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Alchemical Poison Mastery

Level Spell AoE Duration Range Type Description

1 Poison Lore Caster 1-100 min Self I Allows caster to determine what mixture or types of poison are
needed for a particular effect. The caster is assumed to have
extensive knowledge when this list is learned. The process normally
takes 1-100 minutes.
3 Poison Application I 1 weapon Varies Touch U The caster may coat a weapon with a ready poison. The coated
weapon will inflict the poison on a target the first time an attack is
made which generates a "Slash" or a 'Puncture' critical hit; this uses
up the poison, i.e., it is 'worn off'. Each time the weapon delivers
hits or a Krush critical, there is also a percentage chance that the
poison will be "worn off' (used up): % chance = # hits delivered
+10 x severity of the Krush critical ('A': 1, 'B':2, 'C':3, etc.).
4 Minor Poison Caster 1 hr/lvl Self U With appropriate equipment, allows the caster to prepare, handle,
and contain (vials, etc) a known poison of less than 10th level.
5 Poison Analysis 1 sample — 10' I Caster can ascertain exact nature and type of a sample of a poison:
he can determine what cure may be used, but does not receive the
required tools or skills.
6 Resist Poison * S Caster C Self S Delays the effect of a poison as long as the caster concentrates.
7 Poison Application II 1 weapon Varies Touch U As Poison Application I except that the poison must be 'worn off'
twice before it is no longer effective (i.e., it may cause poisoning up
to twice).
9 Neutralize Poison * S Caster C Self S As Resist Poison except that the caster also has a 50% chance of
completely neutralizing the poison if he concentrates 1 hr. The GM
may modify this for exceptionally potent poisons.
10 Major Poison Caster 1 hr/lvl Self U As Minor Poison except that the poisons worked with may be up to
20th level.
12 Poison Application III 1 weapon Varies Touch U As Poison Application I except that the poison must be 'worn off'
three times before it is no longer effective (i.e., it may cause
poisoning up to three times).
14 Poison Touch Caster Varies Self U Allows the caster to apply a 'contact' poison to his own hands. If he
inflicts any critical with his hands (usually through martial arts
striking), the poison will be inflicted on the target and the poison is
then 'worn off' (used up). The poison may be 'worn off' if an attack
delivers hits and no critical (% chance = number of hits delivered).
Each round that the caster uses his hands for something, there is
also at least a 5% chance the poison is 'worn off' (more depending
upon what he does with his hands). The GM may also wish to allow
the poison to be inflicted if the caster touches anyone's bare skin.
15 Neutralize Poison Caster C Self S As Neutralize Poison except that the chance of neutralizing the
True * S poison is 90%.
20 Poisons True Caster 1 hr/lvl Self U As Major Poison except the caster may work with all poisons. It
may still be necessary that the caster have special equipment (e.g.
texts, tools, etc) for handling certain poisons.
25 Evil Eye 1 target 1 hr/lvl 10' F While casting this spell, the caster may consume a poison without
being affected by it. Later (up to 1 hr/lvl) he may cast this spell
again to inflict the consumed poison on a chosen target within 10'.
If the victim fails his RR versus the caster's spell, he must then
attempt to resist the poison. If the caster does not cast the spell the
second time within 1 hr/lvl the poison is wasted. If the caster fails
either spell, he is subject to the ingested poisons effect (he does get
a RR); he is also subject to the normal spell failure procedure.
30 Poison Mist 10'r 1 rnd/lvl 20' F Caster may disperse an appropriate poison into a lingering cloud.
All passing through must make RRs or be affected. Breezes, etc.
may cause the cloud to move.
50 Evil Eye True 1 target 1 hr/lvl 2'/lvl F As Evil Eye except the range is 2'/lvl.

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