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Walking with binoculars

Mark a straight line on the floor. (with string, or tape). Then get each child, one at a time, to walk
along the string, looking through the wrong end of a pair binoculars. See who can stay on the line for

Pass the parcel

Make a parcel by wrapping up a prize in several layers of paper (one for each child, plus an extra
one). Sit the children in a circle, give one of them the parcel and when the music starts, get them to
hand it to the next child, who hands it on, and on. When the music stops, the child who is holding the
parcel opens the first layer. Then when the music starts again, they hand it on to the next child, and
so on. Wrap the final present in something obvious so that you know which is the final round. You
can put a sweet or a little something in each layer of wrapping. Then the last one with the prize in
can be well and truly random.

Sleepy lions
A good one for young children (2-4) when things are getting out of control. Get everyone to lie down
and pretend to be sleepy lions. They musn’t make a move. You then walk around and try and disturb
them by talking, or very gentle tickling (very gently you don’t want them to be out too quickly).
Anyone who moves is out. They can also then help wake up the other lions.

Lemon Race


Summary: Work as a team to display the numbers as quickly as possible.

Goal: Fool other teams into choosing your team’s definition.

- Download the worksheet and print the list
- Print the set of numbers (one set of numbers per team)

How to Play The Number Game:

1 Arrange everyone into teams of 6. Hand each team a set of numbers and ask everyone to take a
number. Have the team elect one person to be the leader of the team.

2. The goal of the game is to be the first team to rearrange themselves to the number that you call. The
leaders can help rearrange them to their appropriate positions. Once the team rearranges themselves,
they have to raise their hands and stand in place.

3. The first team to arrange themselves correctly receives one point. The team that reaches 10 points
wins the game.

Quickly search your purses, pockets, and wallets for the called item. Great team game.

Goal: Be the first to bring up the items called and get the most points.
- Download and print the list

How to Play Purses, Pockets, and Wallets Game:

1. Break everyone into groups of five.

2. Explain the game. You will call out a common object. The first team to bring you the called object wins
a point for their team. Each team can only bring up items that they have in their purses, pockets, wallets,
and whatever is on them. The first team that earns 10 points wins the game.

- Instead of having a list of items to call out, you can ask each team to find an item for every letter of the
alphabet (for example-Hairbrush for H, Quarter for Q, etc.)- One item per letter. The team to bring up as
many items as they can that fits within the alphabet within 10 minutes, wins the game.

- Instead of having one point per item, you can assign different point values based on the difficulty of the
item. For example, the shoelace item can be worth 3 points while the quarter can be worth 1 point. The
team to reach 20 (or so) points wins the game.

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