2 Task 3-Drafting by Andres David Torres Hernandez Correcion

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PERIOD: 16-01


Task 3- drafting-------------------------------------------------------------------------3.

Step 1– Screenshots and Forum Participation ------------------------------------3.

Step 2-Opinion Paragraph ------------------------------------------------------------4.

Step 3- Outline and Draft------------------------------------------------------------6.

APA References following the 7th Edition guidelines----------------------------7.

Step 1 – Screenshots and Forum Participation:

The second web conference of the English composition course takes place on
March 21. The tutor in charge of presenting the web conference, Cristian Felipe
Cañon, begins with a greeting and an introduction of what the meeting will be
like, where they will speak in English and Spanish, most of it in English for
constant exposure to the language and important points. It will be spoken in
Spanish so that everything is perfectly clear and understood. He then makes a
personal presentation of himself with important aspects of his life.
Second, he explained all steps of the task 3:
• Step 1: second Web Conference
• Step 2: OREO table.
Opinion paragraph (the least favorite lesion).
• Step 3: 5-paragraph draft.
Based on a thesis statement.
• Step 4: PDF file in accordance with APA rules (7th edition in English).
After that, he explained in a lot of detail step 3: where this thesis statement has
to be one introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion
He also explained WHAT IS a THESIS?, where I learned that a thesis
statement is a statement that tells you and your reader what you plan to write
about. It is usually one sentence in the introduction to your paper .it tells the
main idea of your paper. It might also give the reader an idea of the type of
organization and the tone that you plan to use in your paper.
One of the parts more important that I learned is that a thesis does not have to
be only one sentence long, in some papers, it is appropriate to have a two-or-
three –sentences thesis.
Following the explanation how is the correct way that we have to do our essay,
he exhibited us a page what is WIKI HOW, where this page explained step by
step how you can do better writing and helping you to do your essay.
Finally, he spoke about the table of contents and references, where we must
use the APA style and we need to organize the references according to
Alphabetical order.
Step 2 – Opinion Paragraph.


Opinion (introducing): lesson 5 Drafting your paper.

The importance for this type of writing of having a wide vocabulary and knowing how to
write ideas with their respective spelling signs
Reason 1: Explain reason 1:
When we write a text we must be clear A great commitment is required of us in order
about all the steps of its planning, to to have an analysis and critical thinking of the
adequately capture the ideas we want writing that we are writing or reading in some
to express, which is very complicated. cases, in order to demonstrate our ability to
Reason 2: Explain reason 2:
Second, many people are not aware or Because many times what we do is collect
have not been taught to think critically ideas from other places or people and carry
and if not only make a text with the most out a different organization that makes sense
essential phases as the beginning, and that's it, without giving so much
middle and end. importance to the advances that it may have.
Reason 3: Explain reason 3:
Thirdly, I think that in many cases, even For these reasons, on many occasions we as
for us higher education students, it is a students rely on other sources and ideas from
bit complex to write an essay, with all other colleagues or people, so that our
the guidelines, references, and styles, presentation before the courses is more
because many times we don't know how Critical and shows our knowledge and
to start or we omit something very experience about what we have learned and
simple. reflected in the writing.
OPINION CONCLUDING: Finally, we have to keep trying to follow all the
guidelines given to improve our writing,
despite the fact that it is often difficult for us,
we should ask for advice if we see that we
need it, this improves our writing skills.

1. My least favorite lesson is 'Write your work' because when we write a

text we must be clear about all the planning steps, to adequately capture
the ideas we want to express, which is very complicated a great
commitment is required of us. In order to have an analysis and critical
thinking of the writing that we are testing or reading in some cases, in
order to demonstrate our ability to learn. Secondly, many people are not
aware or have not been taught to think critically and not only to make a
text with the most essential phases such as the beginning, middle, and
end; Because many times what we do is collect ideas from other places
or people and carry out a different organization that makes sense and
that's it, without giving so much importance to the advances it may have.
Thirdly, I think that in many cases, even for us higher education
students, it is a bit complex to write an essay, with all the guidelines,
references, and styles because many times we don't know how to start
or we skip it. something very simple for these reasons on many
occasions students rely on other sources and ideas from other
classmates or people so that our presentation to the courses is more
critical and shows our knowledge and experience about what we have
learned and reflected in writing. Finally, we have to keep trying to follow
all the guidelines given to improve our writing, despite the fact that it is
often difficult for us, we should ask for advice if we see that we need it,
this improves our writing skills.
Step 3 – Outline and Draft.


INTRODUCTION what Many times when i write i do not take into account many
PARAGRAPG. Knowledge do i of the techniques and grammatical patterns, which
have about would help me when expressing and describing what i
writing? think in an orderly way to make sense to myself when i
write I have to know about the vocabulary that is
required to carry it out because it is very different talk
about the environment and talk about business. In
short, i must have critical and reflective thinking about
who my writing is addressed to.

Body paragraphs First step, the From a very young age i started in the world that is
Process of learning writing, from a very young age when I barely formed
to write in the early short sentences with few words, to express ideas or
years. how I felt. I started to identify words and little by little i
created my first writings with the words I knew,
sometimes I created sentences with poorly made
structures, but i did it and little by little i learned the
structures to make more complex sentences.

Second, the When i could make small sentences

Love for our first and paragraphs, it filled me with pride and emotion, for
writings and the this reason, i began to write more and more every day
correction of them. in order to expand my knowledge about it, i also began
to receive corrections and suggestions from my
parents and teachers, they also helped me and It helps
me express my ideas better.
The teachers helped me to have a better spelling with
the correct uses of good spelling and to have the ability
to reflect and be critical with the different types of
information that I read every day..

Third, the when I could see that I already have a good mastery of
expansion of language, structures, and vocabulary, I can write longer
knowledge through and specialized essays depending on the field in which
I am working without any problem and express my
ideas, opinions, thoughts, and knowledge in order to
demonstrate in detail what I want to imply and that the
reader understands the purpose of the essay that he
himself is reading.
Finally, as In conclusion, writing is a fundamental tool, since it
Conclusion Francisco Umbral helps me to express my imagination and thoughts in a
Paragraph said "writing is the more creative way, it also helps me to share and
express what we feel, at this moment I feel a little freer
deepest way of
because I can express myself without Fear of feeling
reading life." judged by others.
What Knowledge do i have about writing?
Many times when i write i do not take into account many of the techniques and grammatical patterns, which would
help me when expressing and describing what i think in an orderly way to make sense to myself when i write I have
to know about the vocabulary that is required to carry it out because it is very different talk about the environment
and talk about business. In short, i must have critical and reflective thinking about who my writing is addressed to.
 First step, the Process of learning to write in the early years. From a very young age i started in the world that
is writing, from a very young age when I barely formed short sentences with few words, to express ideas or
how I felt. I started to identify words and little by little i created my first writings with the words I knew,
sometimes I created sentences with poorly made structures, but i did it and little by little i learned the structures
to make more complex sentences.
 Second, the Love for our first writings and the correction of them. When i could make small sentences
and paragraphs, it filled me with pride and emotion, for this reason, i began to write more and more every day in
order to expand my knowledge about it, i also began to receive corrections and suggestions from my parents and
teachers, they also helped me and It helps me express my ideas better.
The teachers helped me to have a better spelling with the correct uses of good spelling and to have the ability to
reflect and be critical with the different types of information that I read every day.
 Third, the expansion of knowledge through practice. when I could see that I already have a good mastery of
language, structures, and vocabulary, I can write longer and specialized essays depending on the field in which I
am working without any problem and express my ideas, opinions, thoughts, and knowledge in order to demonstrate
in detail what I want to imply and that the reader understands the purpose of the essay that he himself is reading.
Finally, as Francisco Umbral said "writing is the deepest way of reading life."
In conclusion, writing is a fundamental tool, since it helps me to express my imagination and thoughts in a
more creative way, it also helps me to share and express what we feel, at this moment I feel a little freer
because I can express myself without Fear of feeling judged by others.

What Knowledge do i have about writing?

Many times when i write i do not take into account many of the techniques and grammatical patterns, which would
help me when expressing and describing what i think in an orderly way to make sense to myself when i write I have
to know about the vocabulary that is required to carry it out because it is very different talk about the environment
and talk about business. In short, i must have critical and reflective thinking about who my writing is addressed to.
 First step, the Process of learning to write in the early years. From a very young age i started in the world that
is writing, from a very young age when I barely formed short sentences with few words, to express ideas or
how I felt. I started to identify words and little by little i created my first writings with the words I knew,
sometimes I created sentences with poorly made structures, but i did it and little by little i learned the structures
to make more complex sentences.
 Second, the Love for our first writings and the correction of them. When i could make small sentences
and paragraphs, it filled me with pride and emotion, for this reason, i began to write more and more every day in
order to expand my knowledge about it, i also began to receive corrections and suggestions from my parents and
teachers, they also helped me and It helps me express my ideas better.
The teachers helped me to have a better spelling with the correct uses of good spelling and to have the ability to
reflect and be critical with the different types of information that I read every day.
 Third, the expansion of knowledge through practice. when I could see that I already have a good mastery of
language, structures, and vocabulary, I can write longer and specialized essays depending on the field in
which I am working without any problem and express my ideas, opinions, thoughts, and knowledge in order to
demonstrate in detail what I want to imply and that the reader understands the purpose of the essay that he
himself is reading.
Finally, as Francisco Umbral said "writing is the deepest way of reading life."
In conclusion, writing is a fundamental tool, since it helps me to express my imagination and thoughts in a
more creative way, it also helps me to share and express what we feel, at this moment I feel a little freer
because I can express myself without Fear of feeling judged by others.

 Muñoz, M. (2020). Unit 2: Writing. In A Practical Guide to

Writing (pp. 43-59). Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia.
 Golden West College2022. (2022, September 14). APA Style Guide:
Quick Guide - APA 7. Library Research
Guides. https://goldenwestcollege.libguides.com/apa7

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