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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations





Background: FAO Rwanda, DeSIRA program has planned a field mission for joint situational analysis its assigned Innovation
Facilitators (IFs). For measuring the outcomes from the coaching session and in addition to the professional knowledge received
during the previous induction training, IFs are supposed to fill the following form.

To be kept in mind: Innovation partnerships are groups of stakeholders, often with different backgrounds, who come together to
address challenges and opportunities in a particular issue or area. Members represent organizations or groups that have different
but complementary objectives and interests, such as farmers, traders, research, government etc. An innovation partrneship is a
space for learning and change. The members come together to diagnose problems, identify opportunities and find ways to
achieve their goals.

These stakeholders do not naturally want to cooperate or share information. They may have divergent interests, or even compete
with each other. Skilful facilitation is needed so they agree on common goals and activities. This is the first exercise to be
considered by the assigned IFs who through this field mission shall be supported to asses the current situation, buy interest from
potential members of the IPs, prepare the engagement workshop and be practically coached on the IP facilitation techniques.
Some AIPs existed and were supported during the 1st phase of CDAIS project and shall need to be supported t be refreshed.

Facilitation of innovation is a flexible and adaptive process during which an assigned facilitator(s) manage dialogue and
stimulate collective problem analysis by multiple stakeholders to overcome challenges or make use of opportunities.It is
necessary to influence not only the way farmers think and make decisions, but how other stakeholders behave too. These
system-level changes need careful facilitation

Upn the field visits and joint situational analysis, the assigned innovation coach shall facilitate a professional innovation
facilitation coaching session to reflect on the outcomes from the field visits in terms of facilitating the AIP and provide functional
capacity support to the assisted AIPs.
1. Practical description of the Innovation Partnerships assigned to the IFs
You have been assigned by FAO Rwanda DeSIRA program, to be an Innovation Facilitator (IF) for one Agricultural
Innovation Partnership (AIP) in your district. You have received a professional training on AIS conceptual framework
and AIPs facilitation techniques. You have made preliminary visits for a joint contextual analysis. How did you asses
the current context? Is there any relevance to support an identified potential AIP in your district? Yes No
(remember to check if there are no similar initiatives in the district to avoid duplication and / or confusions)
What are the key issues to be considered as the foundation of the IP establishment / refreshments (explain the rationale to
create / refresh the innovation partnership)?
2. Defining Innovation interfaces
From the induction training outcomes an, joint situational analysis and coaching session, what do you foresee as key
innovation interfaces to be considered for the AIP you are assigned toi support? Yes No Two to three
innovation interfaces would suffice and please mention them according to the priorities
How do you assess your current professional expertise on AIPs facilitation? (Tick only one appropriate answer and be
Very high High Medium Low Very low
3. Target Innovation outcomes
From the joint situationa analysis, what could we can as re refleted target innovation outcomes for the AIP you are signed to
facilitate? Some of the ideas where reflected during the training but others may come from the joint situational analysis , field
visitd and coaching. The situation may be however different from what was reflected during the training and this has to be
indicated the way it is to avoid biases
To bekept in mind : Innovation partnerships often go through a cycle that includes initiation, deciding on a focus, identifying
options, testing and refining solutions, developing capacity, implementing and scaling up, and analysing to learn

4. From the joint situational assessment , how do you assess the potential level of engagement for the identified IP
members ? Facilitated reflections by the coach
Very high High Medium Low Very low Provide explanations where necessary

5. From the joint situational assessmen, what do you foresee as the potential success factors for the AIP you are supposed
to facilitate ? Maximum five bullet points (indivIdual reflections and exchanges with the coach).
6. What do you foresee as the key limitation factors for the success of the AIP you are supposed to facilitate ? Maximum
five bullet points ( ndivIdual reflections and exchanges with the coach).
7. AIPFs facilitationTry to be specific about very specific your AIP.
To which extent you feel confident to perform your facilitation and capacity development tasks without any close
assistance ( be specific about your ?
Very high High Medium Low Very low Think about your level of confidence to perform your tasks as an
assigned IF as a result of the induction training, coaching , mentoring assistance, etc
8. Anticipated Challenges and mitigation measures
What do you foresee as professional challenges that you may face in performing your tasks as an assigned IF after this
situational analysis and coahing session? Challenges may be internal or external
What do you have in mind as mitigation measures?
To which extent do you think these challenges may negatively affect your professional target performances in terms of
AIP facilitation?
Very high High Medium Low Very low Think about negative effects from the challenges and drop
any notes to justify your answer

9. Needed external assistance

What still need as professional capacity assistance ( what you miss most) to perform your tasks and responsibilities as an
assigned IF? 4 bullet points maximum

10. Preparations of the upcoming engagement workshop

From the professional capacity assistance so far provided by FAO (training, joint field visits and coaching, how do you
feel confident to prepare and facilitate the upcoming innovation workshop without any close technical assistance?
Very high High Medium Low Very low Think about positive effect expected from the training
What do you expect from that workshop (max 4 key expectations)?
What is the needed external assistance to help you to organize or facilitate the upcoming engagement workshop?

11. Self evaluation

To which extent do you feel situational analysis and coaching has positively affected your professional performances as
an IF?

Very high High Medium Low Very low Feel free to add any relevant notes to justify your answers
12. Additional (Optional)
Drop any more thoughts, wishes, ideas or needed assistance to assist you to improve your professional capacities in order to
perform better your tasks.
Please don’t hesitate to contact your coach for any clarification ( Désiré Mushumba, +250788566096)

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