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Automatica, Vol. 32, No. 1. pp.

109-115, 19%
Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon 00051098(95)00096-8 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
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Brief Paper

Active Control of Compressor Stall Inception:

a Bifurcation-theoretic Approach*

Key Words-Compressors; stability; stabilizers; nonlinear control systems; control applications.

Abstract-Active control of the onset of stall instabilities in turbine jet engines, for example, the ability to safely operate
axial flow compression systems is pursued using bifurcation an axial flow compressor at or near its maximum pressure
analysis of a dynamical model proposed by Moore and rise has important implications for reduced size and weight
Greitzer. The state variables of this model are the mass flow requirements (Kerrebrock, 1992).
rate, pressure rise, and the amplitude of the first-harmonic Two basic types of instability are known to occur in axial
mode of the asymmetric component of the flow. A flow compression systems. One, surge, is a low-frequency,
subcritical pitchfork bifurcation is found to occur at the large-amplitude oscillation of the mean mass flow rate. The
inception of stall, resulting in a large-amplitude instability second, rotating stall, corresponds to a traveling wave of gas
and associated hysteresis behavior. Using the throttle around the annulus of the compressor. This results in very
opening of the compression system for actuation, it is found inefficient operation at constant mean mass flow rate and
that the eigenvalue that becomes zero at the onset of stall is pressure rise. These descriptions are for the fully developed
linearly uncontrollable. This, along with uncertainty of the (i.e. post-transient) instabilities.
post-stall linearized model, motivates a consideration of Greitzer (1976) employed a nondimensional fourth-order
nonlinear feedback control laws for mitigation of the jump compression system model and introduced a nondimensional
and hysteresis behavior occurring at stall onset. Following parameter B, which he found to be a determinant of the
the bifurcation control calculations introduced by Abed and nature of post-instability behavior. A global bifurcation of
Fu [Abed, E. H. and J. H. Fu (1986). Local feedback periodic solutions and other bifurcations were found for this
stabiliiation and bifurcation control, I. Hopf bifurcation. model, and were used to explain the observed dependence of
Syst. Control Lett., 7, 11-17. and Abed, E. H. and J. H. Fu the dynamical behavior on system parameters (Liaw et a/.,
(1987). Local feedback stabilization and bifurcation control, 1991; Abed et al., 1993).
II. Stationary bifurcation. Syst. Control Letr., 8, 467-4731, it Moore and Greitzer (1986) extended the previous model
is found that feedback incorporating a term quadratic in the to describe surge and rotating stall phenomena in axial flow
first-harmonic flow asymmetry variable renders the compression sysems. This model incorporates non-
pitchfork bifurcation supercritical. This introduces a new axisymmetric dynamics, whereas the model of Greitzer
stable equilibrium near the nominal equilibrium after the (1976) reflected only axisymmetric flow dynamics, while
nominal equilibrium itself has lost stability, thus eliminating employing a nonaxisymmetric (i.e. measured) steady-state
the undesirable jump and hysteresis behavior of the compressor characteristic. Moore and Greitzer (1986) also
uncontrolled system. specialized the general model to a system of three nonlinear
ordinary differential equations. The state variables of this
1. Introduction dynamic model are the mass flow rate, pressure rise, and the
Recently there has been significant interest in the dynamics amplitude of the first harmonic mode of the asymmetric
and control of stall phenomena in axial flow compression component of the flow. For the case of a cubic axisymmetric
systems (see e.g. Kerrebrock, 1992). This interest stems from compressor characteristic, Moore and Greitzer found it
two facts. First, stall phenomena can occur when axial flow convenient to use the square of the amplitude of the first
compressors are operated near their maximum achievable harmonic mode rather than the amplitude itself as a state
pressure rise. Second, high-pressure-rise operation is variable. McCaughan (1989) performed a bifurcation analysis
associated with increased performance and efficiency. Thus of this model, observing a stationary bifurcation at stall
the desirable increase in performance is at the price of a inception. This bifurcation entails the local emergence of a
significantly reduced stability margin. Active control to new equilibrium point from the nominal one. This bifurcated
alleviate the compromised stability of an axial flow equilibrium point is not stable, and results in a jump effect
compression system can be of great value. In modem gas and thus hysteresis. Note that McCaughan (1989) also
observed a bifurcation to a large-amplitude periodic solution
*Received 20 July 1992; revised 30 June 1993; revised 6
June 1994; received in final form 16 June 1995. The original for the model of Moore and Greitzer (1986). (Although
bifrucations of equilibria are discussed briefly in Section 2
version of this paper was presented at the 2nd IFAC
and the Appendix, we refer the reader to texts such as Iooss
Symposium on Nonlinear Control, which was held in
Bordeaux, France during 24-26 June 1992. The Published and Joseph (1990) for a detailed treatment.)
Proceedings of this IFAC Meeting may be ordered from: Several techniques have been proposed for active control
of install instabilities in axial flow compressors (see e.g.
Elseiver Science Limited, The Boulevard, Langford Lane,
Hosny et al., 1991; Badmus et al., 1991; Paduano et al., 1993).
Kidlington, Oxford OX5 lGB, U.K. This paper was
From an analytical point of view, these methods employ
recommended for publication in revised form by Associate
linear control to delay the occurrence of stall or to achieve
Editor Joe Chow under the direction of Editor Tamer Basar.
stall avoidance. Of course, the physical mechanisms for
Corresponding author Professor Eyad H. Abed. Tel. +l 301
405 3631; Fax +l 301 314 9920; E-mail controller implementation differ among the proposed active
t Department of Control Engineering, National Chiao control schemes.
The present paper begins with the recognition of the
Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
importance of local bifurcations as determinants of the
$Department of Electrical Engineering and the Institute
nature of post-instability behavior of axial flow compression
for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park,
systems. The philosophy of the control component of this
MD 20742, U.S.A.

Brief Papers

work is similar to that of Abed and Fu (1986, 1987). This opening parameter Y is varied. However, a similar analysis
entails determining feedback control laws that ensure that a for the more general case in which the axisymmetric
given local bifurcation results in only stable bifurcated compressor characteristic is not necessarily a cubic function
solutions. Thus, even though the nominal equilibrium is not of ti(- has not been reported. In this section we extend the
stabilizable within the framework of linear theory, it may be study of McCaughan (1989) to the case in which the
possible to stabilize a neighborhood of the nominal solution axisymmetric compressor characteristic is taken to be a
for a range of parameter values including the stall value of general smooth function of mass flow rate. Note that in
the disturbance parameter. It will be seen that an additional Section 4 we also employ a cubic axisymmetric compressor
outcome of the control laws proposed here is the elimination characteristic, by way of illustration.
of a hysteresis loop that occurs in the open-loop system Suppose C,, is a smooth function of tic, and solve for the
model. The results of this paper apply to models more equilibrium points of (1). By (la), it is easy to see that A = 0
general than that stuided by McCaughan (1989). in the sense always results in dA/dt =O. However, there may be
that the axisymmetric part of the steady state compressor equilibrium points of (1) for which A ZO. First let us
characteristic is not required to be a cubic function. but consider equilibrium points in the case A = 0. Denote such
rather an arbitrary smooth single-valued function of mass an equilibrium point, whose location depends on the
flow rate. We do employ a cubic model in demonstrating the parameter Y. as x”(y) = [0 &O,(Y) Ap(y) The values
results for a particular compression system. k?(y) and AP”(y) should then satisfy the relationships
The paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2 bifurcation ti:‘. = F(y. APO) and AP” = C&F). Under the assumption
theory is applied to study the stability of axial flow A = 0, one such equilibrium point x0(y) is referred to as the
compression systems in the vicinity of the stall point. A unstalled or nominal equilibrium point for the axial flow
pitchfork bifurcation is observed in the model at the stall compression model (1). Note that this is the normal
point. The dynamical behavior of the compression system operating point of the system, whose location depends on the
near this bifurcation point is found to be strongly dependent throttle control parameter y. In the following, we consider
on the axisymmetric compressor characteristic. This depen- the stability of the unstalled equilibrium x0(y) as it depends
dence is exhibited through a formula showing that the on Y. Viewing y as a bifurcation parameter, we study
stability of bifurcated solutions is influenced by the possible bifurcations from x”(y) at parameter values for
derivatives of the axisymmetric compressor characteristic at which stability is lost. These bifurcations result in new
the bifurcation point. In Section 3 a throttle opening control equilibrium points of the model. At these new equilibria.
law is given. This circumvents the uncontrollability of the A # 0. corresponding to stall inception.
eigenvalue of the linearized model that vanishes at stall Let X = [x, x2 ~~1’~denote the state variation of (1) near
onset. A purely quadratic state feedback using measurement the unstalled equilibrium point x(‘(y), where x1 = A,
of the asymmetric component of the flow is given, and is x2 = ti, - r@.(y) and x3 = AP - APO(y). The linearization
shown to result in local stabilization of the bifurcation of (1) at x*(y) is
leading to stall. In Section 4 an illustrative example is
studied, and the results for this example are depicted using
bifurcation diagrams for the uncontrolled and controlled with
bases. Concluding remarks are given in Section 5. /uC:,(t+?(Y)) 0 0
We employ the following notation: \
0 Cl,(+) -1
e angle along circumference; 1 (3)
G, nondimensional axisymmetric compressor charac- 0 - ~$ DA&Y, AP")
teristic (a function):
A amplitude of the first harmonic of asymmetric flow; From (2) and (3), we readily obtain the following stability
+k nondimensional compressor mass flow rate: result.
AP nondimensional plenum pressure rise; Lemmu I. The equilibrium point x”(y) is asymptotically
F inverse function of nondimensional throttle pres-
stable for the system (1) if C~,(r$.(y)) <O, while it is
sure rise:
unstable if C:,(&(Y)) > 0.
Dx, h partial derivative of function h with respect to the
variables x, y, ; This result is useful in that it classifies the nominal
(.)’ differentiation. equilibrium as being stable or unstable, depending on the
value of the parameter y. Since we are interested in the
2. Bifurcation analysis of stall inception behavior of the compression system (1) for values of y for
A third-order lumped parameter model, in terms of which the nominal equilibrium is unstable, we are led to
nondimensional variables, for an axial flow compression study the behavior of (1) for values of y near the critical
system has been introduced by Moore and Greitzer (1986). value at which stability is first lost.
The model is An equilibrium point of a dynamic system depending on a
dA a 2n single parameter typically loses stability either by an
C,,(t+ + WA sin 0) sin B de, (la) eigenvalue of the system linearization vanishing as a
dt - nW I<,
parameter approaches a critical value, or by a conjugate pair
In of eigenvalues crossing the imaginary axis away from the
dr= -AP+k C,,(& + WA sin 0) de, (lb)
i II
origin. The latter situation is associated with the local
dAP 1 appearance of limit cycles in the dynamics, known as
dt = 482 [tic - F(ys AP)l~ (lc) Andronov-Hopf bifurcation. We shall not study this
(dynamical) bifurcation in any detail in this paper, since we
where W, a >O are two constants, Y is a parameter focus on a stationary bifurcation shown below to occur in the
associated with the throttle opening, and B is the compression system model at the initiation of stall. A
nondimensional parameter introduced by Greitzer (1976), stationary bifurcation of an equilibrium of a dynamic system
which is proportional to rotor speed. In the sequel, B > 0 and typically occurs when an eigenvalue becomes zero as a
F is a strictly increasing function with respect to each of the parameter is varied quasistatically. Stationary bifurcation
variables Y and AP. entails the appearance of new equilibrium points near the
Taking the compressor characteristic C,, to be a cubic nominal one as the critical parameter value is neared. The
function of tic, and using the squared amplitude A* (instead generic stationary bifurcation entails the merging of the
of A. say) as a state variable, Moore and Greitzer (1986) nominal equilibrium with a saddle equilibrium and their
were able to explicitly evaluate the integrals appearing in (1). mutual annihilation at the critical parameter value. This
giving a more convenient dynamic model. McCaughan (1989) bifurcation. known as saddle node bifurcation, is not
performed a bifurcation analysis of this model. One encountered in our study. In this paper the nominal
conclusion of McCaughan is that a stationary bifurcation equilibrium does not disappear, but only loses stability at the
from the nominal equilibrium point occurs as the throttle bifurcation. In fact, we observe a particular type of
Brief Papers 111

stationary bifurcation in our analysis, namely a pitchfork increasing in each of its variables. Suppose also that the
bifurcation. In a pitchfork bifurcation, two new equilibrium stability coefficient & given in (11) is nonzero. Then the
points emerge from a given one, and both occur locally on system (1) exhibits a pitchfork bifurcation with respect to
the same side of criticality (in (1) this means that the new small variations of y at the point (x0, y”) where CA(&) = 0.
equilibria either both occur for y > ye or for y < ya). Moreover, if /J2 < 0 (respectively p2 > 0), the bifurcation is
The Jacobian matrix of (1) at the nominal equilibrium supercritical (respectively subcritical), and the local bifur-
point is &,, given in (3). It is not difficult to see that for this cated equilibria near x0 are asymptotically stable (respec-
matrix to have a pair of pure imaginary eigenvalues, tively unstable).
C:.(rir’dy)) must be positive. (Simply examine the trace of
the lower right 2 X 2 submatrix of (3).) However, if this were Note that the formula (11) shows that the stability of
the case then the matrix Lo would have aCL(&(y)) as a bifurcation equilibria is influenced by the derivatives of the
positive real eigenvalue, and the equilibrium would axisymmetric compressor characteristic at the bifurcation
therefore be unstable. This means that a stationnry point. Theorem 1 quantities the local dependence of
bifurcation must occur before an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation post-stall behavior of the compression system on the
for the nominal equilibrium x0 of the model (1). In the axisymmetric compressor characteristic (i.e. on the function
remainder of this aper, therefore, we focus on a stationary C,). Bifurcation diagrams for an axial flow compression
bifurcation from x !?and its stabilization. system with a particular form for C, are given in Section 4.
From (3), the linearization of (1) has one zero eigenvalue
and two stable eigenvalues when C#$(y)) = 0. This 3. Control of stall inception
implies that a stationary bifurcation may occur from the From Lemma 1, the unstalled equilibrium point becomes
equilibrium point x0 for some value of y: y = y”. To analyze unstable after the parameter y passes through the critical
the bifurcation behavior of the model, we employ a result value v”. The ooint (x0. r”) is therefore called the stall
from bifurcation analysis recalled in the Appendix. This incepfidn point. Moreover; according to Theorem 1, the local
result allows us to derive conditions for the existence and bifurcated solutions near the stall inception point might not
stability of a bifurcation from the nominal equilibrium. be stable. In this case the bifurcation is said to be. subcritical.
Let x0 be an equilibrium point at which C:&@(y)) = 0 for If such a condition occurs, the compression system may
some y = y”. The Taylor series expansion of (1) for (x, y) exhibit a jump from the stable nominal equilibrium when the
near (x”, y”) is given by parameter y crosses the critical value y”. This results in a
hysteresis loop in the dynamics of the system with respect to
the parameter y near the point of stall initiation. An example
$= LOX + QO(X, X) + C,(X, X, X) + (y - y’)L,X +. . .
of such behavior is given in Section 4.
In this section we seek feedback control laws governing the
(4) throttle setting near the point of stall onset that prevent the
Here Lo is as in (3), and occurrence of this hysteresis or jump behavior. The control
design begins by observing that jump behavior occurs
~C~(rir~)X,X* because there is no nearby stable equilibrium after the
:c:&@)(w*x: + 2x:) nominal equilibrium loses stability. A low-energy throttle
QoK -V = (5) control is applied to the system, which is equivalent to
- & D~~P@(Y~, AP”)x: IT replacing the throttle parameter y in (1) by y + u, where IAis
a control signal that is of small-amplitude near the nominal
equilibrium. By examining the Jacobian matrix Lo of the
++Yc:(mo,)(wzx: +4x,x3 system as given in (3), we find that throttle control cannot
C;(a;)($W*x:x, + ix:) affect the system eigenvalue that passes through zero as y
Co(X, x, X) = (6) varies through the critical value y”. (This is simply the (1,l)
- & Dw,9(y”, @)x: element of Lo, because of the block-triangular structure of
( )I
Lo.) Given these circumstances, we follow Abed and Fu
0 0 (1987) to seek nonlinear feedbacks that transform the
@I G(rS)
subcritical bifurcation at y” into a supercritical bifurcation,
L, = 0 41 G(r%) 0 (7) i.e. to give rise to stable equilibrium points locally. These
i 0 0 -+2/4B2 1 ’ equilibrium points serve as alternative steady states, so that a
where jump to a distant equilibrium will no longer occur. Note also
that, even if the critical mode had been linearly controllable,
4i := D,F(y”, APO), I#J*:=D,,,F(y’, AP’-‘). (8) a nonlinear feedback rendering the bifurcation supercritical
Set I= (LO, 0) and r = IT, the left and right eigenvectors may be more robust to model uncertainty than a linear
respectively corresponding to the zero eignevalue of L,,. stabilizing feedback.
Next, we analyze the effect of small variations in y on the Note that such a control law, although obtained through
dynamical behavior of (1) in the vicinity of the equilibrium local analysis, mitigates an undesirable global effect, namely
point x0. a large-amplitude jump and hysteresis. As in Section 2,
To check the transversality condition iL,r f 0 (see the denote by y” the critical value of the throttle control
Appendix), we compute parameter at which stability of the nominal equilibrium is
first lost. We proceed to design a control law ensuring that
lL,r = a&C~&izO,). (9) the local bifurcated solutions near the stall inception point
are stable, i.e. that the pitchfork bifurcation is supercritical.
We calculate the bifurcation stability coefficients using (A.3) An important consequence of this is that the controlled
and (A.4) and the notation of the Appendix, obtaining system will not exhibit jump or hysteresis phenomena near
the nominal equilibrium.
PI = lQo(r,4 = 0, (10) Denote the stall inception point by (x0, y”), and let
y := y” + u, where u is the control input. Then we can
P2= 21[2QohVI+ Co(r,r, 41
rewrite the system (1) as the nonlinear control system
= faW2{2D,&yo, AP”)[C&(tio,)]‘+ C::(&)}. (11)
.dA ..--.=-
a 2n
C,,(hc + WA sin 0) sin 13de, (I2a)
The next result follows readily from Lemma A.1 and the dt nW Io
discussion above. It is important to note that the stability 2s
characteristics of the bifurcated equilibria determine whether $= -Ap+& C,,(tic + WA sin 0) de,
or not hysteresis and jump behavior result from the (I2b)
I 0
-=- 1 .
F(y” + u, AP)].
Theorem 1. Suppose that C&(&) # 0 and that F is strictly df 482 ]mc -
112 Brief Papers

In this section these equations and their control are of the form
considered without specifying parameter values or the form
of the steady-state axisymmetric compressor and throttle ~1= y,A’ + qZA(tic - riz:‘-)+ q,A(AP - AP”) + qd(ljlc- - +I$)’
characteristics. In Section 4 an example is given where these
are specified. + y5(tic - ti$)(AP - AP”) + q6(AP - A/“))*, (13)
It is observed from (12a) that A = 0 is an invariant
manifold of (12) regardless of the choice of control input 11.
where the 4, are constants. We seek values of the control
implying that (12) is uncontrollable. Moreover, it is not
difficult to check that the system (12) possesses an gains q, such that, for the system (12) with u given by (13), /3Z
at the equilibrium x0 for y = y” will be rendered negative.
uncontrollable zero eigenvalue at the point of stall initiation.
This means that we cannot extend the stable region of the Denote by 07 and ps the two stability coefficients of the
controlled mode1 (12) at x” for y = y”. Formulas (A.3) and
nominal equilibrium point for a broader range of values of
the parameter y by using a linear state feedback. (A.4) are also valid for the controlled system. Using these. it
To make the selection of a control law tractable and is straightforward to express PT and Pt in terms of p, and
systematic, we begin by restricting the control to belong to a pz. the stability coefficients of the uncontrolled version of
(12). Indeed. we find that p1; = pi =0 and pt=pZ +
parameterized family of smooth feedback control laws. Next,
we further restrict the control by keeping only those terms in 2aq,D,F(y”, AP’i)C&(ti$). Note that PT = 0 regardless of
the choice of control gains. By Lemma A.1 in the appendix.
a local series expansion that can readily be seen to influence
this implies that if pit # 0 then a pitchfork bifurcation must
the stability coefficients /3, and & at the stationary
also occur in the controlled system. From the expression
bifurcation point. In this way. we obtain a local control
design. Formulas (A.3) and (A.4) show that. in general, only above for /3T. it is apparent that only the quadratic
terms up to cubic order in the state affect the values of the component of the feedback, q1A2, contributes to the
determination of the sign of p$. Because of this, we obtain a
stability coefficients PI and & at a stationary bifurcation
point. This leads us to further limit the search to control very simple quadratic feedback controller for the system
(12). as summarized in the next theorem. We note, though,
laws containing only linear and quadratic terms in the state.
that other terms can be reintroduced in the control law if
Next, we notice that linear terms in the feedback control
desired, to improve or tune performance for nonlocal
might affect eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the system
excursions of state variables and parameters.
linearization at the bifurcation point. (However, recall that
the zero eigenvalue. being uncontrollable. would be
unaffected by linear feedback terms.) The analysis would 7lrroren1 2. Let C;l,(ti:‘.) # 0 at the point (x0, y”). Then the
become cumbersome if eigenvalues and eigenvectors were stationary bifurcation of (12) at (x”, y”) can be rendered a
not fixed, as can be seen from an examination of (A.3) and supcrcrittcal pitchfork bifurcation bv a purely quadratic
(A.4). Thus we arc led to investigate a feedback control law feedback control of the form 11= y,il! .

Fig. I. Compression system open-loop operating points.
Brief Papers 113
Pmsmre Rise AP MSS Flux tic

Throttle opening 7 Throttle opening 7

00 (b)
Amplitude of Asymmetry Dynamics A Pr- F&e AP
0.75 2.75

Throttle opening -r


Fig. 2. Compression system closed-loop operating points.

4. Illustrative example bifurcation occurs for a large value of pressure rise AP, while
In the foregoing, we have considered the analysis and the other occurs for small pressure rise. The former pitchfork
control of the initiation of stall and hysteresis behavior by bifurcation is found to be subcritical (i.e. it gives rise to
focusing on control of a stationary bifurcation occurring in unstable equilibria) while the latter is supercritical (i.e. it
the third-order compression system model of Moore and gives rise to stable equilibria). These observations are
Greitxer (1986). In this section we illustrate the results for a depicted in Fig. 1. Solid lines indicate stable equilibria, while
particular compression system model employing, for dotted lines indicate unstable equhbria. It is clear from this
simplicity, a cubic axisymmetric compressor characteristic. figure that the pitchfork bifurcation of most relevance in a
As noted in Section 2, the results of this paper are applicable practical setting, i.e. the one occurring for a larger AP, is
to compression system models with noncubic compressor subcritical. Thus hysteresis is expected to occur in the
characteristics as well. compression system, and a hysteresis loop is discernible in
The computations we report in this section were obtained Fig. 1.
using the numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis Each of the graphs in Fig. 1 shows the effects of the
package AUTO (Doedel, 1981). These computations pitchfork bifurcations occurring in the system on a system
illustrate the compression system behavior for the chosen state variable. Figure l(c) is perhaps the clearest. We see
example. The behavior of both the uncontrolled and from this figure that a subcritical pitchfork bifurcation occurs
controlled systems is considered. The compression system from the nominal equilibrium as y is decreased. A second,
example considered next involves the cubic axisymmetric supercritical, pitchfork bifurcation occurs at y = 0. Note that
compressor characteristic given in (14) below, as well as the Figs l(a, b,d) also reflect these pitchfork bifurcations, but
throttle characteristic given in (15). symmetry in the other state variables results in their being
Let the axisymmetric compressor characteristic C&c) be double-valued for the bifurcated solution. Hence these
figures seem to indicate only one bifurcated equilibrium,
C&c) = 1.56 + 1.5(& - 1) - 0.5(& - l)3. (14) rather than two.
Let F (the inverse of the throttle pressure rise map) be given Now, following Theorem 2 of Section 3, we choose the
by control input u = l.OA*, which is quadratic in the asymmetric
F(y, AP) = ym. flow amplitude A. In Fig. 2 bifurcation diagrams for the
(15) system with this control law in effect are given. It is clear
Choose parameter values TV= 0.4114, W = 1.0 and B = 0.5. from this figure that the hysteresis loop of the stable system
It is easy to check that there are two values of y for which equilibria of Fig. 1 has been eliminated. The system will tend
the compression system (1) has an equilibrium point to operate at the stabilized bifurcated equilibria after the stall
(A, kc, AF) with CL(titc) =O. Either using the analytical inception point, thus maintaining performance near the
results of the preceding sections or numerically, we can show maximum pressure rise. Note that although the figures depict
that these are pitchfork bifurcations. One pitchfork behavior with respect to large parameter variations, the
114 Brief Papers

theory of this paper applies only in a local neighborhood of Moore, F. K. and E. M. Greitzer (1986). A theory of
the point of stall initiation. Thus in specific applications our post-stall transients in axial compression systems. Part
results must be combined with numerical calculations aimed I-development of equations. ASME J. Engng for Gas
at ensuring a design that is effective for system parameter Turbines and Power, 108,68-76.
ranges that are of interest. Paduano, J. D., A. H. Epstein, L. Valavani, J. P. Longley, E.
M. Greitzer and G. R. Guenette (1993). Active control of
5. Conclusions rotating stall in a low speed axial compressor. ASME J.
The control of axial flow compression systems at the Turbomachinery, l&48-56.
initiation of stall has been studied using the model of Moore
and Greitzer (1986). The state variables of this model are Appendix-bifurcation stability coeficienrs
pressure rise, mass flow rate, and the first harmonic of the In this appendix we recall a result on pitchfork bifurcation
asymmetric component of the Row. It has been found that of one-parameter families of nonlinear systems.
control based solely on the system linearization cannot Consider a one-parameter family of autonomous systems
ensure stable operation past the stall point, owing to
uncontrollability of the system eigenvalue. which causes .f = f(x. CL). (A.1)
instability as the throttle parameter is varied. The where x E BB”,p E R and the vector field f is sufficiently
bifurcation behavior of the model has been studied and used smooth in x and CL.Suppose that (A.l) possesses a nominal
as a basis for nonlinear control design. A simple bifurcation equilibrium point that depends smoothly on p for all values
analysis showed that quadratic feedback of the first harmonic of p in some interval of interest. (This means we are
of the asymmetric component of the flow could render the considering bifurcation from known solutions (Chow and
bifurcation supercritical. The effect of this for the Hale, 1982).) For simplicity of notation, suppose f(0, p) = 0
compression system is the replacement of the global jump for all CL.Let the Jacobian matrix D,f(O, 0) possess a simple
and hysteresis behavior occurring in the uncontrolled system zero eigenvalue. with all remaining eigenvalues in the open
with a new, stable. behavior near the original operating left-half complex plane. The parameter p is referred to as the
point. hifrucation parameter.
The formulas and results given below remain valid if the
Acknowledgements-The authors are grateful to the referees
nominal equilibrium is not the origin and the critical
for their helpful comments and careful reading of the paper.
parameter value is not p = 0; simply evaluate all quantities
This work was supported in part by the General Electric
(including partial derivatives) at the adjusted equilibrium and
Comoanv. bv the AFOSR under URI Grant AFOSRXI-
parameter value.
0015: by- the’ NSF under Grant ECS-86-57561, by the NSF
The equilibrium points of system (A.l) are the solutions
Engineering Research Centers Program NSFD CDR-88-
of f(x, II) =O, and thus depend on the value of the
03012. During the preparation of this paper, the authors were
parameter CL.With the assumption that D,f(O, 0) is singular,
supported in part by the National Science Council, Taiwan.
the system (A.l) may possess several equilibrium paths .X(P)
R.O.C. under Contracts NSC 81-0401-E-009-637 and NSC
emanating from the origin for p near 0. Such a situation is
82-0424-E-009-324, and by the AFOSR under Grant
known as a stationary (or static) bifurcation, and the point
I = 0. p = 0 is a bifurcation point. The solutions x(p) # 0 of
References (A.1) emanating from the origin for p near 0 are called
Abed, E. H. and _I. H. Fu (1986). Local feedback bifurcated equilibria.
stabilization and bifurcation control, I. Hopf bifurcation. Following the notation of Abed and Fu (1987). we write
Syst. Control Lert., 7, 11-l 7. the Taylor series expansion of (A.l) at (0,O) as
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Brief Papers 115

paper. If it happens that pi ZO then another type of /3s < 0, the bifurcated equilibrium points of (A.2) for p near
stationary bifurcation, a transcritical bifurcation, would be 0 are asymptotically stable. If, on the other hand, pi = 0 and
expected to occur. For details, see Abed and Fu 61.1987). & > 0 then the bifurcated solutions of (A.2) for p near 0 are
unstable. In the former case the bifurcation is said to be
Lemma A.l. Let the assumptions above hold, and assume supercritical; in the latter, it is subcritical. In either case the
the transversality condition lL,r #O. Then (A.2) undergoes bifurcation is a pitchfork bifurcation, and the bifurcated
a stationary bifurcation from x = 0 at p = 0. If /3i = 0 and equilibria locally occur only for p(IL,r)/& CO.

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