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Tecnicatura Superior en Gestión de Recursos Humanos

Trabajo Práctico n° 7
1. Unir palabra con definición
2. Colocar la/s palabra/s en ingles
Unir con cada definición

1. Employee evaluation c. Is the assessment and review of a

worker´s job performance.

2. Benefits e. Are the non- monetary incentives

given to employees like health
Benefits for which the Employee
doesn´t have to pay.
3. Human Resources Planning a. Is the process by which a company
identifies how many positions are
vacant and whether the company has
excess staff or shortage of staff and
subsequently deals with this need of
excess or shortage.
4. Compensation b. Is completely related to the money
which is being paid to an Employee
i.e. salary. Bonuses ect.

5. Labor or Trade Union d. Is an organized group of workers

who unite to make decisions about
conditions affecting their work.

Colocar la/s palabra/s en ingles que corresponde

Prestaciones Benefits
Sindicato Trade Union
Planificación de los Recursos Human Resources Planning
Remuneración Renumeration
Evaluación de Desempeño Perfonmance Evaluation

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