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Animal Field Services

Why is this the best solu�on for ci�zens and animals in our community?

This approach will unite animal welfare organiza�ons and law enforcement agencies, resul�ng in beter
service to our community’s people and pets. Our focus will be on educa�ng and assis�ng pet owners
rather than the tradi�onal responses of ci�ng and seizure.

When individuals are cited or fined and their pets are removed, an unsustainable cycle within the legal
system begins, discouraging them from reclaiming their pet despite how much that animal means to
them. In some cases, their pet might remain at the shelter while they get another animal elsewhere.

We will meet individuals where they are, without judgment or assump�on, to achieve the best possible
outcomes for them and their pets.

How is the proposed department different than current animal control opera�ons?

Rather than being reac�ve to our community’s concerns, the new organiza�on will proac�vely address
animal welfare with educa�on and a plethora of resources. The department will empower residents to
resolve pet-related issues for the long term. This progressive model also will enhance community safety
by engaging with pet owners to interrupt the cycle of repeated offenses.

Will this be a law enforcement agency?

Many animal control organiza�ons na�onwide are moving away from a law enforcement model. Other
agencies are housed under unrelated departments, such as parks and recrea�on, public works and the
local health department. Today’s solu�ons are community-based and collabora�ve, which is proven to
make a greater long-term impact.

The reimagined agency will rely on support from local law enforcement officers as needed and defer to
them when concerns need to be escalated.

Will Young-Williams Animal Center be authorized to issue cita�ons and seize animals?

Yes. Our trained staff will uphold all local ordinances and state laws to cite pet owners and remove
animals when necessary. The staff also will provide resources to address the factors that led to the
misconduct. This ensures that offenders are held accountable and have opportuni�es to correct any
unlawful acts.


When will Young-Williams Animal Center remove pets from proper�es?

Our officers will be able to legally remove an animal from a private property under the following

 Officer witnesses an animal leave its owner’s property and stray in the surrounding area.
 Officer obtains a warrant to seize an animal from a court of competent jurisdiction.
 Officer determines that exigent circumstances exist and without immediate intervention the
animal will suffer serious harm or death.

Will officers respond to wildlife reports?

Animal Control’s current policy on wildlife reports will remain unchanged. Officers will respond to calls
about wildlife animals that are sick/injured and pose a direct safety risk to the public. The Tennessee
Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) has jurisdic�on over wildlife including bats, skunks, racoons, foxes
and coyotes.

How will the consolida�on affect budgets and taxpayer dollars?

The consolida�on of departments with duplica�on of services is a more cost-effec�ve and efficient use
of resources. This proven strategy saves taxpayer money while improving the lives of people and their

With Young-Williams Animal Center overseeing Animal Control as a nonprofit, there would be the
opportunity to apply for grants and solicit addi�onal funding for training and equipment not included in
the budget. This would create the capacity to grow our animal welfare services for community pet

How will the proposed consolida�on affect the average ci�zen?

Knox County and Knoxville ci�zens will benefit from progressive methods of crea�ng a safe and humane
community through owner educa�on, community outreach and follow-up on each call for service. Pet
owners also will be connected to more immediate resources and solu�ons, as we promote compliance
over enforcement and impoundment when truly necessary. Addi�onally, improved communica�on
among local agencies and animal welfare organiza�ons will resolve cases more quickly and result in
beter outcomes for people and their pets.

How will the repor�ng process differ?

All calls will con�nue to be dispatched through E-911 and current non-emergency numbers, making the
transi�on of services seamless. The repor�ng process will include prompt service, �mely follow-up and
though�ul ac�on. Whether a concerned ci�zen is repor�ng a dangerous incident or a pet owner is in
need of resources, our team will respond with a solu�ons-driven and respec�ul approach.


Repor�ng across the animal welfare community also will be enhanced. Young-Williams Animal Center
will share accurate, �mely informa�on with regional partners to best aid pet owners and prevent animal

How will the department be staffed?

Current Animal Control employees will be encouraged to reapply. Employees will receive training
through the Na�onal Animal Care & Control Associa�on (NACCA) and Best Friends Animal Society on the
department’s new strategies and available resources, preparing them to beter serve our community.

The number of officers will remain consistent at 17, to include 15 officers, one supervisor and one

Where will animal services be housed?

Young-Williams Animal Center will work with city and county administra�on to determine office space
for field service opera�ons. All animals will con�nue to come to Young-Williams’ main intake facility at
3201 Division St.

What is the plan for department oversight?

Leaders and officers of the new department will be overseen by the Young-Williams Animal Center CEO
to ensure our ci�zens are served according to the highest standards and adhering to the municipal
contract between the City of Knoxville and Knox County.

An expansion of the City of Knoxville Animal Control Board, to be renamed Animal Advisory Board, will
be proposed to add: A county-appointed member, Knoxville Police Department and Knox County Sheriff’s
Office representa�ves, the new field services director and a member of the Knox County legal

Will current officers s�ll have a job if they do not join Young-Williams Field Services?

Yes. Both Knoxville Police Department and Knox County Sheriff’s Office will ensure all employees who do
not join the new team will have a job within the departments.

How will success be defined under the new structure?

Young-Williams Animal Center is commited to transparency and would con�nue the current quarterly
repor�ng to the city and county. We are a data-driven industry and organiza�on and will iden�fy key
performance metrics, issue monthly Field Services reports, track data through our shelter management
so�ware and work with media to share important informa�on, stories and the important lifesaving work
Young-Williams Animal Center is doing to improve our pet-loving community.


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