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Employee Management System


Program: Diploma in Computer Engineering

Program Code: CO5I
Course: Advance Java Programming
Course Code: 22517
Name of the Guide: Mr. Sagar Mhatre


This is to certify that Mr. Thorve Siddhant Jayram Roll No. 52 of V Semester of Diploma in
Computer Engineering of Institute PILLAI HOC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING &
TECHNOLOGY, RASAYANI (DIPLOMA SECTION-1148) has completed the Micro Project
satisfactorily in Subject-Advance Java Programming (22517) for the academic year 2022-23
as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Rasayani Enrollment No: 2111480168

Date: Exam. Seat No: 134652

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal



This is to certify that Mr. Pawar Atharva Avinash Roll No. 22 of V Semester of Diploma in
Computer Engineering of Institute PILLAI HOC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING &
TECHNOLOGY, RASAYANI (DIPLOMA SECTION-1148) has completed the Micro Project
satisfactorily in Advance Java Programming (22517) for the academic year 2022-23 as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Rasayani Enrollment No: 2011480112

Date: Exam. Seat No: 134622

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal



This is to certify that Mr. Patil Akshay Vinod Roll No. 31 of V Semester of Diploma in
Computer Engineering of Institute PILLAI HOC COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING &
TECHNOLOGY, RASAYANI (DIPLOMA SECTION-1148) has completed the Micro Project
satisfactorily in Advance Java Programming (22517) for the academic year 2022-23 as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Rasayani Enrollment No: 2011480123

Date: Exam. Seat No: 134631

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Group Details:

Sr. No Name of Student Roll No Enrollment No Seat No

1 Thorve Siddhant Jayram 52 2111480168 134652

2 Pawar Atharva Avinash 22 2011480112 134622

3 Patil Akshay Vinod 31 2011480123 134631

Name of the Guide – Mr. Sagar Mhatre


Sr. Week Activity Date Of Sign Of

No Observation The Guide

1. 1 st

2. 2nd

3. 3 th

4. 4 th

5. 5 th

6. 6 th

7. 7 th

8. 8 th

9. 9 th

10. 10 th

11. 11 th

12. 12 th

Signature of the Guide


Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2022 - 2023 Name of the Faculty: Mr. Sagar Mhatre

Course: Advance Java Programming Course Code: 22517 Semester: V

Title of the Project: Employee Management System

COs addressed by Micro Project:

A: Develop programs using GUI Frameworks AWT Swing.
B: Handle events of AWT and Swing Components.
C: Develop programs to handle events in java Programming.
D: Develop Java Programming using Database.

Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project:

Practical Outcome:1,5,12,18

Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain: 1a,1b,2,5a

Outcomes in Affective domain:

Comments/suggestions about teamwork /leadership/interpersonal communication (if any):

Roll Student Name Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4 Total out

No. for performance for performance of 10
in group activity in oral/
(D5 Col.8) presentation
(D5 Col.9)

52 Thorve Siddhant Jayram

22 Pawar Atharva Avinash

31 Patil Akshay Vinod

(Signature of Faculty)

This is the first page of employee management system application, where login page is
visible after running the program where user can login into the home page for their use. In
this we used JPasswordField for accepting password and JTextField for username, a message
box is used to display the result.

This is the Home page, where we can handle the whole application. In this home page we
have used total 7 menus and 11 menu items which are related and added to the appropriate
In the above output window of adding new employee, we can accepts the new user data from
appropriate textfields defined with labels for accepting the correct data. Message box pop-
ups with positive response after inserting correct data or negative response after inserting
incorrect data.

These are the outputs,

which are used to find
employee with the given
employee ID in an

Search window accepts the

employee id entered by
user and prints the
employee data on next
window with labels.
In the above output we can update the specific employee details. If we have entered the
correct data for updating details then, after pressing Update Data button message box appears
on screen with “Your Data Successfully Updated” message.

In the above output of application, we can add employee attendance for keeping their
attendance on daily basis. So, company can keep record of working days of each employee.
Firstly, we have to select employee id through choice, and after choosing employee id
textfield added for name and email gets filled automatically with selected employee data.
And by clicking submit button message box appears with data inserted response.
In the above output we can see employee attendance submitted on visible date. In this frame
data from database is fetched on JTable and we can also search an employee by given id. So,
we can view specific employee even after table gets fill with many attendance.

Like a Common employee management, we can hereby apply for the leave. We have to
select employee id through choice, and after choosing employee id textfield added for name
and email gets filled automatically with selected employee data. Employee can apply for the
leave through this frame of application. Employee have to specify the start - end date of
leave and also have to specify reason of applying for leave.
In this output all records of applied employee leaves are visible through JTable. In this frame
data from database is fetched on JTable and we can also search an employee by given id. So,
we can view specific employee even after table gets fill with many Leave application.

In the above output we can add an employee salary of a specific month and year. For
selecting month and year we have choice on this window and textfields for inserting salary
of employee. After submitting the salary with correct data, message box with “Your Data
Successfully Inserted” message pop ups on screen.
In this output we can generate payment slip of an employee with specific month and year.
The Gross salary of an employee is generated through addition of HRA, DA, MID, PF and
Basic salary. The Salary and employee data is generated on TextArea.

In this output employee data is displayed through JTable on window. Details of all
employees is fetched from appropriate table and using delete query, fired with specific
employee id, data of selected employee gets deleted from all tables present in database.

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