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Super Secrets For Anti-aging

The Ultimade Guide To Younger-Looking Skin

Copyright © 2016

Khadija Hayari, ND, CNC, MH

Table of Contents
Health and Liability Disclaimer
Personal Note from the Author
Meet the Author
Be Healthy to Be Beautiful
How to Get Healthy, Flawless Skin?
Factors That Cause Sudden Skin Problems
Unveil the Secrets
Secret 1: Create your own home care routine and follow it religiously
Secret 2: Get a facial done every month
Secret 3: Try Effleurage
Secret 4: Sleep Well
Secret 5: Try an Anti-Wrinkle Diet
Secret 6: Make sure you have a healthy liver
Secret 7: Get rid of hormonal imbalances
Secret 8: Don’t allow TEWL to kill your skin
Secret 9: Get rid of stress
Secret 10: Opt for a sulfur-rich diet
Secret 11: Use astringent herbs
Secret 12: Detoxify your system
Secret 13: Try juicing
Secret 14: Take your vitamins
Secret 15: Stay away from electron-stealing components

Health and Liability Disclaimer

All the information provided in this book is purely for informational and self-
educating purposes. The information contained on this book is not intended to
diagnose or treat any kind of ailment or disease.
Before beginning any exercise, diet, weight loss program or treatment, the
readers are advised to contact some healthcare professionals. The same
healthcare professionals should also be consulted regarding the applicability of
the information provided in this book and the websites mentioned.
It is highly recommended that any individual should necessarily consult with a
medical health professional when facing any medical condition or indulging in a
program that involves health and well-being. The health and diet related issues
vary from person to person and cannot be generalized for the entire population.
When starting with a dietary program, seeking an expert’s advice is a must. The
publishers and authors shall not take responsibility for any loss or profit or any
other damages, injuries or losses resulting from the use of this guide.
The information in the book is provided on “as-is” basis and the authors or
publishers make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this
All links are provided for informational purposes only and are not warranted for
content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the
1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the
publisher and author.

Personal Note from the Author

Please accept my sincere thanks for choosing to read this book.
Intensifying anxiety about realisms of growing older and associated loss of
social currency – you must have heard or seen these types of statements in talk
shows, movies, websites and fashion makeover shows. But the truth is there is
no magic formula to achieve healthy, glowing skin. It is a process that requires
willpower, consistency and continuous efforts on your part.
This e-book brings to you 15 unique tips that have personally helped hundreds of
my skin care clients achieve success in maintaining youthful skin. I am assured
that these secrets will also help you in achieving smooth, blemish-free, pimple-
free skin you have always desired. In addition to this, these methods are free and
there is no profit to be made from them, which is the reason I tag them as

Meet the Author

Let’s begin with a small introduction of me. My name is Khadija Hayari. I am a

Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, author, Nutritional Consultant, Master
Herbalist and Licensed Medical Esthetics Practitioner. I am a natural health
researcher and founder of Naturopathic Spa;
My professional affiliations include:
The American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC)
American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB)
Associated Skincare Professionals (ASCP)
My extensive knowledge in anatomy and physiology, as well clinical nutritional
training and research allowed me to run a successful holistic Wellness Spa in
Astoria, NY. Throughout the years of working with women in the fields of
health and beauty, I have developed a strong belief that there is a powerful
connection between feeling healthy and looking beautiful. I believe a healthy
outside always starts from the inside.
My indulgence with skin health and skincare started back in 2012 when I came
across women who were suffering from diverse health problems: gallbladder
stones, chronic fatigue and inflammation, digestive disorders, hormonal
imbalances, sleep disorders, depression and anxiety, to name a few. My routine
treatment included: 1) Detoxifying, 2) allotting personalized treatment, 3)
recommending unique diet. My course of treatment and diet lasted anywhere
between two and twelve weeks. To my amazement, I began to notice that when
these women showed up in my office for a follow up, they would have an
amazing glow. After following the recommended diet and treatment —for only
two weeks—these same women felt healthier, more energetic and happier. But
most importantly, both tone and texture of their skin appeared much healthier
than before. Their wrinkles were smoother, and their acne has cleared. The
transformations I was were particularly rewarding to me and, eventually inspired
me to write this e-book. Prior to this, over the years, I have also authored many
health-related posts creating a huge knowledge base of information related to
nutrition, health and how it applies to human physiology. All of it is available on
my website.
Through this book, I wish to transform people’s lives for the better.
Here is all you should be doing inside and out, to achieve the ultimate flawless,
youthful skin you have always desired.

Be Healthy to Be Beautiful

Beauty enjoys immense importance in every culture and society. Every woman
wants to look and feel beautiful. However, to look beautiful, one has to be
healthy from the inside. One can have a flawless skin only if she has a healthy
The modern-day perception of beauty is flawed. Today, many women feel that
to look attractive they just need to enhance their complexion by applying
whitening products, such as foundation. They feel that men find fair-skinned
women more attractive and hence, those women think that by adding a few
layers of makeup they can attract more attention from men. This concept is
absolutely wrong. The majority of the men, irrespective of their cultural
background, prefer natural looks more than those who wear too much make up.
The past few years have witnessed the beauty industry evolve significantly.
When it comes to enhancing a woman’s appearance, professionals associated
with the world of beauty focus more on natural remedies than cosmetic products
used for camouflaging flaws. However, for the natural remedies to show results,
one needs to pay a price. It’s not any monetary price, but you will have to pay
the price of routine care and attention.
Natural products can actually help people in delaying their aging process without
exposing them to any negative side effects. As a result, more and more people
are opting for natural remedies instead of cosmetic surgeries and chemical
Use of items found in the kitchen for cosmetic treatments was very common
during ancient times. Things started to change during the 20th century when
people began to get accustomed to beauty standards set by photography,
magazines and films. This trend resulted in an explosion of skin care products.
Right now, the market is home to over 44,000 such products. In addition, people
also have the option of undergoing expensive anti-aging treatments such as deep
laser resurfacing, dermal fillers, Botox, etc.
However, very few individuals remember that skin health depends primarily on
their dietary habits and lifestyle. One can have healthy, glowing skin just by
following a healthy diet plan and adopting a strict skincare routine.

How to Get Healthy, Flawless Skin?

Do you have a specific lifestyle and don’t have any plan to change it as you are
doing pretty well with it? If yes, then it’s probably the right time to think again.
This is because you might have a few habits that might not cause any immediate
damage to your health, but can harm your system gradually. We might not
admit, but the majority of us have many such habits. The faster we can identify
those habits, the better it will be for us.
Awareness makes people conscious about their activities and encourages them to
do things that would be beneficial for their bodies. Unfortunately, today, people
rarely get enough time to think about their health and work to achieve a healthy
body. The only time we tend to think about our health is when we fall ill.
Most of us avoid looking after our skin and health in general assuming that it
would involve a number of complicated steps. The fact, however, is that the
target of having a healthy lifestyle can be achieved just with a little bit of
devotion and willpower. To change things for better, you will need to invest just
a few minutes.
Your primary goal should be identifying the habits that are damaging your
system and then replacing them with processes that will not only improve your
health from inside, but will also make you look fit and beautiful. Doing so will
allow you to experience the following benefits:
You will have smooth and supple skin
Lines and wrinkles on your face will disappear gradually
Your skin will become less saggy
Your complexion will improve
Your skin will experience increased hydration and blood circulation,
which in turn will increase its natural glow
There will be a decrease in open pores

Our eating habits and our actions have significant impact on our health and skin.
So, it would be wise if we try to ensure that the impact is positive in nature.
Here, we have discussed a few steps that will allow you to make sure that your
habits influence your skin positively. Ideally, you should never try to introduce
all these changes together. If you try to do so, the situation might become
extremely taxing for you. Implement these changes one by one and see your skin
getting better with every passing day.

Factors That Cause Sudden Skin Problems

Let us begin by informing you about the common factors leading to sudden skin
problems. As we start getting older, our skin starts showing signs of our growing
age. At times, such skin changes take place suddenly.
Many of us notice fine lines beneath our eyes or on our forehead when washing
our face in front of the bathroom mirror and wonder how those ugly lines
managed to develop just within a night. According to experts of naturopathic
medicine, this mostly happens when the people in question are not healthy from
the inside.
Those experts believe that an individual’s facial skin serves as the window,
which reflects the fitness level of his or her tissues and organs. Due to this
reason, face mapping plays an extremely significant role in naturopathic
treatment procedures.
Naturopathic healthcare practitioners use face mapping to identify the actual
cause of different health problems. Skin disorders often turn out to be signs of
underlying health issues. Here are some of the most common facial skin
problems women suffer from due to various underlying health disorders:
Monthly breakouts: If a woman gets monthly breakouts on her chin, it
indicates that she is suffering from hormonal imbalance. Her chances of having
hormonal issues are even more if she is experiencing other symptoms, such as
irritability, mood swings, cravings for a particular food type, and acute
abdominal pain.

Fine lines on forehead: Women in their mid-thirties can surely develop

horizontal fine lines on their forehead. However, when such lines appear on the
forehead of a young woman below the age of 30 years, they serve as indicators
of premature aging.
Aging is a process marked by changes taking place at a cellular and biochemical
level. Women become victims of premature aging primarily due to overexposure
to harmful free radicals. Other factors causing premature aging include sleep
deprivation, poor diet and blood circulation, stress, pollution and smoking.

Acne breakouts on neck and forehead: Acne breakouts on the neck and
forehead indicate that the person in question is suffering from extreme anxiety
and fear.

Acne on cheeks: When women develop acne on their cheeks in connection to

chapped lips, it indicates that they are suffering from intestinal dehydration
caused by toxemia. The situation can be reversed only by a qualified healthcare

Dry, saggy cheeks: Women, who have visibly dry, saggy skin, are usually
victims of acute internal dehydration. Experts say that failure in maintaining
optimum intestinal homeostasis affect our skin health notably. An individual is
said to have achieved homeostasis when his or her internal conditions are
relatively constant and stable. The internal conditions gauged for this purpose
are temperature, pH balance, etc. Digestive disorders including constipation are
known to prevent people from achieving and maintaining optimum intestinal

Eyebrow lines: Vertical deep lines appearing in between the eyebrows are
referred to as eyebrow lines. People who worry a lot develop these lines pretty
early in their life. This is because people who suffer from agony and anxiety
often have the habit of frowning.

Red nose: Our nose and its surrounding area often turn red due to dilation of
small capillaries. The medical term used for this skin disorder is telangiectasia.
The most common causes of telangiectasia include heart disorders and poor

Unveil the Secrets

Unlike what most people believe, our skin type doesn’t remain the same all
throughout our lives. It changes more frequently than what we think. Thus, to
ensure that you are following the right skin care routine, you must know your
skin type at all phases of your life.
There are several factors that can be responsible for changes in your skin type.
External factors such as environmental pollution, cold, heat and light can change
your skin overnight. You might also experience change in your skin type due to
internal factors, such as digestive disorder, inflammation, dehydration, or
If you know what type of skin you have, you will be able to eliminate all
ingredients that might harm your skin from your skin care routine. The best way
of identifying your skin type is getting it checked by a qualified skin therapist or
a professional aesthetician. Recently obtained numbers suggest that 80% of
women are not aware of their skin type. Whenever these women develop any
skin problem, they tend to assume that they have sensitive skin. Such
assumptions are often incorrect.
There are many women who unintentionally increase the sensitivity of their skin
by applying different topical products recklessly. Topical skincare products often
contain highly potent active ingredients that do our skin more harm than good.
So, skin reactions caused by such products do not always indicate that the
sufferer has sensitive skin. To avoid such reactions, you must check the label of
all skin care products carefully before using them.
There are other women, who mistakenly start believing that their skin has
become dry due to bad weather conditions and different environmental factors.
In most cases, however, the reality is something absolutely different. Many of
those women actually have normal or dry skin. Often women with acne-prone
skin complain that they are having acne in spite of having excessively dry skin.
The fact is that the temporary dryness they experience is mostly due to
accumulation of dead skin cells.
I have a few secrets in store for you that will help you get rid of all the above-
discussed skin-related miseries quickly and effectively. Read on to know more.

Secret 1: Create your own home care routine and

follow it religiously

The home care routine you follow must have five steps - cleansing, exfoliation,
toning, hydration, and protection. My eight-year-old son coined a special term
to refer to this five-step process as “clextone-hydra-protect”. Read through the
pointers below to learn more about each of these steps.


Our skin performs a range of functions including absorbing, breathing, secreting

sebum, and sweating. If we don’t cleanse our skin properly, substances such as
sebum and sweat will start accumulating on it and soon our skin will become a
thriving ground for bacteria, dust and grim. The results might be extremely
severe particularly for people with acne-prone skin.
Regular cleansing helps in washing off all the unwanted agents such as sweat,
sebum, dirt, grim, bacteria, and dust enabling the skin to carry out functions like
absorbing and breathing.
There’s no need of using an expensive or fancy cleanser if you don’t have acne.
Using a mild cleanser will give you the desired results. Women with excessively
dry skin, on the other hand, can add a few drops of jojoba oil or rosemary oil to
their cleanser.
To get the best results, you must follow the rules below when cleansing:
After applying the cleanser, gently massage your skin for a couple of
Cleanse your skin twice every day, once in the morning and then
again in the evening.
Residents of cities with a lot of traffic and pollution can cleanse their
skin more than twice every day if required.
Individuals with oily skin should cleanse three to five times per day.
Ideally, they should opt for a gel-based or oil-free cleanser.


Exfoliation helps in removing the dead cells from your skin and promotes cell
Our body works all through the day to produce new skin cells. Each of these
cells has a specific life span, after which they die. Exfoliation works by
sloughing off the dead cells from the uppermost layer of our skin, which allows
the newly-formed skin cells to come nearer to the skin surface.
Are you wondering whether you should undergo exfoliation or not? Ideally,
every woman should undergo exfoliation. You can be an exception only if you
live in a pure piece of land like Atakama Desert, Bhutan or Galapagos. Read the
section below to find out what makes exfoliation an integral part of any skin care
Exfoliation is actually deep pore cleansing. When you scrub your
skin, you are actually eliminating all the dead cells and impurities
from your skin. This reveals the newer and more hydrated skin.
Scrubbing your skin for 3 to 5 minutes can augment supply of oxygen
to your skin.
Exfoliation, when carried out properly, helps in improving blood
circulation in your skin. This, in turn, ensures that the deepest layer of
your skin (subcutaneous layer) receives enough raw materials for
synthesizing elastin and collagen.
Elastin and collagen are proteins responsible for making our skin elastic.
They have glue-like properties that help in holding cells and tissues
together. The aging process automatically reduces the level of collagen
and elastin in our skin, as a result of which we start developing fine lines
and wrinkles.
Exfoliation enhances the tone and texture of our skin by minimizing
appearance of fine lines and open pores, providing proper hydration
to our skin, and delaying appearance of wrinkles.
Exfoliation, unlike cleansing, should not be a part of your daily skin care routine.
It should be performed once or twice every week.


For this step, you will need a toner. Toners are clear solutions formulated using
extracts of herbs and plants containing tannin. Tannins are known for their
astringing effects. They work by closing open pores and promoting skin
tightening. Natural ingredients that are commonly used to make toners include
chamomile flowers, Moroccan rose petals, witch hazel, ylang ylang flowers, and
lavender flowers.

Regular toning is a must for preventing premature aging. You should apply a
toner onto your skin after every cleansing and exfoliating session. There are two
ways of applying toners. You can either spray your favorite toner onto your
facial skin or apply the toner all over your face using a cotton ball.


Hydrating your skin using organic ingredients is extremely important. Ideally,
you should opt for a nourishing gel-based or water-based product instead of an
oil-based product. Don’t forget to read the label of the product carefully before
using it. Products containing nourishing hydrating agents such as collagen gel,
vitamin cocktail, antioxidant cocktail, vitamin C serum, and Hyaluronic acid are
known for showing the best results.


You must use a sunscreen with sun protective factor (SPF) of at least 18.
Sunscreens must either contain 7 to 10 percent titanium dioxide or 5 to 8 percent
zinc oxide to protect our skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted by the
If you have excessive dry skin, you should avoid this step. Applying sunscreen
on dry skin might clog the skin pores and prevent your skin from breathing
properly. Never apply sunscreen onto your skin without performing the previous
steps of clextone-hydra-protect.
You should stop using sunscreen, if you find hyperpigmentation or dark spots
appearing on your skin after using the product. The best way of managing such
situations is consulting an experienced dermatologist.
There can be an additional step in your skin care regime, but only if you have
some sort of skin problem. This step would come after the first three steps,
cleansing, exfoliation, and toning. The name of the step is “correction”. In this
step, women would need to take care of specific skin disorders they have. Here
are a few problems that can be treated in this step:
Acne: Treat acne breakouts using ingredients, such as selenium,
prickly pear, witch hazel, salicylic acid, zinc and sulfur.
Hyperpigmentation: Apply a vitamin-C based product formulated to
fight hyperpigmentation onto the affected areas. In addition, include
more vitamin C and antioxidant-rich food items into your daily diet.
Fine lines: Some ingredients that can help you to get rid of fine lines
quickly and effectively are collagen, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid.
Wrinkles: Products containing hyaluronic acid, jojoba oil, argan oil,
collagen, peptides, Retinol, and Retinoid might reduce your wrinkle

Secret 2: Get a facial done every month
When done correctly, a monthly facial can offer you a range of therapeutic
benefits. It will boost your lymphatic system and enable better lymphatic
drainage. This, in turn, will improve your metabolism.
How will you know whether the facial you just underwent was done correctly?
It’s pretty simple - after a perfect facial, you will always need to use the toilet.
The process will lift up your mood and reduce the puffiness around your eyes.
A facial done by a qualified beauty therapist will surely help fat stored around
your cheeks to travel elsewhere. It will improve your complexion and make your
skin more glowing by improving blood flow.
The beauty therapist hired by you should have all necessary certifications and
licenses. It would not be wise to allow an unqualified therapist to work with your
skin. I recommend only getting facials done at reputable skincare facilities.

Secret 3: Try Effleurage
The term “Effleurage” is used for a French massage technique that involves
circular strokes made with the palm. Ideally, you should effleurage your facial
skin either before going to bed at night or early in the morning. For best results,
perform the massage after completing the first four steps of your home care
routine (cleansing, exfoliation, toning, and correction).
When done regularly and using the right set of ingredients, effleurage is known
to offer significant anti-aging benefits. It will increase the moisture level of your
skin and give it an enduring glow. Soon, you will find that your wrinkles have
also started to disappear. This massage is also known to improve lymphatic
drainage and blood circulation, promote elastin and collagen production and
relieve stress.

Learn the Technique
Massage your neck gently from one ear to another using both hands. You should
use gentle upward strokes during the process. Do this 3 to 5 times and then move
up to your face.
Use similar strokes to massage your face. Begin by massaging your cheek and
then gradually move to your forehead.

Oils You Can Use
To enjoy maximum benefits of this massage technique, you must pick the right
massage oils. The oils listed below will deliver the best results.

Prickly pear oil: Prickly pear or barbary fig is basically a cactus. Prickly pear
oil is extracted from tiny, black seeds of the plant. The extraction process is
pretty complex, and that’s what makes the oil highly expensive.
Prickly pear oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin E.
These nutrients protect our skin from damages caused by free radicals and
thereby prevent premature aging. The other benefits of the oil are as follows:
Brightens and lightens the skin
Improves skin texture
Nourishes and moisturizes dry skin
Repairs cracking
Reduces wrinkles
Eliminates hyperpigmentation (dark spots)
Reduces appearance of ugly dark circles
Manages eczema and psoriasis effectively
Acts as an antidote of sunburn

Argan oil: Argan oil is extracted from nuts produced by argan trees. These trees
are found only in the south-western territories of Morocco. Since the ancient
times, women living in this part of the world have relied on natural remedies.
They still use organic oils of various types to take care of their hair, skin and
health in general.
Argan oil is one of the most widely used organic oils. Below, I have listed a few
benefits of the oil:
Applying the oil before or after a shower will keep you refreshed all
through the day.
The oil can reduce pregnancy stretch marks effectively.
Massaging your facial skin regularly using Argan oil will bring an
end to the majority of the skin problems you have.
Combine Argan oil with vitamin E oil and baking powder (you can
use brown sugar instead of baking powder) and apply the mixture on
your chapped lips. Massage your lips gently for one or two minutes
and wash them off. Do this once every day; within a day or two your
lips will become soft and super hydrated.

Jojoba oil: Oil extracted from jojoba seeds has remarkable moisturizing and
absorbing abilities. The oil is a rich source of oleic acid and stearic acid and thus
offers an array of anti-aging benefits. One of the biggest benefits of using jojoba
oil is that unlike most luxury massage oils, it has an extended shelf life.

Grape seed oil: This massage oil works as an astringent agent and delays our
skin aging process through skin tightening. Our skin absorbs grape seed oil
easily due to the oil’s light molecular structure.

Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids and proteins.
The other nutrients present in the oil are vitamin A and vitamin E. It enjoys
extreme popularity among skin conscious women primarily due to its non-
comedogenic nature, that is, it does not cause blackheads. Our skin absorbs
coconut oil pretty easily. A daily facial massage using this oil will leave your
skin smooth, hydrated and well-nourished.

Wheat germ oil: As a result of being loaded with vitamin E, wheat germ oil
enjoys significant popularity as luxury massage oil. You can use this oil to
manage a number of skin disorders, for instance, sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, and

A Few Things You Must Keep in Mind
You should never use heavy oils, such as castor oil for massaging your skin.
These oils have heavy chemical structures, which prevent the skin from
absorbing them easily. When oils are not absorbed properly they clog the pores
and eventually cause severe skin damage. You should also avoid massaging your
skin with inorganic oils and anti-aging and hydrating creams.

Secret 4: Sleep Well

You must sleep well to be healthy and beautiful. Quality sleep is extremely
important for having good physical, mental and skin health. Sound sleep
promotes secretion of hGH or human growth hormone. This hormone plays an
extremely important role in growth of children. Adults, on the other hand, need
this hormone for functions like cell regeneration, muscle tissue building and
repair of damaged tissues.
Adequate sleep is also important for having a strong immune system. Ongoing
sleep deprivation can leave us with weakened immune system and expose us to
harmful foreign elements and free radicals. Those harmful agents would
eventually damage our skin’s structure and destroy its elasticity. The signs of
such damages are usually most prominent around our eyes. This is because the
skin of that area is much thinner compared to other parts of the face. Lack of
sleep also triggers wrinkle formation by initiating collagen breakdown.
The world is getting busier with every passing day and with it the number of
sleep-deprived individuals is also increasing. To have healthy glowing skin, you
must ensure that you get at least six to eight hours of sleep every night. If you
fail to sleep well, your skin will not get time to repair itself. The advices below
might help you in beating sleep issues:
Try to finish your dinner by 8 pm
Take a shower every night after dinner
Switch off all bright lights in your home (keep just the dim lights on)
Don’t watch TV after dinner (ideally, you should not have a TV in
your bedroom)
Avoid late-night parties
Try to go to bed at the same time every night

Secret 5: Try an Anti-Wrinkle Diet
Every woman wants to look at least a few years younger than their actual age.
Changing certain dietary habits can make that possible to a large extent. Below,
you will find a few food items that can help middle-aged women look at least a
decade younger than their original age.

Orange fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables that are orange in color contain a pigment called beta-
carotene. Beta-carotene is known for stimulating collagen production and
thereby prevents formation of wrinkles. This pigment is also known for
preventing osteoporosis, a bone disorder widely experienced by postmenopausal
women. Some orange fruits and vegetables you can include in your daily diet to
enjoy the above mentioned benefits are carrots, apricots, and pumpkins.
Food items rich in omega-3 fatty acids:

If you want to delay the aging process, you must consume a diet rich in omega 3
fatty acids. This nutrient will keep your skin healthy, prevent old age issues such
as memory loss and protect your heart by increasing the level of good
cholesterol. Examples of food items rich in omega-3 fatty acids are salmon,
sardines, flaxseeds, walnuts and soybeans etc.
Olive oil:

Being an oil rich in vitamins K, E and A, olive oil helps in maintaining eye and
skin health. Extra virgin and virgin olive oils are the richest sources of these
nutrients. These are olive oils that are yet to be industrially treated or refined.
Olive oil prevents formation of wrinkles by protecting our skin against damages
caused by free radicals.
Dark chocolate:

Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids and cocoa. These agents work as

antioxidants and help in reducing skin inflammation. Regular consumption of
dark chocolate will keep your skin smooth, supple and wrinkle-free.

Leafy vegetables:

Spinach and other leafy vegetables are rich sources of lutein, which is an agent
known for boosting our immune system. A strong immune system is always a
precursor to healthy skin. Lutein is also beneficial in managing other old-age
issues such as bad eyesight, hypertension, and heat diseases.

Blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, consuming them
regularly can help in reducing appearance of wrinkles. These berries also contain
antioxidants and a pigment called anthocyanin; together, these components help
in delaying occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.


These fruits contain oils and essential fatty acids our body needs for having
healthy nails, skin and hair. Avocados work by boosting metabolism and
increasing skin elasticity.

Antioxidants and fatty acids present in nuts allow them to alleviate inflammation
and prevent heart diseases.


Tomatoes can be your best friend if you are struggling with saggy skin.
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a well-known anti-aging agent. Lycopene works
by synthesizing vitamin D, which helps in alleviating the effects of sun on our

Pomegranates are rich sources of vitamin C, a vitamin known for playing a big
role in collagen production. This makes regular consumption of pomegranate a
great way of delaying skin aging.

Secret 6: Make sure you have a healthy liver

As far as importance is concerned, liver is ranked second among all human
organs, just after brain. It needs to perform more than 500 functions; one of the
most important ones among them is stocking up vitamin A.
Vitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining skin health. It’s the filtering agent
that eliminates toxic substances from our blood. This vitamin also clears out all
the harmful substances consumed or inhaled by us. It even protects us from all
detrimental agents our skin gets exposed to. However, the vitamin fails to
perform these tasks properly when our liver gets overloaded with toxins. So,
often the first signs of liver damage appear on our skin.
There are a few bad habits that might leave you at an increased risk of
developing liver ailments:
Excessive alcohol consumption
Relying too much on over-the-counter (OTC) medications and
Being a chain smoker
Bad sleeping habits
Bad dietary habits
If you have any one or more of the habits mentioned above, you must try to get
rid of them as soon as possible. The following guidelines will help you reverse
the damages caused by those bad habits:

Start consuming plenty of colorful vegetables and fruits regularly and
eliminate all unhealthy food items from your daily diet
Eat onions and garlic regularly
Start exercising regularly to shed the extra fat stored in your body
Contact a naturopathic healthcare provider and request him/her to
help you to eliminate toxins from your liver
Stay away from OTC medications and antibiotics as much as possible
Start following the above guidelines and you will soon see your skin developing
a natural glow.

Secret 7: Get rid of hormonal imbalances
The majority of the skin disorders women suffer from as they grow older, have
links with hormonal imbalances. In addition, hormonal imbalances are also
responsible for a host of other health problems associated with age; examples
include vaginal atrophy, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases. Naturopathic
remedies can correct such imbalances using herbs and other natural ingredients.
However, the number of women relying on such side effect-free remedies is still
very low. This makes the section below a must read for women battling with
hormonal imbalances. Here, I highlight five herbs that can help in managing
some common health problems faced by menopausal and premenopausal

Black kohosh:

It’s an astringent agent and is known for its bitter taste. Roots of black kohosh
contain vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, selenium, and chromium. Black kohosh has
estrogenic properties, which make it a widely used herbal remedy for female
imbalances. The herb belongs to the family of emmenagogues, which are herbs
known for their ability of stimulating menstruation. Women suffering from
menstrual problems can take roots of organic black kohosh as liquid extract
(sugar and alcohol free), organic tea, or vegetarian capsules.

This herb is known for reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or PMS.
Women often develop symptoms like bloating, irritability, and depression a few
days before their menstrual bleeding begins. This mostly happens due to
insufficient progesterone production during the final two weeks before the onset
of menstruation. Chasteberry reduces the debilitating PMS symptoms by
normalizing the ratio of estrogen to progesterone.
A decoction prepared using chasteberry is used widely as a uterine tonic. This
decoction works by stimulating and normalizing the functions of pituitary gland
in women. The herb is highly effective in stabilizing the ovulation cycle and is
known for helping women suffering from hormone-related acne and
If you don’t want to consume the herb in form of a decoction, you can have it as
vegetarian capsules or liquid extract.
Anise seeds:

The amazing aroma of anise seed makes it a popular culinary ingredient.

However, that’s not the only purpose we use it for. Anise seeds have significant
therapeutic properties. It is used to relieve digestive disorders such as gas and
bloating and is known for its ability to alleviate pain and discomfort in the
It’s a widely accepted fact that digestive issues can result in skin changes. Often,
healthcare providers identify problems in a person’s digestive system from
sudden skin changes. Anise seeds soothe digestive disorders, while bringing an
end to all the skin issues caused by them.
Anise seeds can be taken is multiple ways. People in Morocco, for instance,
consume a concoction prepared using anise seeds, fennel seeds, sage leaf and
licorice root for getting rid of digestive disorders. The concoction is particularly
useful in reducing abdominal pain and improving digestion. In addition, it is also
capable of soothing nerves, reducing hot flashes and night sweats, decreasing
irritability, toning vaginal muscles, improving blood circulation and energizing
the body.
The three most popular ways of consuming anise seeds are as tea, in capsules or
in the form of powder.

Yellow dock:

When a woman reaches 30, production of female hormones and collagen in her
body starts to decrease. Then, as she grows older, she experiences further
decrease in the levels of collagen and female hormones in her body. It’s an
ongoing process.
Collagen is a type of protein that plays an extremely important role in the
formation of tendons, bones, skin and hair. Women who experience drop in their
collagen level, usually have dry, flaccid skin. Additionally, they may develop
other health issues like water retention-induced weight gain, bloating, fatigue,
join pain, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, anxiety, reduced
stamina or hair loss. If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned
problems due to a drop in your collagen level, yellow dock can help you.
Yellow dock is a rich source of vitamins A and C, both of which are known to
promote collagen production. The other nutrients present in the herb are
magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and manganese. These elements help in
counteracting different effects of decelerated collagen production, for instance,
hair loss, osteoporosis, fatigue, etc.
Yellow dock is also an excellent detoxifier. It can remove toxins stored in
different organs including the liver.
Yellow dock is primarily consumed as capsules or as a liquid extract. However,
there’s a third way of consuming this herb. You can also prepare tea using dried
or fresh yellow dock.
Ginger root:

Ginger roots are primarily characterized by their stimulant and aromatic

properties. However, nothing much is said about the therapeutic benefits offered
by the herb. The fact is that since long ago ginger root has been used as a
treatment for vaginal atrophy, a condition marked by vaginal inflammation
caused by shrinking and thinning of vaginal tissue. This mainly happens in
postmenopausal women who suffer from deficiency of female reproductive
hormone estrogen. The anti-inflammatory property of ginger is the reason why it
can treat vaginal atrophy effectively.
Ginger root is also known for its ability to neutralize old age-related acidity and
toxins in our digestive tract. This action of the herb helps in easing and
preventing chronic inflammatory disorders like osteoporosis in postmenopausal
Ginger contains vitamin B1, a vitamin known for its role in optimizing our brain
function. The antioxidant properties of vitamin B1 protect our body from
experiencing age-related neurodegeneration. Vitamin B3 present in ginger, on
the other hand, aids metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and the synthesis of
female sex hormones.
Fresh organic ginger can be obtained from any grocery store in your area.
Adding freshly prepared juice of ginger to different food items is a great way of
reaping the benefits of this amazing herb. You can also prepare ginger tea at
home using some boiling hot water and freshly grated ginger root. The root is
available even in form of capsules.

Secret 8: Don’t allow TEWL to kill your skin
Is your skin excessively dry, itchy or taut? Is your skin aging faster than ever
before? If yes, you have probably developed TEWL or transepidermal water
A woman might develop TEWL both due to external and internal factors. The
internal factors that are commonly responsible for this condition are dehydration,
poor diet, and sleep deprivation. The external factor that is mostly responsible
for causing TEWL, on the other hand, is exposure to extremely high or low
temperature. Women with TEWL develop different kinds of skin problems over
time, for instance, dull, lifeless skin, ugly breakouts etc. To prevent your skin
from succumbing to the condition, you will have to find the right antidotes. The
tips below might help you.
Change your dietary habits. Add three servings each of vegetables
and fruits to your daily diet. This will provide you with enough
potassium, and sodium. Both sodium and potassium play extremely
important roles in the process of replenishing water loss. A diet rich
in those two minerals will help you in keeping your skin properly
Sleep early. This is a must for every woman who wants her skin to be
healthy and glowing.
Apply 100% organic hyaluronic acid on your face three times a day.
This will hydrate your skin and prevent it from looking dry and
Cleanse your face carefully and apply vitamins E, C, A cocktail
creams and serums onto it. Do this every day before going to bed.
Massage your skin gently. Ideally, this should be done after applying
hyaluronic acid.
Install a humidifier in your room. This will ensure that your skin
doesn’t suffer from water loss.

Secret 9: Get rid of stress
Stress can kill you. It will not only destroy your health, but will also not allow
you to look beautiful. Studies conducted over the years have proved that stress
can lead to cancer, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases as well as skin
problems. Stress can be caused by a number of factors, both physical and
psychological. To beat stress, we will have to beat those factors. Below, we have
discussed about some stress reduction techniques that will directly target those
factors and alleviate your stress levels.
Deep breathing: Excessive stress often ends up cutting down supply of oxygen
to different organs including brain and skin. Practicing deep breathing will help
you in reversing this effect of stress. The best thing about this technique is that it
can be practiced irrespective of the location you are in. You may be in your
office, car, or at home, nothing can stop you from taking a few deep diaphragmic

Physical activities: Taking part in physical activities is a great way of clearing
up your mind. You can swim, skip, jog or run. Walking just for 30 minutes can
also help you.


This is probably the most widely accepted stress buster. Meditation can increase
awareness, diminish blood pressure, slow down heart rate, reduce inflammation
of body parts and ease anxiety symptoms. If you meditate regularly, you will
gradually get rid of all the fears and anxieties you had developed over the years.
Meditation can be done in different ways. The steps below are describing the
easiest form of meditation:
1. Sit on the floor with the legs crossed. If you are not comfortable with
this position, you can sit on a chair with your back straight. Make sure
your feet are on the floor.
2. Start with deep breathing. Try to keep your mind in the present.
Dismiss all the thoughts or fears coming to your mind.
3. Focus on your breathing. Try to feel the expanding diaphragm.
4. To make the environment more peaceful, you can pronounce positive
words such as “love” or utter positive statements such as “my skin is
5. Continue for at least five minutes.
For best results, try to increase the duration of meditation every day.

Reiki or energy healing:

Find a professional energy-healing practitioner and reiki master in your area.

These experts can help you in getting rid of stress by balancing your chakras and
reenergizing your system.

Secret 10: Opt for a sulfur-rich diet
Although each of our cells contains sulfur, the concentration of the mineral is at
its peak in our nails, hair and skin. Sulfur works by dissolving acids produced
within our body and helps in improving blood circulation. These abilities of the
mineral give our body the strength to fight exhaustion, pain, stress and wrinkles.
A decrease in the level of sulfur prevents our body from producing enough
collagen. This makes our skin susceptible towards developing wrinkles. A drop
in sulfur levels also spoils perspiration balance in our skin pores; this change is
extremely harmful for our skin’s structure. Consuming sulfur-rich food items
such as garlic, onions, egg yolks, turnip, radish, kale, cabbage, and cranberries
can help in managing these problems to a great extent.

Secret 11: Use astringent herbs
Our planet is home to herbs of different kinds. Each of these herbs come with
different properties and thus helps humans in different ways. You will come
across herbs with diuretic properties, detoxifying properties, aromatic properties
as well as diaphoretic properties. Those are just a few examples; theories of
naturopathic medicine points to hundreds of thousands of such properties. The
herbs that play the most vital roles in skin care are herbs with astringing
Herbs with astringing properties are rich in tannin, which is an agent known for
its ability to firm and tone human organs and tissues including skin. Being rich
sources of tannin, the astringent herbs can tone and tighten sagging skin
naturally. Those herbs can also act as highly effective anti-wrinkle agents.
Astringent herbs can help women with acne-prone skin by preventing excess oil
and sebum secretion.
The market currently houses quite a few products containing extracts of
astringent herbs. For enjoying best results, you should buy astringent serums and
creams containing extracts of nettle leaves, blackberry leaves, witch hazel bark
and leaves, and licorice root.

Secret 12: Detoxify your system
Toxins always have detrimental effects. Our system gets exposed to these
harmful agents even when performing regular activities like eating, drinking,
breathing etc. This is because due to severe water and air pollution everything
we consume, breathe or drink has become a breeding ground for toxins. We can
eliminate all the impurities stored in our system effectively by undergoing
detoxification once every year.
Below are some health problems that might indicate presence of toxins in your
Sleep disorders
Lack of concentration
Poor coordination
Low energy levels
Poor mental clarity
Chronic fatigue
Weakened immune system
Intestinal disorders
Indigestion or bloating
Diarrhea or constipation

Secret 13: Try juicing
Try to begin your day with a glassful of nourishing and hydrating juice. Here, we
have provided the list of ingredients required to prepare a couple of healthy, but
tasty juices. Both these juices, when taken regularly, will eliminate the majority
of the skin problems you have. You will notice visible difference in your
appearance only after a few days.
The refreshing carrot juice: The ingredients you will need to prepare this juice
are six organic carrots, an organic orange, a quarter inch piece of organic ginger,
and half teaspoon of chopped celery root.
The green tonic: We are calling it a tonic primarily because of the wide array of
health benefits it offers. To prepare the green tonic you will need a bunch of
organic dandelion or kale, two medium-sized organic cucumbers, juice extracted
from a lime and a quarter inch piece of organic ginger.

Secret 14: Take your vitamins
To delay aging and keep your skin healthy and glowing you must consume
vitamins A, C, and E, Eliminate your wrinkles with vitamin A: Vitamin A is
an immune booster and plays an extremely important role in the process of
repairing and maintaining the epithelial tissue, the tissue forming our mucous
membranes and skin.
Vitamin A can work as a highly effective wrinkle eliminator. Topical application
of Tretinoin, a drug associated with vitamin A, is known to help in diminishing
the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Vitamin A offers the following skin care benefits:
Promotes cell regeneration and cell growth
Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
Slows down skin aging process
Fades age spots
A common sign of vitamin A deficiency is dry and itchy skin. Deficiency of this
vitamin might also make you suffer from acne. To ensure that you don’t become
a victim of any such deficiency, include the following in your diet:
Sweet potatoes
Get your daily quota of antioxidants from vitamin C rich foods: Vitamin C
or ascorbic acid is basically an antioxidant that our body needs for performing a
minimum of 300 metabolic functions. Two of them are tissue repair and tissue
growth. Antioxidants also play a vital role in strengthening our immune system.
Each of these three functions is extremely important for maintaining skin health.
Our diet must be rich in vitamin C as it’s the only vitamin we cannot synthesize
ourselves. Add citrus fruits like grapes, berries, and oranges to your diet. You
can also get your quota of the vitamin from herbs like mint, yellow dock, alfalfa,
and fenugreek.

Protect your skin with vitamin E: Like vitamin C, vitamin E is also an
antioxidant. It works by reducing oxidation damage suffered by good fats and
stopping formation of harmful free radicals. Both these actions of vitamin E play
vital roles in delaying the aging process. To get maximum benefits from vitamin
E, you must use it together with zinc.
Other than consuming a diet rich in vitamins, you must ensure that the skin care
products you are using contain the vitamin in its natural forms (d-alpha-
tocopherol acetate and d-alpha-tocopherol).

Secret 15: Stay away from electron-stealing
Certain habits, such as regular consumption of unhealthy foods, smoking, and
drinking are known to rob our system from nutrients that are extremely vital to
our skin health. Some of the nutrients those habits rob us from include vitamin
D, potassium, sodium, and calcium. Additionally, bad dietary habits like
overconsumption of sweets can lead to destruction of B vitamins stored in our
system. This results in further skin damage as B vitamins play key roles in
maintaining our skin health.
Staying away from all these electron-stealing items is not only beneficial for our
skin health, but is also great for our health in general. Examples of items we
must avoid include:
White flour
Refined sugar
Processed food
Carbonated beverages
Red meat
Artificial sweeteners
We have presented all the 15 anti-aging secrets to you. Now, it’s your turn to
reap the benefits. Happy journey!!
Good Luck, With love and wishing you flawless skin, Khadija!

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