Summative Evaluation Unit 7

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Summative Evaluation Unit 7,the 8th grade

Name, surname_______________________________________________________
1.Read the legend, give a title and write why the river was called Bîc. 5points
Long, long ago these paces used to be inhabited by giants. Once a giant girl walked about the
forest and she saw a man with six bulls ploughing the soil with a wooden plough in a clearing.
She took the peasant with the bulls and plough and went home to her mother.
“Look, mother. I have found some insects scratching the earth. What could they be?
“My dear, go and put them back where you have taken them from. Let them go in peace and
don’t kill them. When you come back I’ll tell you.” The girl took them back and then went home
to her mother. “Now, mother, tell me what kind of insects were those?” ”That was a man, who
was ploughing the soil with six bulls. In the distant future, men like this one will replace us, and
they will be the masters of the earth, because we’ll die, all of us, and these people will live and
own this land.” On hearing those words she grieved.” What! Such weak creatures come instead
of us,and we’ll vanish? Mother, I’ll go and kill him and his bulls.” “Don’t go. You won’t find him.”
The girl did go. She looked for the man but she couldn’t find him. He had finished his work and
was far away going home through a forest in a valley. The girl was so grieved that a tear fell
down, and where it fell currents of water started. The water was whirling down the valley and
one of the man’s bulls was drowned. In that place where the girl’s tear fell, a spring appeared
and a river began there. It was named the Bîc, for that was how the bull was named. Since then,
the river has been flowing through forests and valleys and has the same name up to now.
2.Read the text again and write if it is True or False. 7 points
a)The places used to be inhabited by dwarfs. TF
b) A man with eight wolves was ploughing the soil. TF
c) The mother told her daughter to kill them. TF
d) The girl went home to her mother. TF
e) The girl found the man. TF
f) The girl was so happy that she was laughing loudly. TF
g) The water was whirling down the valley and one of the man’s bulls was drowned. TF
3.Choose the correct variant. 3 points
a)The places used to be inhabited by:
1.insects 3.giants
2.animals 4.dwarfs
b)The girl was so grieved that:
1.she began to cry 3. She couldn't go home
2.she took the bulls home 4.made the bull get drowned.
c) The river was named:
1.the Nistru 2.the Prut
3.the Bîc 4. The Răut
4.Find synonyms in the text of the following words: 4 points
To live -___________________________; to go-__________________________;
to land- _________________________ to start-________________________
5.Find antonyms in the text of the folowing words: 2points
To live-_________________________________;to finish-_______________________
6. Finish the sentences: 4points
a) Chisinau was founded in _______________.
b) Chisinau is situated on the river _______________.
c) There are ______ districts in Chisinau.
d) The sculpture of the old buildings in Chisinau is __________________________.
7.Change into Passive Voice. 3 points
The mechanic repairs the car.____________________________________________________.
My brother is doing his homework.________________________________________________
My mother cleaned the room yesterday.__________________________________________

7.Write 5 sentences about Moldova- my love. 7 points


Score 1 2-3 4-6 7-9 17-19 20-23 24-26 27-31 32-34 35

Mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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