Place waterproof pads under the patient if they are not already in place. You may wish to place the patient on a bedpan or portable sitz tub, especially if the perineum is grossly soiled

Charis Joy R. Doong, RM, RN

Charis Joy R. Doong, RM, RN

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