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Fare Name:_____________
VSCHSD Period:____________

Electricity Unit I
This Counts as the Forth grade in Marking Period #3
(Safety, Participation, Recycling, Electricity is #4)

We will be working off of the “Circuits: One Path for Electricity” Lesson

Circuits: One Path for Electricity - Lesson - TeachEngineering

If the above hyperlink does not work, simply copy and paste it, or copy it
into your browser. (For this and all future lessons). Time management is an
important resource in Engineering Technology. Use it wisely. Portions of this
assignment are practical, hands-on demos or practice. You will NOT be able
to perform these tasks, but you should read about them.

1. Read the packet: Page 1-7, (Monday 2/13/2023).

2. Watch the three YouTube Videos; (Tuesday 2/14).

Bulbs and Batteries in a Row - YouTube
Light Your Way - YouTube
Build a Toy Workshop - YouTube

3. Watch “How Electricity Works”; (Wednesday 2/15/2023).

How ELECTRICITY works - working principle - YouTube

4. Complete part of the attached worksheet, 8 Vocabulary & 6

True/False. (Thursday , 2/16).

5. Complete the rest of the attached worksheet 5 Series Circuits & 7

Drawings. (Friday, 2/17).

BOTH DUE: Friday 2/17 before 3:00.

Turn it in as one assignment in Teams/Assignments.
Mr. Fare Name:_____________
VSCHSD Period:____________

Electricity Worksheet.

Eight Vocabulary:
1. alternating current: s a type of electrical current, in which the direction of the flow of electrons switches back and

forth at regular intervals or cycles

2. circuit diagram:  A circuit diagram is a graphical representation of an electrical circuit.

3. direct current: is an electric current that is uni-directional, so the flow of charge is always in the same direction.

4. energy transfer: he conversion of one form of energy into another, or the movement of energy from one place to

another. energy transformation.

5. load: heavy or bulky thing that is being carried or is about to be carried.

6. parallel circuit: parallel circuit comprises branches so that the current divides and only part of it flows through any


7. resistor: A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an electronic


8. series circuit: In a series circuit, all components are connected end-to-end to form a single path for current flow

Six True/False:

1. True or False: Three AA batteries connected "in series" provide more voltage than a single AA battery.

2. True or False: Batteries can be "in series" or "in parallel."

3. True or False: Electrical engineers use a circuit diagram to determine how much power a device needs to

4. True or False: Batteries produce the same type of current as a wall outlet

5. True or False: The current that comes from a battery is called alternating current.

6. True or False: Sound energy can be produced from electricity or by smacking your desk?
Five Series Circuit Questions:

1. If you remove one bulb from a series circuit with three bulbs, the circuit becomes a(n) _open________ circuit.

Open or closed?

2. What happens to the other bulbs in a series circuit if one bulb burns out? the other bulbs would not be able to


3. When more bulbs are added to a series circuit, each lamp becomes _dimmer____________. Brighter or dimmer?

4. When batteries are connected in series, the voltage across them ___increases_________. Increases, decreases

or stays the same?

5. Draw a circuit diagram of a series circuit with two batteries and three light bulbs.

Seven Drawings (Submission by screen shot, or any method you prefer, is okay).

1. A series circuit with one battery and two light bulbs.

2. A series circuit with two batteries, one light bulb and one switch.
3. A series circuit with one battery, one light bulb, and one resistor.

4. A series circuit with three batteries, two light bulbs, and two resistors.

5. A series circuit with one battery, two resistors, two light bulbs and one switch.

6. A series circuit with three batteries, four light bulbs and one switch.
7. A series circuit with one battery, and three each alternating bulbs and resistors and one switch.

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