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Connection &
Relationship with
Contact with the Infinite,
all-powerful G-d is made Soul Nourishment
possible through prayer; it
My soul comes from
Halacha-mandated times builds our relationship,
Hashem and makes up my
for prayer force me to intensifies our love
essence; it must be “fed”
reserve time in my day to
just like my body. The soul
connect to my Creator and
yearns for connection with
focus on all the above…
its Source

Ask for Things

I Need
Living as a servant of
From the simplest wish to
Hashem and following His
the most essential appeal, I
Commandments is the
turn to Hashem for
purpose of my existence;
everything I need in my life
HaShem mandated I speak
and the lives of my loved
to Him, and I comply
Express Feelings
Pray? Self-Assessment of
Hashem is the Source of Values
everything – light and
Reminder of what is, or
ought to be, important to
Prayer allows me to express
me; how have I acted
the full range of emotions:
today? The subjects of
happiness, appreciation,
prayer represent the ideals I
awe, sorrow, anger, pain,
strive to achieve

Connect to the Past

Overcome Loneliness
& Present
My uniqueness comes from
Employ the same words
Hashem, so only He can Increase My used by my ancestors to
fully understand every part
Awareness of Others become part of a chain of
of my being, my unique
tradition; form a cohesive
composition, my thoughts Words of prayer direct
unit with those presently
and emotions attention to needs beyond
joined in prayer
my own self; I grow more
sensitive to ethics that
ought to guide my life, and
my responsibility to

Based heavily on the commentary of

Rabbi Dr. Jay Goldmintz, contained in
Prepared BS”D by Binyamin Casper the Koren Ani Tefilla Weekday Siddur

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