Design of A Low Power Dynamic Comparator in 180nm CMOS Technology

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International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

Design of a Low Power Dynamic Comparator in

180nm CMOS Technology
Anupriya Mishra Manoj Kumar
University School of Information, Communication & University School of Information, Communication &
Technology Technology
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India

Abstract—This paper aimed towards compact and low power As indicated by condition the dynamic power dissipation can
dynamic CMOS comparator in 180nm technology with supply be relieved by lessening clock frequency, switching activity,
voltage of 1.8V. Comparator is proposed in this paper using
circuit level techniques LECTOR, GALEOR, ONOFIC, LCNT & and load capacitance or by scaling down supplied voltage i.e.
LCMT in which two leakage transistors are added between pull VDD. Reducing clock frequency is the most straightforward
up and pull down network of logic circuit in different styles and activity; however it impacts the compatibility of chip. Power
are used to design circuit with no critical path. Approach of
dissipation can likewise be decreased by downsizing the
leakage transistor is to conceive a state with more than one
transistor OFF in a trail from supply voltage to ground. It is voltage VDD, however this could be done by device
significantly less leaky than a state with only one transistor OFF technology. Area, power dissipation and propagation delay are
in trail of from supply to ground. Proposed comparator circuit the primary parameters for designing a VLSI circuit. As the
performance analysis is done in respect of power dissipation and
delay. Total power dissipation in conventional circuit is technology scale down in nanometer level so the power
67.027pW with delay 79.940ps. In LECTOR and GALEOR supply, threshold and device size reduces which brings about
power consumption is in range of 50-60pW. In ONOFIC and expanding sub-threshold current exponentially. As leakage
LCNT power dissipated in the range of 40-45pW. In LCMT current is significant factor for increasing power dissipation.
power reduces to 92% as compared to conventional comparator.
Moreover, power delay product (PDP) results also have been According to the International Technology Roadmap for
compared for comparator circuit. Power consumption of Semiconductor (ITRS), whole power consumption is
comparator is also compared with earlier reported circuits and exorbitantly consecrated by the leakage power (as per
proposed circuit’s shows better performances.
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor 2009).
Keywords─Comparator; leakage transistor; low power; multi- It is expected that leakage power can increase up to 32 times
threshold; stacking; VLSI per device, so it is important to reduce power dissipation [3-5].
Power optimization can be achieved at multifarious abstract
level that are system, algorithm, architecture, logic, circuit and
In recent year’s proliferative demand of portable devices led to
device level. This paper centers on circuit level power
colossal power consumption which impoverished the battery
service life. As the technology scales down, power optimization technique [6]. Comparator is vital part utilized as
management becomes primary issue. The power is emerging a part of analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). It is the second
as the most censorious issue in system on chip design. The most broadly utilized device in electronic circuit after Opamp.
aim of low power style is to extend the battery service life. Apart from ADCs, it is utilized as a part of peak detector, Zero
The prime power dissipation source of CMOS circuits are crossing detectors, BLDC operating motors and switching
static, short-circuit and dynamic power. The total power power regulators [7-8]. Comparator is the device used to
dissipated by a circuit is given by [1-3]
compare two analog voltages or currents and switches its
Ptotal= Pswitching + Pshort + Pleakage
output to indicate which is greater. In Fig. 1 if Vp is at higher
Pswitching= αCLVDD2f , Pshort=ζαVDDIshort
potential than Vn then the output of comparator is logic 1. If
Vp is at lower potential than Vn , output gives a logic 0 [8-10].
Where CL is the switching node capacitance, f is the frequency Vdd

of switching, VDD is the supply voltage, α is the switching

activity and ζ is the voltage settling time. Short circuit power Vp +

is due to the direct path between the supply and ground. Static Vn -

power is due to the leakage current [3]. Dynamic power is due

gn d
to the charging and discharging of output node capacitance. Fig. 1 Circuit of a Comparator

ISBN: 978-1-5386-4119-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 727

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International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

In this paper, a new dynamic comparator is proposed using

LECTOR, GALEOR, ONOFIC, LCNT and LCMT condition. In evaluation phase when CLK= VDD, transistors
techniques. Performance of dynamic comparator is analyzed M7 and M10 are off. Output nodes that are pre-charged to
in terms of power consumption and delay. VDD, it starts to release by different rates depending upon
The rest of the paper is composed as follows: Section II inputs given in comparator. Let VIN > VREF, then V2 discharge
portrays the conventional dynamic comparator working and faster than V1, hence when V2 falls down to VDD-│VTHP│
proposed comparator circuits. In Section III outcomes for the before V1, transistor M9 will turn on initiating the latch
proposed comparators has been acquired. Finally, Section IV regeneration caused by back-to-back inverters(M8, M3, M9,
concludes this paper. M4). Thus V1 pulls to VDD and V2 to ground [3]. Fig. 3
shows an output and input waveform for conventional
Conventional dynamic comparator circuit is shown in fig. 2. First proposed circuit of dynamic comparator is shown in fig
The circuit is a regenerative comparator found vast application 4. Leakage Control Transistor (LECTOR) technique
in ADCs. As they can make a expeditious certitude due to the essentially incotporates two leakage transistor which are
steady positive feedback in the regenerative latch. Where interpolated between PUN and PDN. The leakage transistor
M8/M3 and M9/M4 are two inverter of the latch and though gate restarined by another leakage transistor source. At the
M7, M10, M5, M6 work as switches, M1 and M2 are the input point when in excess of one transistor is OFF in a path from
transistors that unbalanced the latch inverter. supply voltage to ground is considerably less leaky than one
A dynamic comparator work in two phases that is reset transistor OFF amid a way. Technique is tend to applied in
(CLK=0) and evaluation (CLK=VDD) [7]. dynamic compartaor [10]. Input and output waveform shown
in Fig. 5.

M7 M9
CLK M8 M10
V2 V1
V2 V1






M1 Vin
Vin M2

gnd Fig. 4 Comparator using LECTOR Technique

Fig. 2 Conventional dynamic Comparator

Fig. 3 Input and output waveform of conventional comparator Fig. 5 Input and output waveform of comparator using LECTOR technique


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International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

connected to gate of NMOS transistor. PUN is connected to

In second proposed circuit of dynamic comparator GALEOR source of NMOS and PDN connected to drain of NMOS.
technique is used shown in fig. 6. Gate Leakage Transistor These transitor offer sensible conducting path when both
(GALEOR) technique in which two gated leakage transistor is transistor are ON they work in linear region. Once these
inserted in the path of supply voltage and ground. The gates of transitor are OFF they work in cut-off region [5][12]. Fig. 9
these additional transistors are controlled by drain voltage shown input and output waveform of propsed comparator.
[11]. Throughout active mode leakage transistor own normal
operation. During standby mode it produces stacking effect. Vdd

Input and output waveform of proposed circuit shown in fig.

7. CLK


V2 V1

V2 V1






Fig. 6 Comparator using GALEOR technique Gnd

Fig. 8 Comparator using ONOFIC Technique

Fig. 9 Input and output waveform of comparator using ONOFIC technique

Fig. 7 Input and output waveform of comparator using GALEOR technique
In fourth proposed circuit of comparator shown in Fig. 10
In third proposed circuit of comparator ONOFIC technique is LCNT technique is applied. Leakage Control NMOS transistor
used shown in fig. 8. On-Off logic circuit (ONOFIC) is a (LCNT) is a circuit level technique used for attenuated leakage
single threshold level approach for leakage power reduction. current in CMOS logic gate. During this technique two NMOS
In this technique two transitor are placed between pull-up transistor are inserted between pull-up network and pull-down
network and pull-down network. In this technique source of network. Gate of each NMOS connected to output node of
PMOS transistor is connected to supply voltage and drain comparator. Once these leak transistors are ON they supply a


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International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)
decent conducting path with minimum delay and once these
are off they provide stacking impact. It minimizes the leakage
current [5] [12]. Input and output waveform of proposed S
circuit of comparator is shown on fig. 11. CLK

V2 V1









Fig. 12 Comparator using LCMT technique
Fig. 10 Comparator using LCNT technique

Fig. 13 Input and output waveform of Comparator using LCMT technique


Fig. 11 Input and output waveform of comparator using LCNT technique
In this section analysis of total power dissipation is mentioned
for proposed circuits with conventional using mentor graphics
Fifth proposed comparator circuit is shown in fig. 12. This in 180nm CMOS technology with provide voltage variation
technique is leakage control multi-threshold technique. This is from [1.0-1.8] V. Power dissipation is reduced by applying
the inclusion of LCNT technique and Multi-threshold CMOS
circuit level techniques in logic circuit of comparator. Table I
technique (MTCMOS). MTCMOS is the priory proposed demonstrates the aggregate power dissipation results for
technique in which PMOS is added between logic and power LECTOR, GALEOR, ONOFIC, LCNT and LCMT
supply and NMOS transistor between logic and ground. It
techniques. The proposed design (LCMT) of comparator
creates a pragmatic supply rail or virtual ground. Added dissipates less power as compared to other circuit techniques.
transistor may have high, low and medium threshold voltage Table II outlines delay in comparator of different techniques.
as per desideratum. The low threshold transistor used to
In circuit level techniques extra transistors are inserted
reduce delay in circuit while high threshold reduces the power between PDN and PUN it raises the propagation delay.
dissipation in shortest path [9]. High threshold transistors are
LECTOR, GALEOR and ONOFIC techniques are good for
added to reduce power dissipation by having two modes active leakage reduction but these techniques are not proficient of
and sleep for efficient power management. The threshold reducing propagation delay. In LCMT as two NMOS LCTs
voltage is selected based on supply voltage. MTCMOS can
are inserted so it gives a more desirable result with better
only reduce the standby leakage power and area is penalty in speed of operation and high threshold transistor also helps in
this technique [13-14]. reducing standby leakage power. Also in LCNT two NMOS
transistor are inserted, it conjointly has smart speed of
operation with less power dissipation


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International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

Table I: Power Consumption Comparisons of Proposed Circuits

Supply voltage Conventional LECTOR GALEOR ONOFIC LCNT LCMT
(V) (pW) (pW) (pW) (pW) (pW) (pW)
1.0 20.538 14.132 19.252 12.237 13.895 3.402
1.1 24.563 16.679 22.377 14.502 16.304 3.957
1.2 29.128 19.538 26.003 16.953 18.902 4.040
1.3 34.283 22.621 29.887 19.602 21.691 4.085
1.4 40.122 25.930 34.029 22.446 24.675 4.112
1.5 46.751 29.487 38.405 25.489 27.836 4.233
1.6 52.283 33.256 42.838 28.761 31.030 4.412
1.7 59.710 37.658 44.558 32.662 34.565 4.647
1.8 67.027 54.290 58.363 43.005 43.426 4.997

Table II: Delay comparisons of Proposed Circuits

Supply voltage Conventional LECTOR GALEOR ONOFIC LCNT LCMT
(V) (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns)
1.0 79.949 50.094 50.418 50.186 40.054 45.539
1.1 79.949 50.080 50.375 50.146 40.044 45.430
1.2 79.948 50.069 50.344 50.126 40.035 45.362
1.3 79.946 50.062 50.263 50.113 40.031 45.325
1.4 79.943 50.057 50.222 50.098 30.025 45.267
1.5 79.942 50.052 50.167 50.088 30.024 45.223
1.6 79.942 50.047 50.132 50.082 30.023 45.185
1.7 79.941 50.044 50.083 50.076 30.023 45.166
1.8 79.940 50.039 50.045 50.071 30.023 45.132

Table III: PDP comparisons of proposed circuit

Supply voltage Conventional LECTOR GALEOR ONOFIC LCNT LCMT
(V) (J×10-24) (J×10-24) (J×10-24) (J×10-24) (J×10-24) (J×10-24)
1.0 1.641 0.707 0.970 0.614 0.556 0.154
1.1 1.963 0.835 1.119 0.727 0.642 0.179
1.2 2.328 0.978 1.301 0.849 0.756 0.183
1.3 2.740 1.132 1.501 0.982 0.800 0.185
1.4 3.207 1.297 1.709 1.124 0.840 0.186
1.5 3.737 1.475 1.926 1.276 0.841 0.191
1.6 4.179 1.664 2.147 1.440 0.931 0.199
1.7 4.773 1.884 2.231 1.635 1.037 0.209
1.8 5.358 2.716 2.944 2.153 1.304 0.225

C o n v e n tio n a l C o n v e n tio n a l
P o w e r d is s ip a t io n ( p W )

D e la y (n s )

40 O N O F IC O N O F IC

0 .8 1 .0 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8 2 .0
0 .8 1 .0 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8 2 .0
S u p p ly v o lta g e (V )
S u p p ly v o lta g e (V )

Fig. 14 Power consumptions comparison for comparator with supply voltage Fig. 15 Delay comparison for comparator with supply voltage

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International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN2018)

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