Q. What Do They Think "Which Kind of Food Should Be Taken by Us?"

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Lesson Plan cum Monitoring Tool (PRTs/HMs/TGTs/VPs)

[A] Planning Format

Class/Section……VI Subject……SCIENCE Chapter…01 (Food where does it come from) No. of periods -05

Date of Commencement…………… Expected date of completion………… Actual date of Completion…………..

Gist Of The lesson Targeted Teaching learning Questions on Content skills Suggested activities Strategies to
learning activity Planned TLOs, HOTS & to be developed to inculcate life evaluate life skills
Food where does it outcomes skills
come from (TLO) correlation with
other subjects

All living beings need Develop L1 Questions

food. conceptual
clarity of the Q can you name Activity to Work Sheet-
chapter ingredients differentiate between
needed to prepare healthy and
Food is needed by  all Activity- Carry students a dish vegetable. unhealthy food items Q. What do they
living beings for- to school canteen to think “which kind
show ingredient used to Q Which part of
of food should be
prepare different food tea plant is used
Know about taken by us?”
items in the canteen. for making tea?
*growth of the body. varieties of
food and Q Name five
their plants and their
*energy to do work. Critical thinking
ingredient. parts that we eat Q. What do they
Activity-Field trip of the
think which is
students to show different
healthier between
plant parts that we eat/
*repair of damaged L2 Questions ice-cream, fruits?
Activity with different
parts. and why?
edible parts of the plant Q. Why food is
necessary for
human life?

*protection against Identify the

diseases. parts of
plants that Q We get sugar Q. Do you justify
are edible. from the huge amount
………………… of wastage of food
There is a range or plant. in marriage party
varieties of food eaten Let the child observe
in the country
over various states of Activity-Visit to nearby Q. Which of the food management
where 20% of the
zoo or animal farm to (wastage ) in Indian
India. following is a people sleep
show, what different weddings
animals eat. carnivores animal without food?

1. sparrow
The main sources of
our food are plants and 2. owl
3. Dear Q What method do
you suggest to save
4. Cow food in social

Know about L3 Questions

Different organisms eat food habits
different kinds of food; of different Q. Which of the
accordingly they are animals. following is not a
classified as herbivores, milk product?
Collect different
carnivores and 1. Cheese vegetables to
2. Butter mention the parts of
plant that we eat
3. Ghee

4. Honey

Q. Humans are
1. Omnivores

2. carnivores

3. Herbivores

4. none of the

Name and Signature of the Teacher- Naveen Kumar PGT Biology KV Dharamshala Cantt
Date: 18/02/2016

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