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Antiseptics are substances that are applied to living tissues, such as skin or
mucous membranes, to prevent or arrest the growth of microorganisms. They
are used to prevent infections and to reduce the risk of contamination during
medical procedures. Disinfectants, on the other hand, are substances that are
applied to inanimate objects or surfaces to destroy or eliminate
microorganisms. They are used to clean and sterilize medical instruments and
equipment, as well as surfaces in healthcare facilities.
2. The most commonly employed antiseptics in dentistry are iodine and
chlorhexidine. Iodine is used for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, while
chlorhexidine is used for its long-lasting and persistent antimicrobial effects.
3. Tincture iodine and chlorine are commonly used as agents for the sterilization
of a surgeon's hands. Tincture iodine is a solution of iodine in alcohol and is
effective against a wide range of microorganisms. Chlorine is a powerful
oxidizing agent that is also effective against many microorganisms.
4. Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic from the group of oxidizers that is used for
gastric lavage. It is effective against a wide range of microorganisms and is
used to disinfect the stomach before surgery or other medical procedures.
5. Potassium permanganate is an antiseptic from the group of oxidizers that is
used for washing purulent wounds. It is effective against bacteria, fungi, and
viruses and is used to disinfect wounds and promote healing.
6. Furacilin, a nitrofuran derivative, is used for rinsing the throat. It is effective
against a wide range of microorganisms and is used to treat infections of the
throat and upper respiratory tract.
7. Silver compounds have been used in medicine for their antimicrobial properties
for centuries. Silver ions are effective against a wide range of microorganisms,
including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Silver compounds are used in wound
dressings, medical implants, and other medical devices to prevent infections
and promote healing. They are also used in some topical antiseptics and
disinfectants. However, the use of silver compounds has been associated with
some risks and potential adverse effects, such as argyria, a condition that
causes the skin to turn blue-gray. Therefore, the use of silver compounds in
medicine should be carefully evaluated and monitored.

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