Annotated Bibliography 2

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Andersson, Tommy, and Lars Ehlers.

“Assigning Refugees to Landlords in Sweden:

Efficient, Stable, and Maximum Matchings.” The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol.
122, no. 3, 2020, pp. 937–65,

This paper describes the issues with finding housing for refugees once they have been
allowed asylum. They also go into detail about how the market design can affect their getting
housing and they propose some possible solutions. This is important because it will give me
some examples that I can use to show what issues need to be supported by a program such as
the one I proposed. It will give me other examples of systems that solve some of these
problems which would give me a better understanding of what is needed from the program.

Brown, Philip, et al. “The Impact of Housing on Refugees: An Evidence Synthesis.” Housing
Studies, vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print, 2022, pp. 1–45,

This article describes the program that the UK put in place to handle refugees. They
have a two-route system set up, the first being for asylum-seekers and the second being for
individual status. This is an important source because it provides an example of another system
that's been put in place by a whole country. While we don’t have a system like this in place in
the U.S. it is still a useful and supportive source that can provide evidence for a classifying
system that would be useful in a program like the one I proposed.

Johnstone, Melissa, et al. “Discrimination and Well-Being amongst the Homeless: The Role
of Multiple Group Membership.” Frontiers in Psychology, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
1 June 2015,

This paper focuses on how there is a lot of discrimination and stigmatization when it comes to
homeless people. It also covers how there are other factors that contribute to discrimination
against homeless people. I'm going to use it to bring up the fact that many people believe that
being homeless is within their control of the person. I can then use it to also tie in the fact of
mental health and then deal with the discrimination on top of that.

Khan, Bushra M., et al. “Perspectives of Refugee Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A

Qualitative Study of Factors Impacting Mental Health and Resilience.” Frontiers, Frontiers, 5
May 2022,

This source is important to me because it provides me with some evidence and factors on how
mental health is impacted by homelessness. It primarily talks about it in relation to the youth and
how there are tons of barriers stopping them from getting support services. It provides me with
support for my talking points and how it is dangerous to live homelessly. It also allows me to tie
it in with the fact that it is worse to also have to deal with the mental stress of being a refugee.
“Migration and the Right to Housing.” OHCHR,

This source talks about how everyone should have the right to adequate housing. They state
that it doesn’t matter who is on the move, they should have the right to a house, otherwise, it's a
violation of human rights. This is useful in supporting the need for my program, it would allow
me to provide more people with the chance to not lose that right. It also supports it by talking
about how without them finding housing they are usually stuck in overcrowded and or insecure

Schneider, Heidi, and K. Bruce Newbold. “Housing and the Resettlement Experiences of
Refugee Claimants in Hamilton, Ontario.” Housing Studies, vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-
of-print, 2022, pp. 1–22,

This paper focuses on experiences refugees have had when searching for housing in Hamilton,
Ontario. This paper also goes through some of the major issues like affordability and rental
applications. It will be very helpful in writing this paper because it gives me some background
information on what the experience is normally like without the assistance of programs like hello
neighbor or any such organizations. It will also give me a baseline of some of the issues that
need to be addressed or could be more efficiently done by a program that I proposed.

Soederberg, Susanne. “Governing Global Displacement in Austerity Urbanism: The Case of

Berlin’s Refugee Housing Crisis: Governing Global Displacement: Housing Refugees in
Berlin.” Development and Change, vol. 50, no. 4, 2019, pp. 923–47,

This paper goes through the details of housing refugees in Berlin and how they decided
to handle the influx of refugees. It's an important source because it gives examples of how
unreliable an unstructured housing system is. Their system would put the responsibility of
finding housing on the refugees and give them some slight benefits such as welfare. It highlights
how the refugees would find it difficult to “secure affordable housing”, leading them to just pay
rent in an emergency shelter. I need this source to show what good a system like my proposed
program could do for refugee housing.

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