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Code and Name of Course: BIOL1263 Diversity of Organisms 2

This paper has 9 pages and 32 questions

Candidates are required to answer ALL questions.

Questions from SECTION 1 must be done on the MCQ card provided, questions from
SECTION 2 must be done on this question paper in the spaces provided and questions
from SECTION 3 must be done in the answer booklet provided.

Candidates must not take this question paper out of the examination room. All question
papers must be returned to the Chief Invigilator.
ID NO………………………
SECTION 1. 20 MCQ Questions (20 marks)

1. Which of the six kingdoms of living organisms is characterized by the Following:

Eukaryotic, mostly unicellular, mostly microscopic, no germ layer, no tissues or
(A) Fungi
(B) Protista
(C) Animalia
(D) Protista

2. Which of the following features of Fungi are shared with animals: (1) Eukaryotic, (2)
Heterotrophic (3) Haploid nuclei (4) cell walls with chitin (5) non-motile.
(A) All of the above
(B) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2, 3 and 5 only
(D) 1 and 2 only.

3. Which phylum of animals displays asymmetry or radial symmetry, is triploblastic and

has a sac-like (blind ending) gut.
(A) Platyhelminthes
(B) Nematoda
(C) Annelida
(D) None- no phylum possesses this combination of characteristics
4. Alternation of generations …..

(A) is the term for a new method of reproduction in the Altherantaria

(B) occurs only in parasitic organisms
(C) describes a life cycle in living organisms in which sexual and asexual modes of
reproduction exist.
(D) represent a simple method of ensuring that organisms display adaptive radiation.

5. What are gemmules?

(A) Spores produced by fungi during sexual reproduction

(B) Packages of cells produced by sponges during asexual
(C) Stinging cells found in Cnidaria
(D) A class of parasitic flatworms

6. In the Cnidaria, nematocysts (cnidocytes) are:

(A) associated mainly with the gastrovascular cavity only

(B) stinging cells used in defense and prey capture
( C) sensory structures involved in balance and photo-detection
(D) the reddish pigments sometimes found in gonads

7. Which of the following are characteristic of nematodes?

(1) dioecious, (2) monoecious, (3) tubular gonads, (4) spherical gonads, (5) longitudinal
muscle and circular muscle, (6) circular muscle only, (7) all parasitic, (8) both free-living
and parasitic species

(A) 2, 3, 6, 7
(B) 1, 3, 8
(C) 1, 3, 5, 8
(D) 2, 4, 8

8. General annelid characteristics include: (1) metameric segmentation,

(2) eucoelomate body, (3) closed circulatory system, (4) presence of a
typhlosole, (5) a nephridial excretory system.

(A) All of the above.

(B) 1, 2, 3 & 4.
(C) 1, 2, 3 & 5.
(D) 1, 2, 3, & 6.

9. Which of the following statements about special features of the annelid classes

(A) Polychaetes show parapodial modification for respiration, defence,

feeding and reproduction.
(B) Oligochaete special features include modifications to the digestive
system, circulatory system and reproductive system.

(C) Hirudinea special features include modifications to only the gut and
reproductive system.

(D) Hirudinea special features include modifications to their external features,

body wall muscles and movement, coelom, digestive system and
reproductive system.

10. The Archetype mollusc represents:

(A) a fossil
(B) the missing link between gastropods and cephalopods
(C) a generalised mollusc
(D) a primitive polyplacophoran before the shell divided into 8 plates

11. Which of the following includes INCORRECT features:

(A) Polyplacophorans deviate from the archetype by: the shell divided into 8
plates; thickened mantle; possession of a ventral foot; possession of a radula.

(B) Bivalves deviate from the archetype by being laterally compressed; the shell
divided into two halves called valves; body completely enclosed in the shell and

(C) Gastropods deviate from the archetype by dorsal elongation, shell coiling;
torsion; cephalization.

(D) Cephalopods deviate from the Archetype by having a large brain in a

cartilaginous cranium; having tentacles and arms resulting from fusion of the
head and foot; being raptorial carnivores; having a closed blood vascular system.

12. Arthropods are believed to be evolved from annelids because: (1) they show
metameric segmentation in the embryo; (2) paired appendages, (3)similar
nervous system, (4) similar phylogeny (5) similar embryology.

(A). 1 and 2 only

(B). 1, 2 and 3 only
(C). 1, 2, 3 and 5 only
(D). All of the above

13. Which is CORRECT: In echinoderms Pedicellaria,

A) Have flexible arms
B) Keep the test clean
C) Are precursors to walking legs.
D) Assist with reproduction.

E) Which of the following combinations is the CORRECT mix of hallmark
Protochordate features:
A) Distinct head region, gill slits, anus, tail
B) Mouthparts, pharyngeal gill slits, notochord, post-anal tail
C) Pharyngeal gill slits, dorsal hollow nerve cord, notochord, post-anal tail
D) Pharyngeal gill slits, dorsal hollow nerve cord, atriopore, tail.

F) The second species of Latimeria was discovered in 1998 in;
A) Malaysia
B) Indonesia
C) The Comoro Islands
D) The Philippines.

16. A distinguishing feature of the Elasmobranch cardiac structure is the:

A) Ventricle
B) Conus arteriosus
C) Coeliac artery
D) its large overall size.

17. The hooks on barbules of birds are called;

(A) Radii
(B) Hamuli
(C) Ramii
(D) Teleoptiles.

18. The evolutionary pathway of mammals can be traced back to:

a) advanced birds
b) pelycosaurs
c) synapsid reptiles
d) Archaeopteryx

19. Crocodiles & alligators first appeared;

A) 100 million years before present
B) 90 m.y.b.p
C) 225 m.y.b.p
D) 20 m.y.b.p.

20. Arboreal life selected for increased intelligence based on;

A) Very hairy skin
B) Grasping (opposed) digits
C) Brain became larger
D) B & C.
ID NO………………………

Section 2. (5 marks/ question totaling 30% marks)

21. What does the following diagram represent? _____________________________

____________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

A. C.


Identify the groups labeled (A – D) and give one additional unique or distinguishing
characteristic of each (1 mark each):

A ___________________ _______________________________________

B ____________________ ________________________________________

C ____________________ ________________________________________

D____________________ ________________________________________
22. What is the name given to the diagram below? ____________________ (1 mark)

Fill in the blanks on the diagram (1 mark each).

23. Give 4 characteristics of the Fungi indicating whether the characteristic is animal-
like, plant-like or unique to the fungi (1 mark each) and give two important features that
Fungi have in relation to environmental functions (1 mark).

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. Environmental

24. Identify the Order and genus of the insect whose mouthparts are shown below.

Order.___________________ Genus ____________________ (1 mark)

Identify the structures labeled A – C on the diagram. (3 marks)

For what type of feeding is this type of mouthpart adapted?

_______________________________________________ (1 mark)

25. Identify the structures numbered 1 thru 5 in the diagram below:

(i) Name the Order to which each animal illustrated in A,B, C & D belongs.

A. Order…………………….
B. Order…………………….
C. Order…………………….
D. Order……………………..

ii) For what main purpose(s) are B & D adapted?___________________________



Section 3. (25 marks for each question totaling 50% of marks)
You are required to do TWO essays choosing one from Part A and one from Part B.

Part A.

27. Provide a detailed list of the characteristics of animals. (8 marks) Describe the
features of sponges and conclude whether you believe a sponge should be
classified as an animal. (17 marks)

28. Using a named flatworm as an example, describe the features of the phylum

29. Draw a large labelled and annotated diagram of the fine structure of the
arthropod cuticle. (7 mks) Explain the changes that take place in the structure
as the animal moults. (18 marks)

Part B.

30. A) List the characteristics of the Teleosts. (10 marks)

B) Make a large labelled drawing of the life cycle of a frog, fully labeling all
components. (15 marks)

31. List any ten adaptations for flight in the Aves. (10 Marks) Provide large, clearly
labelled and captioned drawings of each of the four types of structure most
characteristic of this class. (15 Marks)

32. With the aid of large labelled diagrams compare the structure and function
of TWO of the following:

(i) Fish scales

(ii) Feathers
iii) Hair


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