1 Values Checklist

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Values Checklist

Instructions: Take a look at the values listed on the following list. Please perform each of the
steps in order (without thinking ahead).
Step 1) Check off (or star) your top 10 values on the list – there are blank spaces so
you can add additional values that may not already be listed.
  achievement   having family quality of what I take part
advancement and  X helping other people   in
 X promotion   helping society  X quality relationships
recognition (respect from
  adventure   honesty   others, status)
affection (love and
  caring)   independence   religion
  arts   influencing others   reputation
  challenging problems  X inner harmony responsibility and
  change and variety   integrity   accountability
  close relationships   intellectual status   security
 X community   involvement   self-respect
  competence   job tranquility   serenity
  competition   knowledge   sophistication
  cooperation   leadership  X stability
  country   location   status
  creativity   loyalty   supervising others
  decisiveness   market position   time freedom
  democracy   meaningful work   truth
  ecological awareness   merit   wealth
 X economic security   money   wisdom
  effectiveness  X nature   work under pressure
  efficiency being around open and   work with others
  ethical practice  X honest people   working alone
  excellence order (tranquility,    
  excitement   stability, conformity)    
  expertise personal development    
(living up to the fullest
  fame X  use of my potential)    
  fast living   physical challenge    
  fast-paced work   pleasure    
  financial gain   power and authority    
  freedom   privacy    
  friendships   public service    
  growth   purity    

Step 2) OK, now that you have identified your top 10 values, I want you to review them, and
cross five of them off the list. That’s right – you can’t have 10, you can only have five! ;-) (At
least for the purposes of this activity). Do that now.
Step 3) Take a moment to consider the following questions: Jot down your answers.
 What are your top five values? Quality relationships, helping other people, economic
security, inner harmony, advancement and promotion. What are some specific behaviors
that you would associate with? The behaviors I associate with are helping other people,
community, and quality relationships. I am realizing I am a social person and care about
helping others. My community (family, friends, colleagues) are important to me and
quality relationships are a must.
 How prominent are these values across your various life roles? The top values I selected
directly correlate with activities and my career choice. How consistently and effectively
do you live/practice them? I am involved in philanthropy through work and in my spare
time and my profession involves helping/supporting others.
 What effect does practicing these values have on your attitudes and behaviors?
Practicing these values brings much joy and value to my life.

Step 4) OK, now that you have identified your top 5 values, I want you to review them, and
cross one off. Assume you can’t have it. What assumptions or rationalizations did you make as
you crossed off this value (i.e., how did you relate or subsume them into the remaining values)?
Economic security, I can eliminate it because I feel confident that I can feel

Repeat this process of crossing off (and reflecting on the question) one at a time until you’re
down to one value. What’s your top value? Inner harmony What did you learn about how you
define your top values as a result of this activity? At the end of the day, I suppose I need to be at
peace with my life. That would involve all aspects. What did you learn about your hierarchy of
values as a result of this activity? Inner harmony is my top value, and I need to be at peace with
my decisions, the things I cannot control, and the world I live in.

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