EHF-TE-IA2-Practice Questions

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Academic Year: 2022-2023 Semester: VI Class/Division: TE6

Subject: Ethical Hacking and Forensic

Faculty Name:Rashmi Malvankar Senior Faculty Name: Archana Chaugule

Practice Questions Module 4,5,6

2 Marks Questions (Module 4,5)

1. Describe the various challenges in mobile forensics?

2. Discuss any two tools used in mobile forensics?
3. Describe the acquisition techniques in mobile forensics?
4. Discuss the forensic in cellular networks?
5. Describe the information gathering for smart phones in forensics?
6. Explain the process for analyzing network traffic and collecting network-based evidence
7. Explain types of IDS in detail
8. What is intrusion detection? Explain.
9. Explain steps for investigating routers
10. What is Address Spoofing explaining its types?
11. How to collect network-based evidence log files?
12. Define mobile forensics.
13. What is physical analysis in mobile forensics?
14. What is logical analysis in mobile forensics?

5 Marks Questions (Module 6)

Q1. Which are the guidelines we consider for incident report writing.
Q2. Discuss goal of computer forensic reports writing in short
Q3. Describe the Layout of an Investigative Report
Q4. Discuss any sample example for writing a forensic report (refer ppt case study )
Q5. Explain General Structure of a Forensic Report
Case study Example from ppt
Case Study: Behavioral Problem: An administrator calls the corporate director of safety/security over
the worry of a representative. The administrator shows that the employee had inquired as to whether
their neighbors had called. When asked why, the representative had related an anecdote about his
neighbors who have a machine that can read his brain. The worker had told the administrator that this
matter should be accounted for because only the FBI is approved to have such a machine.

Q. Explain General Structure of a Forensic Report

Ans. Title of the Examination report- It means whether it is toxicological/handwriting

opinion/ballistics etc. with proper legal section of the evidence act of that particular country or

Name and address of the laboratory with contact information like telephone, mobile, fax, email.

Affiliation of the laboratory showing its legal entity and accreditation status. In case you are a
freelancer, your all credentials with your expertise and experience must be mentioned on the
letter head of the report or at the end of the report.

Unique ID No. of the report with date (if applicable)

Name of the customer (client/attorney/individual) with reference letter number and date
(assignment letter)

Case Enquiry/ DD/ FIR no. ………date ………….u/s……….Police Station, under which court
(if applicable)

Mode of receipt of material (evidences/specimens) : Through messenger or by post / by mail

Sampling Method; How the sampling done by the IO/ Investigator/ Forensic Expert

Reference to the Test Method(s); Reference to lab procedure manual/ books/published standard
method- used in the examination, or sometimes to the previous cases solved or convicted.

Condition of Parcels/Test samples and seals; eg. Received. One sealed/ unsealed ..parcel. The
seals were intact and tallied with the specimen seal as per forwarding authority letter.

Description of Specimens/Parcels/Samples/Exhibits etc.

Methodology of Examination
Result of Examination & Opinion

Signature or examining officer along with seal.

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