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VTS video analysis Name: Halli Martin

Total:________/24 points

Answer the following questions while watching the video…

1.) How did she get started with the activity? (3points)
She got the students excited, and prepared them to use their sight and not verbal. The teacher
set expectations while they take 30 seconds to notice what is going on. The students sat close
to the teacher so they all could visually see it.

2.) What kinds of questions did she ask, how did she follow up? (3 points)
The teacher validated the students thinking and gave approval. She repeats back what the
students say and paraphrases and connects the students' different ideas.
 What do you notice?
 What do you see that makes you say/think that?
 What else can you find?

3.) What kinds of thinking strategies were practiced by the students? (3 points)
Integration, communication skills, bringing in prior knowledge, making connections, social
learning, patience, move to higher level thinking, predicting, wonderings

Now process what you just saw and discuss the following questions at your table…

4.) How could we connect this activity to the elements and principles? (5 points)
For example, you could ask students about the colors in the artwork. This could open a
discussion relating to why the artist used those colors, and about the feelings of the artwork
based on the colors. This could help elaborate on other elements and principles that you could
dive into for the other parts of the artistic work.

5.) What kinds of follow up or next step activities could we do after something like this? (5
A next step activity could be for the students to create an artistic piece of their own. After they
create their piece have them discuss what elements and principles they used. You could have
the students present their work in front of the class. Have the student lead the discussion and
have the class discuss what they see in that students piece of art.
6.) Elementary Ed. how could this be used cross-circularly? Art Ed. how could this transfer into a
project? (5 points)
Using the painting that the teacher had, students could integrate science into this picture. The
students could point out living and non-living things in the piece. If the teacher showed a
picture of a jungle, students could name living things such as the plants, trees, and various
animals they see. The non-living could be the sky, rocks, and water in the picture.

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