Unit 1B Lesson 5: Classification of Living Things

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Ana Martins Santoro

March 12th, 2021

Unit 1B Lesson 5: Classification of Living Things.

Target: I can describe how people sort living things into groups based on shared

• What are some of the common characteristics of all living things?
◦Made up of cells
◦Have DNA
◦They all have cells that work together
◦Respond to the environment.
◦Grow and develop.
◦The ability to reproduce.
• How are prokaryotes and Eukaryotes alike and di erent?
‣ Made up of cells
‣ Have DNA
◦Di erent:
‣ Eukaryotes have nucleus
‣ They have more complex structures of organelles.
‣ Also have membrane-bound organelles.
‣ Eukaryotes can be multicellular and unicellular
‣ All multicellular organisms are eukaryotes.
‣ Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus
‣ They can only be unicellular.

Classi cation:
• Classi cation helps scientists gure out what characteristics de ne living things and how
living things are related to each other.
• Physical and chemical characteristics help identify relationships among di erent species.
• Carolus Linnaeus simpli ed the naming of living things by giving them a two-part name.
• A scienti c name of an organism is their genus and species name.
• Taxonomy is the science of describing, classifying and naming living things.
It kind of looks like it is a
flower but it also looks like
it is dying and pale like a
fungus is breaking it down

A group of plants
They both havewings but American goldfinches
have beaks and feathers whiletheyellowpansybutterflies
DNA helps scientists
find similar genetic
characteristics those
that are not visible
and more objective
They are more closely
related and have similar visual
characteristics and genetic
characteristics It becomes more
specific and with less species

Plantae Fungi Animalia

Bacteriaprokaryoteonly unicellularvery simple

Eukarya eukaryoteunicellular and multicellular complex
Plantsproducetheir foodwhile
some protists producetheirfoodSome
protists are heterotrophs
New genera and
phylia could be

Those above it
produce seeds
19. The Sea spider would be in the domain Eukarya.
20. The scientists used DNA to help classify the sea spider by nding similar genes and
mutations in other species.

Long tailed weasel

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