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Hospital News, February 2010 www.hospitalnews.

2 News
Painting honours Humber River doctor
By Sarah Quadri home, similar to an Anne of if he could create such a piece.
Magnotta Green Gables setting. This painting is his interpreta-
“Shortly after my father tion of my request.”

f you ask Harriette Caplan, passed away, I approached For 28 years, Caplan relied
Dr. Sam Berger deliv- Dr. Berger with the idea that on the guidance, advice and sup-
ers the best medicine. I wanted to contribute some- port of a doctor she says many
Not only because he’s a lead- thing in my parents’ memory others should aspire to become.
ing Oncologist, specializing that would be a permanent “Even though Dr. Berger is
in Hematology at Toronto’s fixture, but that also had an expert in his field, he’s a per-
Humber River Regional something to do with Dr. son first and that really shows,”
Hospital (HRRH) for the last Berger and his wonderful care Caplan adds. “His interaction
33 years – but also because his for both of them. Without with his patients and his com-
bedside manner is one-of-a- hesitation, Dr. Berger sug- mitment to their families is sec-
kind. gested a work of art for the ond to none. For the duration of
“Dr. Berger was the only patient area in Humber River’s 28 years, it wasn’t just a matter
medical person that each of Harriette Caplan donated this painting to Humber River Chemotherapy Department.” of taking my temperature or
my parents would see without Regional Hospital’s Chemotherapy Department, in memory Caplan was thrilled. But giving me a prescription, it was
hesitation,” explaines Caplan, a of her parents and in honour of their physician, Dr. Sam after searching for something serious stuff,” Caplan noted.
high school teacher and a health Berger, for his excellence in care. in retail stores, she said could “He respected me and treated
advocate for her parents when not find anything that captured me as someone who had the
they were alive. “He is kind, Berger at home on a Saturday memory in a special presenta- the essence of what she thought right to know. He allowed me to
caring, soft-spoken and brilliant. night,” Caplan says. “My moth- tion hosted by Humber River’s patients and their families would function with my parents being
He also did everything he could er had a rare blood disorder and Foundation. Together, Caplan like to gaze at during a painful very ill and I will always be
to help me out.” I had a million medical ques- and Berger unveiled a painting and stressful time. grateful.”
Although Caplan’s parents tions. Dr. Berger was always – commissioned by Caplan – in “I wanted something that
passed a while ago – her father happy to help.” the Chemotherapy Department individuals could look at and Sarah Quadri Magnotta
in 2003 and her mother in 1987 On Monday, January 18, at Humber River’s Church site. get lost in, even if only for a Senior Writer/Communications
– Caplan hasn’t forgotten Dr. Caplan had a chance to publicly The painting depicts a young moment or two,” Caplan says. Specialist at Humber River
Berger’s care and compassion. express her gratitude for Dr. girl running with a kite, flowers “I expressed my vision to artist Regional Hospital.
“I even remember calling Dr. Berger and honour her parents’ in the foreground and a country Rod Della Vedova, and asked

New changes to benefits for car accident victims

By Steven Polak assistance from social workers, have been announced for non- company reports that they feel changes are significant because
discharge planners and nurses catastrophic claimants are: are unfair. Funding for rebut- of the cost of assessments, the

n November 2, 2009, in the period before they retain • Housekeeping benefits: tal reports will be completely long wait to obtain specialist
the McGuinty govern- counsel. Eliminated completely eliminated under the proposed appointments through OHIP
ment announced a pack- Under the current legisla- • Caregiver benefits: changes. and the frequent need to reply
age of proposed reforms to the tion, there are often disputes Eliminated completely Although $50,000 may be to reports obtained by insurance
accident benefit (no-fault) car about whether the injured victim • Attendant care benefits: more than enough to satisfy companies. There will have to
insurance system in Ontario. (patient) is “catastrophically Cut in half to $36,000 maximum the medical, rehabilitation and be a calculated balance between
The proposed changes are impaired”. The outcome of the • Interest rate penalty to assessment needs of many car the need for no-fault assessment
expected to be implemented by disputes are important because insurers for failure to pay accident victims, there will funding and the need to fund
the summer of 2010. The pro- of the significantly increased timely benefits: Cut in half likely be other cases where the treatment.
posed changes will considerably benefits available to cata- • Medical/Rehabilitation/ available benefits are used up Non-catastrophic patients
reduce the standard benefits strophically injured persons. The Assessment benefits: *Cut by before the patient’s needs are may need guidance from social
available to most people who number of disputes may well more than half, leaving $50,000 satisfied. Further, because some workers, nurses and discharge
have been injured in car acci- increase as non-catastrophic for all medical/rehabilitation and patients are not deemed cata- planners about what type of
dents. Ontarians will still have benefits are reduced. While assessment needs. strophic until quite some time assessments are vital and may
the option of buying extra cov- some “catastrophic impair- • “Minor Injury” Medical/ after the accident, there may also need other advice about
erage when they purchase their ments” are easy to identify (ie: Rehabilitation/Assessment well be patients whose benefits how best to meet their treatment
auto insurance. quadriplegia), there are many benefits: restricted to $3,500. It expire before they reach the needs while conserving their
While catastrophically that are not as easy (ie: some- remains to be seen how “minor point where they can even meet medical and rehabilitation ben-
injured patients will be affected one who has sustained a 55% injuries” will be defined the definition of being cata- efit limits.
by the changes, patients who are impairment of their whole per- The current system for acci- strophic. If a patient has a viable
deemed to be “non-catastrophic” son). It should be noted that the dent benefits provides $100,000 While catastrophically lawsuit against the persons
will face the most notable proposed changes include an, for non-catastrophic medical injured persons will continue to who caused the accident, the
reductions in benefits. Non- as of yet undefined, amendment and rehabilitation needs, plus have access to one million dol- assessments could potentially be
catastrophic patients, in most to the definition of what “cata- reasonable amounts for assess- lars for medical and rehabilita- funded by the claimant’s lawyer
cases, do not have access to strophic” will mean. ment costs requested by the tion benefits, the cost of assess- and claimed for in the lawsuit,
funding for case management, While not all of the changes injured person. It also allows ments will now be deducted freeing up the full no-fault
which means that they may well have been identified yet, some injured persons to obtain “rebut- from that amount. medical and rehabilitation limits
require more benefits advice and of the significant changes that tal reports” to reply to insurance The assessment funding for treatment.
Continued on page 19 Hospital News, February 2010
Patient Safety 19
Technology in health care:
When pictures aren’t worth a thousand words
By Ryan Sidorchuk dered if it might be a good time Without doubt, as our Another additional element also help ensure clarity of drug,
to muse on some considerations technological capacities have of the EHR in Canada is the dose, and method of admin-

ost all of us have that will be of keen interest increased in health care, there continuous enhancement of istration for increased patient
heard of the phrase, to patients and families over has been an attendant decrease patient safety. The most obvi- safety and quality of care.
“A picture is worth the next several years as this in the ‘laying of hands’ by ous benefit of EHR in this From this regard, I hope
a thousand words”. One of technological infrastructure health-care practitioners on regard is the electronic manage- that the exceptional amount of
the “downsides” to improved becomes realized across the patients. Diagnoses are more ment of medications, as well resources we as taxpayers have
imaging technology, from ana- country. and more focused on what clin- as the elimination of sloppy dedicated to this national EHR
logue to digital, is the fact that One of the foundational ele- ical tests and images paint as a handwriting that is known to will be supported by significant
‘face to face’ discussion time ments of the EHR infrastructure picture than what patients actu- contribute to medication errors. training for not only clinicians,
between attending and resident will be functionality that will ally report as part of a discus- It will allow for Computerized but also patients and families.
physicians has decreased mark- support empowering patients to sion and physical examination Physician Order Entry (CPOE), A tool is only as useful as the
edly wherever such technol- manage their own care. Without to build an accurate history. but as this tool implementation person holding it knows what
ogy has been implemented. doubt, I personally see this as This can be a good thing, and has shown in many jurisdic- to do with it, and while it looks
This practice, while improving an extremely positive aspect of I’ve also heard enough stories tions, you can indeed lead a like we will indeed have a
‘efficiency’, has had a detri- the plans for the national EHR. to last a lifetime from patients horse to water, but you can’t very useful tool very soon in
mental effect on the ‘teachable I also support Canada Health and families where situations force it to drink! Many hos- the EHR available across the
moments’ that might occur Infoway’s practice of holding have gone poorly that when pitals and health authorities country, ‘back-end’ investment
between experts with decades stakeholder roundtables to help things were going downhill, cli- throughout the globe have had in the people who will be using
of clinical experience to inform their actions to make nicians simply stopped listen- to maintain two systems (one that tool is at least as important
residents with mere months of sure they are on the right track ing to what patients and family electronic, one paper based) for as the ‘0’s and 1’s’ being used
experience, particularly in the with initiative prioritization members had to say. Family clinicians who, through either to create it today.
‘rich communication’ setting and realization over the coming and friends know patients; cli- discomfort with new technol-
of face-to-face dialogue. As years. The ‘danger’, as I see it, nicians know medicine; only ogy or simple old-fashioned Ryan Sidorchuk is the
we are nationally in the midst is that these new technological through the use of this knowl- reluctance to change with the Communications Co-Chair
of building a framework for tools may reduce the amount of edge together can preventable times, have refused to adopt of Patients for Patient Safety
the EHR, or Electronic Health actual ‘face time’ with health- tragedy be avoided, and even new technology meant not only Canada.
Record, across Canada, I won- care providers for patients. that is no guarantee. to make their lives easier, but to

New changes to available no-fault benefits, have to wait until the success- ber of patients who undergo Steven Polak is a partner
benefits for car patients can, in many circum- ful completion of a lawsuit to treatment, or receive assistance, with Lerners LLP in Toronto
stances, still pursue compensa- get the money necessary to pay on the promise to pay for it clarification, you may contact
accident victims tion as part of a lawsuit against for their treatment or assistance upon settlement or resolution of Steven at 416-601-2355 or by
Continued from page 2 the people who caused the with tasks of daily living. This their lawsuit. emailing SPOLAK@LERNERS.
If patient needs exceed the accident. However, patients will may lead to an T:9.875”
increased num- CA

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