23 Indian Polity Union Legislature Part 2 General Working of The

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India Polity Dissolution

Union Legislature Part 2 • Only the Lok Sabha is subject to dissolution. It

ends the very life of the existing House. The
General Working of Indian Parliament dissolution of Lok Sabha may take place in
two ways:
• Summoning: The President summons each
House of the Parliament from time to time. – Automatic dissolution on the expiry of
But the maximum gap between two sessions its tenure of five years or the terms as
of Parliament cannot be more than six extended during a national
months. emergency.

• Session: A ‘session’ of Parliament is the period – By an exercise of the President’s

spanning between the first sitting of a House power under Article 85(2)
and its prorogation (or dissolution in case of
• The President on the advice of Council of
Lok Sabha). During a session, the House meets
Ministers exercises the powers of dissolution
every day to transact business. There are
and prorogation.
usually three sessions in a year namely:
• Whereas, the power to adjourn daily sittings
1. The Budget Session
of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha belong to the
2. The Monsoon Session Speaker and Chairman respectively.

3. The Winter Session • Dissolution ends the very life of the Lok Sabha
so that all matters (Bills, Motions, Resolutions,
• The period spanning between the prorogation
Notices, Petitions etc.) pending before the
of a House and its reassembly in a new
House lapse with dissolution. If those matters
session is termed ‘recess’.
have to be pursued, they must be re-
• The sitting of a House may be terminated by introduced in the next House after fresh
dissolution, prorogation or adjournment. elections.

• Adjournment: Within a session, there are a • However, some pending bills and all pending
number of meetings. Each daily meeting assurances that are to be examined by the
consists of two sittings: a morning sitting (11 Committee on Government Assurances do not
AM to 1 PM) and a post lunch sitting (2 PM to lapse on the dissolution of the Lok Sabha.
6 PM). An adjournment suspends the work in
Bill lapse conundrum
a sitting for a specified time – hours, days or
weeks. • The position with respect to lapsing of bills is
as follows:
• Adjournment Sine Die means terminating a
sitting of Parliament for an indefinite period. – A bill pending in the Lok Sabha lapses
(whether originating in the Lok Sabha
• The power of adjournment as well as
or transmitted to it by the Rajya
adjournment sine die lies with the presiding
officer of the House.
– A bill passed by the Lok Sabha but
• Prorogation: Prorogation (done by the
pending in the Rajya Sabha lapses.
President) terminates the session of the
House. Though in England prorogation wipes – A bill pending in the Rajya Sabha not
all business pending at the date of passed by the Lok Sabha does not
prorogation, in India, all bills pending in lapse.
Parliament are expressly saved by Art. 107(3).
– A bill, which is not passed by the two
The only effect of a prorogation is that
houses due to disagreement and if
pending notices, motions and resolutions
the President has notified the holding
of a joint sitting before the dissolution Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business
of Lok Sabha, does not lapse.
• Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in
– A bill passed by both Houses but the Council of States/House of People have
pending assent of the President does been formulated under Article 118 of the
not lapse. Constitution wherein each House of
Parliament is required to make rules for
– A bill passed by both Houses but
regulating its procedure and conduct of
returned by the President for
reconsideration does not lapse
• Speaker in Lok Sabha and Chairman in Rajya
• Lame Duck Session: It refers to the last
Sabha are the final interpreters of provisions
session of the existing Lok Sabha after a new
of rules of procedure and conduct of
Lok Sabha has been elected. Those members
of the existing Lok Sabha who could not get
re-elected to the new Lok Sabha are known as • Rules committee considers the matters of
lame ducks. procedure and conduct of business in the
House and recommends necessary
• Quorum: It is the minimum number of
amendments or additions to the Rules of the
members required to be present in the House
before it can transact any business. It is 1/10th
of the total number of members in each • The Lok Sabha committee consists of 15
House (including the Presiding Officer). Thus, members including the Speaker as its ex-
a minimum of 55 members in the Lok Sabha officio chairman. In Rajya Sabha, it consists
and 25 members in the Rajya Sabha must be of 16 members including the Chairman as its
present if any business is to be conducted. ex-officio chairman.

What happens in parliament in a day • The Speaker/ Chairman may, if he deems it

necessary, name a member who disregards
• 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Question hour
the authority of the Chair or abuses the rules
• 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM Zero hour of the House by persistently and wilfully
obstructing the business thereof.
• 01:00 Pm to 02:00 PM Lunch break
• If a member is so named by the Speaker/
• 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM/06:00 PM Government Chairman, a motion is moved and adopted by
business the House for suspending the member from
Devices of Parliamentary Proceedings the service of the House for a period not
exceeding the remainder of the session. The
• In a parliamentary sitting, both the houses of House may, however, by another motion
the Indian Parliament have different devices terminate the suspension. In an extreme case
of Parliamentary proceedings. of misconduct, the House may expel a
• These devices are used to bring the members member from the House.
of Parliament to act according to the rules of Question Hour
the houses. They are
• Question Hour is the first hour of a
1. Question Hour parliamentary sitting devoted to questions
2. Zero Hour that Members of Parliament raise about any
aspect of administration and government
3. Motions activity.
4. Resolutions • It is mentioned in the Rules of Procedure of
the House. Normally, a member has to give a
5. Short duration discussions
minimum of 15 clear days’ notice of a
6. Point of Order question in writing addressed to the
Secretary-General, Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha, questions is printed in light
intimating his intention to ask a question. pink colour.
Besides the text of the question, the notice
• Questions to Private Members- In addition to
states clearly:
the ministers, a question may also be
– the official designation of the Minister addressed to a Private Member, provided that
to whom the question is addressed. the subject matter of the question relates to
some Bill, Resolution or other matter
– the date on which the question is
connected with the business of the House for
desired to be placed on the list of
which that Member is responsible. The list of
questions for answer.
these questions is printed in yellow colour.
– the order of preference, if any, for its
Zero Hour
being placed on the list of questions
when a member tables more than one • The time immediately following the Question
notice of questions for the same day. Hour has come to be known as "Zero Hour".

• Questions are one of the ways Parliament can • It starts at around 12 noon (hence the name)
hold the executive accountable and the and members can, with notice to the Speaker
concerned Minister is obliged to answer to prior to the start of the daily session, raise
the Parliament, either orally or in writing, issues of urgent public importance during this
depending on the type of question raised. time.

• The maximum questions, starred or • It is an Indian innovation (not mentioned in

unstarred, a member is now entitled to give is the Rules of Procedure) and has been in
10 per day. existence since 1962.

Types of Questions • In Lok Sabha, maximum 20 matters are

allowed to be raised during the Zero Hour on
• These questions are of three kinds:
a single day.
1. A Starred Question (distinguished by
• In Rajya Sabha, , maximum 7 matters are
an asterisk) requires an oral answer
allowed to be raised during the Zero Hour on
and hence supplementary questions
a single day.
can follow. Only 20 and 15 questions
can be listed for oral answer on a day • A member is allowed to make only one Zero
in LS and RS respectively. The list of Hour request during a week.
these questions is printed
• It is not mandatory to have a Zero Hour every
in green colour.
day during the session.
2. An Unstarred Question requires a
Motions, Resolutions and Short Duration Discussions
written answer and hence,
supplementary questions cannot • Motions and resolutions are procedural
follow. Only 230 and 160 questions devices to raise a discussion in the House on a
can be listed for written answer on a matter of general public interest.
day in LS and RS respectively. The list
of these questions is printed • In its widest sense, the term 'motion' means
in white colour. any proposal submitted to the House for
eliciting its decision. The decision which has
3. A short notice question is one which thus been elicited, turns the motion into a
relates to a matter of urgent public resolution or order of the House.
importance and is asked by giving a
notice of less than 10 days. It is • By a motion, the House discusses a matter, by
answered orally. The list of these a resolution the House declares its own
• Motions and resolutions can be moved by motion or proceedings of the House.
private members as well as Minister. When It is divided into three sub-categories:
they are moved by the former, they are called
a) Ancillary Motion: It is used as
private members' motions or resolutions.
the regular way of proceeding
• As the time for discussing motions is taken with various kinds of business.
from the time available for Government
b) Superseding Motion: It is
Business, Government motions get
moved in the course of
precedence over private members' motions,
debate on another issue and
on the same subject.
seeks to supersede that issue.
• When they are moved in pursuance of a
c) Amendment: It seeks to
constitutional or statutory provisions, they are
modify or substitute only a
called statutory motions or resolutions.
part of the original motion
• The short duration discussion is a procedural
General Rules for Parliamentary Motions
device to enable members to raise discussion
without a formal motion on a matter of • As per Rules of Procedure and Conduct of
urgent public importance. Business of the Houses: -
Motions • No discussion on a matter of general public
importance can take place except on a motion
• In its widest sense, the term 'motion' means
made with the consent of the
any proposal submitted to the House for
Speaker/Chairman as the case may be.
eliciting its decision.
• Notice of a motion to discuss a matter of
• Every matter is determined in the House by
general public interest is to be given in writing
means of a question put from the Chair on a
addressed to the Secretary-General.
motion made by a member and the House
expresses its decisions or opinions on various • No period of notice has been prescribed in
issues through the adoption or rejection of regard to such motions nor do they require
motions. The decision which has thus been any seconder.
elicited, turns the motion into a resolution or
order of the House. • But, in order that a motion may be admissible,
it should satisfy certain conditions. The
• The motions are of three principal categories: Chairman/Speaker decides on the motions'
admissibility based on the parameters.
1. Substantive Motion: It is a self-
contained independent proposal • It is the Business Advisory Committee which
dealing with a very important matter selects the motion(s) for discussion in the
like impeachment of the President or House according to the urgency and
removal of Chief Election importance of the subject and allots time for
Commissioner. the same.
2. Substitute Motion: It is moved in • The Chairman/Speaker sets aside time for
substitution of an original motion and debate of the motion's subject and speeches
proposes an alternative to it. If on the motion may be limited.
adopted by the House, it supersedes
the original motion. • The Chairman/Speaker may ask all questions
necessary to ascertain the House's decision on
3. Subsidiary Motion: It is a motion that, the original question on the given day.
by itself, has no meaning and cannot
state the decision of the House Significance of Motions in Parliament
without reference to the original • Motions bring new business before the
Houses of the Parliament. These instruments
are used regularly to raise issues in the Privilege Motion
parliament and bring the stand of the
• It is concerned with the breach of
government to the notice of the public.
parliamentary privileges by a Minister.
• The Parliament’s attention can be drawn to
• It is moved be a member when he feels that a
issues which are really important and need to
minister has committed breach of privilege of
be looked into. This is the purpose of calling
the House or one or more of its members by
attention and adjournment motion.
withholding facts of a case or by giving wrong
• The House can bring the government down or distorted facts.
through No-confidence motions and cut
Calling Attention Motion
• It is introduced by a member to call the
• The Privilege motion tries to ensure that there
attention of a Minister to a matter of urgent
is transparency and accountability regarding
public importance and to seek an
the information presented in front of the
authoritative statement from him on that
• The time of the house is utilized in an efficient
• Like the zero hour, it is also an Indian
manner through devices like the closure
innovation in the parliamentary procedure
and has been in existence since 1954.
Closure Motion However, unlike the zero hour, it is mentioned
in the Rules of Procedure
• It is a motion moved by a member to cut short
the debate on a matter before the House. If Adjournment Motion
the House approves it, debate is stopped and
• Adjournment Motion is the procedure for
the matter is put to vote. There are four kinds
adjournment of the business of the house for
of closure motions:
the purpose of discussing a matter of urgent
– Simple Closure: It is one when a public importance, and needs the support of
member moves that the ‘matter 50 members to be admitted.
having been sufficiently discussed be
• The Adjournment Motion, if admitted, leads
now put to vote’.
to setting aside of the normal business of the
– Closure by Compartments: In this House for discussing the matter mentioned in
case, the clauses of a bill or a lengthy the Motion. The discussion on an
resolution are grouped into parts adjournment motion should last for not less
before the commencement of the than two hours and thirty minutes.
debate. The debate covers the part as
• The purpose of an Adjournment Motion is to
a whole and the entire part is put to
take the Government to task for a recent act
of omission or commission having serious
– Kangaroo Closure: Under this type, consequences.
only important clauses are taken up
• Its adoption is regarded as a sort of censure of
for debate and voting and the
the Government. Thus, Rajya Sabha is not
intervening clauses are skipped over
permitted to make use of this device.
and taken as passed.
• The right to move a motion for an
– Guillotine Closure: It is one when the
adjournment of the business of the House is
undiscussed clauses of a bill or a
subject to the following restrictions.
resolution are also put to vote along
with the discussed ones due to want – It should raise a matter which is
of time (as the time allotted for the definite, factual, urgent and of public
discussion is over) importance;
– It should not cover more than one Confidence motion does not need to state
matter; such reasons).

– It should be restricted to a specific • If the Censure Motion is passed, the Council

matter of recent occurrence and of Ministers need not resign from office but is
should not be framed in general bound to seek the confidence of the Lok
terms; Sabha as early as possible.

– It should not raise a question of Motion of Thanks

• According to Article 87, the first session after
– It should not revive discussion on a each general election and the first session of
matter that has been discussed in the every fiscal year is addressed by the
same session; President. In this address, the president
outlines the policies and programmes of the
– It should not deal with any matter
government in the preceding year and
that is under adjudication by the
ensuing year.
court; and
• This address of the president, which
– It should not raise any question that
corresponds to the ‘speech from the Throne
can be raised on a distinct motion.
in Britain’, is discussed in both the Houses of
No-Confidence Motion Parliament on a motion called the ‘Motion of
• In India, a Motion of No Confidence can be
introduced only in the Lok Sabha. • At the end of the discussion, the motion is put
to vote. This motion must be passed in the
• The motion is allowed for discussion when a House. Otherwise, it amounts to the defeat of
minimum of 50 members of the Lok Sabha the government.
support the motion.
• If the motion carries, the Lok Sabha debates
and votes on the motion. • A resolution is one of the procedural devices
to raise a discussion in the House on a matter
• If majority of the members of the Lok Sabha of general public interest.
vote in favour of the motion, the motion is
passed and the Government is bound to • A resolution can be moved by a member or
vacate the office in accordance with Article Minister on a matter of general public
75(3) of the Constitution, which says that the interest.
council of ministers shall be collectively
• While there is no fixed day allotted for moving
responsible to the Lok Sabha.
a resolution by a Minister, a private member
Censure Motion can move a resolution only on an allotted day.
Ordinarily, two and a half hours of a sitting on
• This motion can be moved only in the Lok alternate Fridays are allotted for the
Sabha by the Opposition of the House. discussion of private members' resolutions.
• It can be moved against the Council of • A member who wishes to move a resolution
Ministers or an individual Minister or a group has to give a notice to that effect two days
of Ministers for their failure to act or for before the date of draw of lot.
certain policies and actions and may express
regret, indignation or surprise of the House at • The admissibility of a resolution is subject to
the failure of the Minister or Ministers. certain conditions:

• The Motion should be specific and self- • The Business Advisory Committee is
explanatory so as to record the reasons for empowered to allot time for the
the censure, precisely and briefly (No- consideration of a resolution.
• Resolutions are classified into three Point of Order
• A Point of Order relates to the interpretation
i. Private Member’s Resolution: It is or enforcement of the Rules of Procedure or
moved by a private member and is such articles of the Constitution that regulate
discussed only on alternate Fridays the business of the House.
and in the afternoon sitting.
• It should raise a question that is within the
ii. Government Resolution: It is moved cognizance of the presiding officer.
by a minister and can be taken up any
• A member can raise a point of order when the
day from Monday to Thursday.
proceedings of the House do not follow the
iii. Statutory Resolution: It can be moved normal rules of procedure.
by a private member or a minister. It
• It is an extraordinary device as it suspends the
is so called as it is always tabled in
proceedings before the House. No debate is
pursuance of a provision in the
allowed on a Point of Order.
constitution or an act of the

Differences between Motions and Resolutions

• While all resolutions are substantive motions.

• All motions are not necessarily put to vote of

the House, whereas all resolutions are
required to be voted upon.

Short Duration Discussion

• One of the important parliamentary devices

available to members to draw the attention of
the Government to matters of urgent public
importance is to raise a discussion of short
duration without a formal motion or vote

• Notice to raise a short duration discussion is

to be given in writing, addressed to the
Secretary-General, specifying clearly and
precisely the matter to be raised.

• The notice is required to be accompanied by

an explanatory note stating reasons for raising
the discussion and supported by signatures of
at least two other members.

• The Chairman decides the admissibility of the

notice. If an early opportunity is otherwise
available for discussion of the matter, the
Chairman may refuse to admit the notice

• The Business Advisory Committee normally

selects the subject for discussion and also
allocates the time therefor. The Chairman
may allow such time not exceeding two and a
half hours for holding such discussion.

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