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Academic Session 2023 – 24

English Grade 4
Chapter 1- The English Exam
Concept Map

 This is a story about a boy named Raghu.

 Raghu was very excited for his English exam as English was his favourite subject.
 When it was time for the exam to begin, Raghu was full of excitement and he waited
impatiently for the question paper.
 However, as soon as he received the question paper from his teacher, he was shocked.
 He couldn’t believe his eyes. He called his teacher and said that there was something
wrong as he had received maths question paper instead of English. The whole class
looked at Raghu.
 Everyone was surprised at his words. The teacher spoke to him kindly and confirmed
that it was maths exam that day.
 Raghu was in tears. He couldn’t think clearly and was totally confused.
 He kept saying to himself, “It was supposed to be English exam today”.
 Raghu’s mother noticed him muttering something and woke him up.
 Soon, he realised that he was only dreaming and that it was his first holiday after

Word meanings and make sentences -

1. excited - feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm
Sentence - All the students were excited for the school trip.

2. impatiently - in an impatient manner

Sentence - The children waited impatiently for the presents.
3. shocked- startled
Sentence - Tom’s mother was shocked by his improper behaviour.
4. muttering- speaking in a low, quiet and often angry voice that is difficult to hear
Sentence - Sarla went away muttering to herself.

5. eager- strongly wanting to do or have something

Sentence - The boy was eager to ride his new bicycle.

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