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4 Experimental Setup

The statistical treatment of mean and standard deviation is used in the study. Mean, sometimes known
as the arithmetic mean or average, is a measure of the central value of the distribution. While, the
standard deviation is a statistical treatment to measure the difference from the group's mean (Sykes et
al., 2016). It gauges how far the data are from the mean. These two will be used to determine how
credible Tiktok is as an online source of information. The researchers' goal was to compare two data to
the average of a group's features, therefore they chose mean and standard deviation to assess their

3.4 1 Research Equations

For data analysis purposes, the researchers employed quantitative analysis to determine and obtain the
mean, mode, median, and standard deviation. Finding the mean, median, and mode aids researchers in
gathering data for their studies. They calculate the mean by adding up all the coded data that has been
collected from the survey, and look for the median by finding the score that falls in the middle of the
data. If the number of data is even, they just need to find the middle score; if it is uneven, they need to
find the two middle scores and add them together, then divide the result by the number of data. The
mode was obtained by looking for the responds that appeared the most frequently in the gathered data.
The researchers are also assisted by the mean, median, and mode in their search for pertinent data that
will strengthen and clarify the paper's theoretical framework. The final step in descriptive statistical
methodology is to calculate the standard deviation. To do this, one must find the square root of the
variance, which will give the researcher more results and data that may be used to support the paper.
With these equations, the researchers are able to analyze and interpret the data in quantitative research
and will be able to determine if the data collected and the study being proposed is accurate.

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