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An interview with surprises

I will tell you a short story about a funny situation that happened last
week when I applied for a new job to a multinational company.
My interview was set for 11am, and rush hour caught me two blocks
away from the company, in that moment I decided to walk up there.
Obviously, I run there and when I entered the company, I run into someone
and spilled coffee over his white shirt. Because I was in a hurry to my
interview, I apologized for the unfortunate incident, told him I would be late
and left so as not to miss the interview.
Finally, I arrived on time and started the interview. The interviewer
was pleased with my knowledge and skills. When I told him about my
qualities, someone rushed into the room and it was the same person I spilled
the coffee on, the CO of the company. While I said, "I am a very attentive
and punctual person". The CO stopped and with a broad smile and said,
"Yes, he is very attentive and punctual, we need him". At that point I felt
extremely embarrassed, and my face turned red, but eventually I got the job.
All in all, all's well that ends well but that day I told myself I would
always leave home 15 minutes earlier so I wouldn't be late. This was an
experience that needs to be told.

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