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1. Answer the questions

a. Where are you from?__________________________________(Italia)
b. Where are you from?__________________________________(Franta)
c. Where are you from?__________________________________(America)
d. Where are you from?__________________________________(Romania)
e. Where are you from?__________________________________(Spania)

2. Complete the sentences with the missing NATIONALITIES or

Ex. Mark is from Romania. He is __Romanian.____________
a. Jim is from Italy. He is an______________.
b. I live in France. I am______________.
c. They have a house in Spain. They are ______.
d. They speak English. They are from_________.
e. He goes to school in the U.S.A. He is___________________.

3. Use CAN or CAN’T to complete the sentences

a. You_______ sleep in the kitchen. X

b. I________speak English. √

c. I ____________ play on the computer. √

d. He_______________drive. X

e. She___________speak German. X

4. Complete the text with the missing prepositions

Look at my desk. The English book is ________________(langa) the French book.

(Pe)__________the desk I can see a lamp. The lamp is ________________(intre) the
computer and the pencil case. My blue pen is__________________(in) the pencil case.
The chair is________________(sub) the desk.

5. Write 2 words with the article AN and three words with the article A

Vocabulary. Write 5 sentences using the verb CAN.

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