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Fascist Italy – 1926-1945

Fold this column over – test Identify two key features of… (you’re not looking for Evidence (quote), event or example that Shows that… Significant because…
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discuss this topic in the exam hall)
Fascist society – 1926-40. Propaganda
ID two key features of how
radio was used/controlled

ID two key features of how

cinema was used/controlled

ID two key features of how the

school curriculum was
ID two key features of how
rallies and mass activities were
ID two key features of how
newspapers were
ID two key features of how
architecture/building was
ID two key features of how
art/sculpture was
ID two key features of the use
of the libro unico

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ID two key features of the use
of the Ministry of Popular
ID two key features of the
aspirations of the Dopolavoro

ID two key features of the real

impact of the Dopolavoro

ID two key features of

workers’ responses to the
ID two key features of the
limits to these propaganda
tools – examples where they
failed to hit home, and people
rejected their ideas
ID two key features of how
illiteracy in the south limited
the impact of propaganda
ID two key features of how the
influence of the Church limited
ID two key features of how the
influence traditions of trade
unions and socialism limited
ID two key features of the
difference between ‘support’
and ‘conformity’ – including
how we might evaluate both
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ID two key features of 1929
election and its
ID two key features of limits to
these propaganda tools
stemming from their poor
organisation or funding
ID two key features of
messages developed by these
organisation which genuinely
seem to have been accepted
by people
ID two key features of
censorship mechanisms

ID two key features of special


ID two key features of the


ID two key features of the


ID two key features of confino

as a tool

ID two key features of Levi’s

‘Christ Stopped at Erboli’

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ID two key features of exile
(self-imposed or otherwise) as
a tool)
ID two key features of the
early phases of the race laws

ID two key features of the

application/development of
the race laws
Overall, should we emphasise the
ambition of the propaganda
machine, but stressing its limits or
where people opted out of its

Or should we be genuinely
impressed by the ways the Fascist
‘machine’ managed to change
people’s minds and views?

Remember, you’d have to have

more – or more significant –
examples on one side than the
other, and explain why they
matter more.

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Should we emphasise the somewhat
limited nature of Italian repression –
compared to, say, Stalinist Russia, or
‘societies in civil war’ like Spain?

Or should we recognise that,

actually, you don’t have to kill/beat a
lot of people to spread fear, and
compel people to ‘self-censor’?

Remember, you’d have to have more

– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.
The Fascist Economy
What are the defining features
of ‘corporatism’?

ID two key features of

Mussolini’s own views on the
nature of the economy
ID two key features of the
Palazzo Vidoni Pact

ID two key features of the

development of corporatism
around 1930
ID two key features of the
development of corporatism in
the mid 1930s
ID two key features of the
development of corporatism in
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ID two key features of the
impact of the Great
Depression in Italy – especially,
larger/smaller impact than
ID two key features of the
Fascist policy response to the
great depression
ID two key features of the IMI,
and its activities

ID two key features of the IRI

and its activities

ID two key features of the

public works schemes

ID two key features of


ID two key features of


ID two key features of the

battle for grain, and its

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ID two key features of the
battle for the lira and its

ID two key features of the

battle for the marshes and its

ID two key features of

changing working hours 1926-
ID two key features of
changing real wages 1926-40

ID two key features of rural

depopulation 1926-40

ID two key features of

changing living standards

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ID two key features of how
each of the following were
used to prevent opposition/
challenge emerging in
economic difficulties:



Welfare, esp. EOAs

Leisure, esp. OND

What was ‘autarky’?

When/why was it adopted as


ID two key features of the

impact of rearmament on the
Italian economy – especially
Abyssinia, Spain, Albania
ID two key features of changes
in the Lira balance of
payments 26-40
ID two key features of Italy’s
growing economic
dependence on Germany

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Overall, should we emphasise that
the Fascist regime did reasonably
well in the field of economics,
considering the catastrophic impacts
of the Great Depression elsewhere?

Or should we emphasise that Fascist

responses were little more than
tinkering at the edges?

Or put another way, was Fascist

economic policy a ‘third way’ or an
‘elaborate fraud’?

Remember, you’d have to have more

– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.
The Church
ID two key features of the
‘nothing outside the state’
ID two key features of areas of
natural agreement between
the church and the Fascists
about socialism
ID two key features of areas of
natural agreement between
the church and the Fascists
about women
ID two key features of the
Lateran pact

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ID two key features of the
‘Roman Question’

ID two key features of the

growth/role of Catholic Action

ID two key features of the role

of the church in education

ID two key features of the

extent to which Catholic
Action proposed a genuine
challenge to the regime
ID two key features of the
Pope’s response to the anti-
Semitic measures of 1938

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Overall, should we view the Catholic
church as:
1. Influential, but not highly
significant to governing in the
first place – even before the
war. Exaggerated significance –
after all, Giolitti and Mussolini
could govern without its

2. Significant, but very effectively

neutralised by an expansive
authoritarian/totalitarian state.

3. Significant, and able to preserve

itself and its own critical
interests, offering a sort of
‘opposition arena’ and
demonstrating the weakness of
the Fascist state.
Remember, you’d have to have more
– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.
Fascism and Women, Young People and the Working Classes
Approaches to young people –

Approaches to young people –

youth movements

Particular strengths of these


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weaknesses/limitations of
these approaches
Alternative youth

Aims when dealing with

women as a social group

Policies towards women –

education, employment

Battle of the births

Particular strengths/successes
of these approaches to women

weaknesses/limitations of
these approaches to women
Aims when dealing with

Aims when dealing with the

south more generally

Aims when dealing with the

south more generally

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Policies to deal with peasants

Successes/impacts of policies
towards peasants/the south

Limitations of policies towards

peasants/the south

Why/where the working

classes were such a priority

Fascist actions to disrupt

worker organisation/identity

Fascist oppression/force of

Survival of pre-fascist workers’

ideologies and organisation
(maybe illegally)
Attempts to compromise/offer
something to working classes

Successes of policies towards

working classes

Limitations of policies towards

working classes

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Approaches to the Jews –
beginnings of persecution

Tools, organisations,
approaches to persecution in
Consequences for Italian Jews

Impact of radicalisation on
levels of opposition to the
government – did Anti-
Semitism cause divisions?
Overall, should we highlight the
extraordinary divisions in Italian
society up to 1922, and therefore the
relative success of the Fascists in
integrating different sections of
Italian society into the Fascist

Or should we highlight the failures

and limitations of the fascists in their
attempts to neutralise potential
sources of opposition, and integrate
them into the Fascist project?

Remember, you’d have to have

more – or more significant –
examples on one side than the
other, and explain why they
matter more.
Key debate: how extensively had the Fascists changed Italy by 1940?

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How popular was the Fascist regime?
Read the debate in Hinton, 192-193.

How and why do historians disagree

about this question? (this is a great
way of readying yourself for
potential essay/ source questions)

How would you resolve the issue?

What would you emphasise?

Remember, you’d have to have

more – or more significant –
examples on one side than the
other, and explain why they
matter more.
How effective was Mussolini’s
leadership in changing Italy ? Read
the debate in Hinton, 194-195

How and why do historians disagree

about this question? (this is a great
way of readying yourself for
potential essay/ source questions)

How would you resolve the issue?

What would you emphasise?

Remember, you’d have to have

more – or more significant –
examples on one side than the
other, and explain why they
matter more.

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To what extent had the Fascists
modernised Italy by 1940? Read the
debate in Hinton, 197

How and why do historians disagree

about this question? (this is a great
way of readying yourself for
potential essay/ source questions)

How would you resolve the issue?

What would you emphasise?

Remember, you’d have to have

more – or more significant –
examples on one side than the
other, and explain why they
matter more.
Should we view the Fascist state as
authoritarian or totalitarian? Read
the debate in Hinton, 198-201

How and why do historians disagree

about this question? (this is a great
way of readying yourself for
potential essay/ source questions)

How would you resolve the issue?

What would you emphasise?

Remember, you’d have to have

more – or more significant –
examples on one side than the
other, and explain why they
matter more.
Foreign Policy 26-40

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Mussolini’s personal motives
in foreign policy

Role of WW1 in establishing

key Fascist FP trends

Role of Fascist ideology in FP


Role of historical symbolism in

Fascist foreign policy
Role of idea of ‘Mare Nostrum’
in Fascist foreign policy

Italian involvement in
Libya/North Africa in 1920s

British and French attitudes to

Mussolini/Fascism, esp.
Austen Chamberlain

What was the ‘makeweight’


Mussolini and the Locarno


Austria: significance of
Brenner Pass

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Austria: support for Dollfuss

Austria: Friendship Treaty

Austria: response to
assassination of Dollfuss

Austria: Rome Protocol

Austria: South Tyrol

Should we view Italian foreign policy

in the years 1922-32 as conforming
to contemporary ideals of ‘good
behaviour’ and facilitating smoother
international relations?

Or should we view foreign policy in

these years as assertive, disruptive,
deviating from the norms of
contemporary international

Remember, you’d have to have more

– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.

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Origins of the Attack on
Abyssinia – Fascist ideology

Origins of the Attack on

Abyssinia – hints and clues in
earlier Italian foreign policy

Impact of attack on relations

with France

Impact of attack on relations

with Britain

Key features of the conduct of

the war – in particular,
examples of effective and
ineffective military operations
Impact of Abyssinian war on
Italian state finances and the
Impact of Abyssinian war on
League of Nations – why
response so weak?
Impact of Abyssinian war on
public opinion – supportive

Impact of Abyssinian war on

public opinion – negative

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Read p. 220 in Hinton – why do
historians disagree about the impact
of the war? What points do they
emphasise? And what will your
argument be in the exam hall?

And what evidence, examples,

events will you use to make that
Should we view Italian foreign policy
as being largely successful at
transforming Italy’s status and
prestige both for domestic Italian
audiences, and internationally, in the
years 1922-36?

Or should we emphasise the

fundamental weaknesses, limitations
and failures of Italian foreign policy
in this period?

Remember, you’d have to have more

– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.
Key features/duration/issues
in Spanish civil war

Italian financial support– and

its impact on the war

Italian political support– and

its impact on the war

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Italian military support – and
its impact on the war. Did it
change the outcome of the

Impact of intervention in
Spanish Civil War on wider
international relations – e.g.
British, Soviet, French
Origins of Anti-Comintern Pact

Motives for signing

Key features of Anti-Comintern


Origins of Pact of Steel – why

this shift in Italian foreign
policy? (was it a shift?)
Motives for signing

Key features of the Pact of

Steel – inc. who negotiated it

Did these steps irrevocably cut

Italy off from UK and France?
What was their impact?

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Anschluss – what/when was

What does Anschluss tell us

about Italian status within the
developing Axis?
Origins of invasion of Albania –
why? Motives?

Course of invasion – how

effective were Italian forces?

Public responses to Italian

approaches to:
Anti-Comintern Pact

Spanish Civil War

Pact of Steel


Invasion of Albania

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Should we emphasise that Mussolini
and/or the Fascists were able to
assert a robust and dynamic foreign
policy between 1936-39?

Or should we emphasise the

weaknesses, frustrations, failures
and constraints by foreign powers on
Italian foreign policy in this period?

Remember, you’d have to have

more – or more significant –
examples on one side than the
other, and explain why they
matter more.
World War II
Key factors why Italy did not
enter war in 1939

What does this tell us about

Mussolini’s confidence in his
own position? Why?
What does this tell us about
the true nature of Italian
power/military by this point?
Italian military
resources/effectiveness at
time of joining WWII
Italian military strategy/tactics

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Italian economic preparedness
for in WWII

Attitudes of different groups

of Italians to war e.g.



Business people

Conservative groups like king,

Can we be clear about
Mussolini’s war aims?
Why/why not?

Role of ideology in declaring


Role of fear/anxiety in
declaring war

Role of greed in declaring war

What important roles (if any)

did Italy play in conquest of

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Changing Italian military
strategy in war

Limitations/problems with
military resources in war

Development of the economy

in early war – e.g. production,

Social problems/unrest in early

war – how well prepared was
Italian society for the strains of
Politics and war – how
significantly did the entry into
the war change Italian politics?
Mussolini’s personal standing
– how did his authority evolve
at the very beginning…

And then a year or two in…

Greek campaign: why? Why
such a failure? Consequences?

North African campaign: why?

Why such a failure? Key

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Workers/urban responses to
war and attitude to
Peasant/rural responses to
war and attitude to
responses to war and attitude
to Fascists/Mussolini
Church/Catholic responses to
war and attitude to
Impact of bombing

Causes of increased German


Consequences of this
increased influence on Italy –
especially public opinion
Allied invasion – when, where,
why? (More on this below…)

Evolution of Allied invasion –

how did it develop?

German invasion – when,

where, why? (More on this

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Evolution of German invasion
– how did it develop?

Impact of German invasion on


Impact of Allied invasion on


Should we argue that, within the

constraints of war, Mussolini was
able to develop an autonomous
Italian foreign policy in the years

Or should we emphasise the

fundamental weakness of Italy, and
the subordination of Italian foreign
policy goals to German foreign policy

Remember, you’d have to have more

– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.

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Should we argue that the
fundamental cause of the
weaknesses of Italy in the war were
to do with underlying features of the
economy and society?

Or should we argue that Italy had

real potential in the war, but failed
because of the poor choices of the

Remember, you’d have to have more

– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.
The End of Mussolini
Role of Victor Emmanuel III in
removal of Mussolini

Role of Fascist Grand Council

in removal of Mussolini

Role of Mussolini’s own

actions in the immediate time
period around his removal
Role of Allied invasion of Sicily
in removal of Mussolini

Role of Communist/partisan
resistance in removal of

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Why did leading fascists turn
against Mussolini in 1943? And
which ones?
Why can July 1943 be called a
‘palace coup’?

Why did it ultimately prove so

easy to remove Mussolini from
Badoglio: key background,
motives, viewpoints

Why did he not pursue peace

in 1943?

What were the 45 Days?

What caused them?

What happened at the




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When/why did the massacre in
Cephalonia happen?

Which key players in

Badoglio’s government, or
what key reasons were there,
for the delay of the ’45 days’?
Who/what prevented an
earlier resolution to the war?

What role did personality and

ideology play in the delay?

What were the key

consequences of the 45-day

Key features of the Salo


Who/what controlled it?

By what mechanisms/people/
organisations did the Germans
influence it?
What role did the Germans
play in sustaining the Salo

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What role did the militia play
in sustaining the Salo republic?

Why was it called the ‘social’

republic? What was social
about it?
What was the role of hardlines
fascists like Farinacci in the
Evidence of ongoing support
for Fascism and Mussolini
under the Salo Republic

How extensive was that

support? Which groups in
society was it?
Activities of communist
partisans in Salo republic

Evaluation of their impact –

were they transformative? Did
they change anything
Activities of Palmiro Togliatti in
Salo republic

Evaluation of their impact –

were they transformative? Did
they change anything

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Activities of Feruccio Parri and
the Action Party in Salo

Evaluation of their impact –

were they transformative? Did
they change anything
Causes of the end of the
German occupation

Stages of the end of the


Should we argue that the creation

and survival of the Salo republic
indicate that the Fascists really had
created something durable, in terms
of ideology, control of the
population, institutions of state?

Or should we argue that it survived

purely because the Germans forced
it to survive?

Remember, you’d have to have more

– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.

© 32
Fold this column over – test Identify two key features of… (you’re not looking for Evidence (quote), event or example that Shows that… Significant because…
yourself on what you know! thousands of details – you’re looking for prompts that will help you
is specific and illustrates ß Helps resolve debate about…
discuss this topic in the exam hall)
Should we argue that the liberation
of Italy from the Fascists and/or the
Germans was primarily effected
through the actions of the Allied
invasion, and the impact of Italians
themselves was minimal?

Or should we accept that there were

significant challenges to the
Fascists/German occupation which
also substantially weakened the

Remember, you’d have to have more

– or more significant – examples on
one side than the other, and explain
why they matter more.

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