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Applied Animal Behaviour Science 255 (2022) 105744

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Applied Animal Behaviour Science

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Walking distance and maintenance energy requirements of sheep during

mountain pasturing (transhumance)
T. Zanon *, M. Gruber, M. Gauly
Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bolzano, Italy


Keywords: Sheep pasturing has become an important means for landscape management and conservation in marginal areas
Sheep of mountain regions by reducing succession with dwarf shrubs and bushes, thus creating space for valuable
Walking forage grasses. Furthermore, mountain sheep pasturing for meat production also contributes to local food se­
Maintenance energy
curity. However, little is known about the energetic expenditures of sheep during mountain pasturing, which is
important information for optimizing the productivity and economic efficiency, environmental aspects (e.g.,
biodiversity) as well as animal welfare. Therefore, the aim of the following study was to estimate the mainte­
nance energy requirements of ewes over the whole mountain pasturing period (transhumance) considering
movement patterns assessed by using satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking devices. Energy
requirements for walking increased rapidly at the beginning of transhumance (May - June), which could be
explained by the longer walked distance and by overcoming variable altitude during that phase. Walking speed
was slower compared to previous findings due to the difficult terrain of mountain pastures on which sheep
moved. Energy demand for walking was strongly correlated with walking distance and walking speed. Results
out of this study contribute in promoting the efficiency and consequently the rentability of alpine sheep pasturing
systems. The latter ensures the production of local food and further preserves the ecosystem services linked to
this low-input production system.

1. Introduction an important production system for producing local high-quality food

which contribute to the promotion of local food security (Galli et al.,
Sheep pasturing has a very long tradition in mountain regions like 2020). Therefore, appropriate management for feeding and housing of
the alpine area (Aigner et al., 2003; Garde et al., 2014). Because of the the animals is of central importance to produce high quality products in
relatively small size and off-road mobility, sheep are well adapted to an economically efficient way. Several feeding-value tables (e.g.,
mountainous topography. Therefore, sheep can reach very steep Kirchgeßner, 2014; Jeroch et al., 2008; Lfl, 2021) display mean values
mountain slopes and use feed for which cattle would not be useable for a demand-oriented and efficient feeding management. As described
(Huber et al., 2014). By trampling and browsing, sheep reduce succes­ in Zanon et al. (2022) sheep show a very variable feeding behaviour by
sion with shrubs and promote precious feeding plants to grow (Ring­ selecting various plants with different nutritional composition and
dorfer and Huber, 2012; Blaschka et al., 2014). Furthermore, the quality throughout the day on pasture. Since alpine pastures are
nutrient input by the excrements of sheep promotes forage grasses to generally characterized by rough terrain with very heterogenic and
establish and to build up a closed turf, which prevent erosion and land widely disperse plant communities (Ohler et al., 2020), sheep must
degradation (Aigner et al., 2003; Buchgraber, 2018). These aspects were overcome different levels of altitude and distances to display their nat­
the impetus of several landscape recreation projects such as “Almlamm” ural selective behaviour patterns. The fact that the higher energy de­
in Austria (Styria), where sheep were used to reduce the density of mand for grazing especially during transhumance (=seasonal movement
Vaccinium mytrillus, Vaccinium vitis-idea or Vaccinium gaultheroides to of livestock on mountain pastures during summer and lower valley in
create shrub- and wood-free surfaces rich in grasses and herbs, usable for winter) on pastures in high alpine territory was mostly not considered in
mountain pasturing (Blaschka et al., 2014). Beside its important the calculation of these reference values, the actual energy requirement
ecological function, alpine sheep pasturing should also be considered as might be underestimated. Hence, there could be an energetic

* Correspondence to: Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bolzano, Piazza Universitá 5, Bolzano 39100, Italy.
E-mail address: thomas.zanon@unibz.it (T. Zanon).

Received 3 June 2022; Received in revised form 12 September 2022; Accepted 14 September 2022
Available online 15 September 2022
0168-1591/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
T. Zanon et al. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 255 (2022) 105744

undersupply which might lead to a negative energy balance in ewes at the beginning of transhumance. Further, 90% of the ewes considered
during the grazing season. This could have a negative impact on the in this study had one lamb. The ewes could move completely freely on
productivity of the production system. the mountain pastures and were only controlled by shepherds in case of
To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous study that assesses emergency. The ewes had been endowed with GPS sensors. Hereby, a
the maintenance energy requirements of sheep during alpine pasturing. new type of long-distance radio system called LikeM13-Science-Tracking
There exist some studies on control of livestock, pasture use and herd System (IT-Service-BZ, Italy) was used for recording the movement pat­
distribution using Precision Livestock Farming technologies such as GPS terns of the grazing sheep. The sensors were worn on the animal as a
technology (Aquilani et al., 2022). In general, few studies were found collar similar as sheep bells, which are traditionally used by farmers
which used GPS-data for estimating energy requirements of sheep dur­ during alpine pasturing for tracking the animals. The tracking device in
ing pasturing. For instance, Baum (2021) evaluated the energy re­ our study is a non-invasive technique commonly used for sheep and
quirements of sheep with the use of GPS collars on rangeland in Utah other livestock species (e.g., cattle) for shepherd’s management purpose
(US). Similarly, Chebil et al. (2021) assessed grazing behaviour and with the aim of monitor the movement pattern of sheep. The weight of
energy balance of goats browsing in Mediterranean forest rangeland the collar was 400 g and therefore was lower than 1.54 kg, which would
using GPS and sensors technologies. Moreover, Animut et al. (2005) have been 2.2% body mass of a 70 kg heavy ewe and had no impact on
assessed the effect of stocking rate on grazing time and energy expen­ behaviour as confirmed by Hulbert et al. (1998). Consequently, no
diture in sheep and goats on experimental pastures in Oklahoma, US. ethical approval was required for the usage of this non-invasive tracking
However, a good understanding of the energy requirements of sheep device. The GPS trackers were equipped with a GPS module, a real-time
during alpine pasturing is of central importance for planning an clock, an outer temperature sensor, a high-voltage converter, 2 ultra­
appropriate feeding management to avoid negative energy balances and sonic capsules and a position sensor plus a small solar panel for charging
to achieve good productivity despite a low-input production system. the battery, a battery and were fixed with collars to the animals. The
Therefore, the aim of the following study was to estimate the mainte­ intervals of the transmitted GPS data varied from 5 to 40 min depending
nance energy requirements of ewes over the whole alpine pasturing on the battery charge (intervals were shorter when batteries were full
period (transhumance) considering movement patterns assessed by charged). Between sunset and sunrise, the intervals were set to 30 min to
using satellite-based GPS tracking devices. In particular, we focussed on save energy. The moment of sunset and sunrise was determined ac­
the higher energy demand for walking in high alpine terrain. Further, cording to time and respective date. The antennas, which were placed in
management strategies are proposed considering a model calculation for the municipality of Graun (Vinschgau valley) at the points Maseben,
reducing the problem of a negative energy balance and for optimizing Schöneben, St. Valentin/Dörfl, transmitted the data continuously to a
the productivity and economic efficiency as well as animal welfare of central cloud system (LikeM13) were the data was stored. GPS collars
alpine sheep pasturing systems. didn’t have to be removed as batteries were charged by the small solar
panel on the outer surface of the GPS module (LikeM13-Science-Tracking
2. Material and methods System (IT-Service-BZ, Italy). No GPS collar was lost during the study
2.1. Study area The initial dataset comprised 1,115,961 records of GPS-location
data. For calculating the walking distance out of longitude and lati­
The province of South Tyrol is located in the North-Eastern part of tude the Haversine formula was considered (Ardigó et al., 2011; Chopde
Italy next to the border to Austria and Switzerland and it is characterized and Nichat, 2013):
by a mountainous landscape. Thirty-seven percent of the total agricul­
distance = 6, 378.388 ∗ acos(sin(lat[n]) ∗ sin(lat[n + 1]) + cos(lat[n])
tural area (455,840 ha) is located above 2,000 m, 49% between 1,000
and 2,000 m and only 14% below 1,000 m above sea level (asl) (Prov­ ∗ cos(lat[n + 1]) ∗ cos(lon[n + 1] − lon[n]))
ince, 2020). Therefore, it can be seen as a typical example of the alp
region. The heterogenic morphologic and climatic conditions had a where distance is the walking distance in km, 6,378.388 is the earth
specialization of agricultural activity in respective areas of South Tyrol radius, acos is the inverse cosine, sin is the sine, cos is the cosine, lat is the
as a consequence. Namely, at higher altitudes with harsher climate latitude, lon is the longitude, n is the individual GPS-location data
livestock production is the dominant agricultural practice whereas at the record.
valley lowlands with a more tempered climate fruticulture and viticul­ The gradient of the distance covered for respective ewe was calcu­
ture are the main agricultural activities (Province, 2020). In the prov­ lated from the trigonometric relationship by the sine of respective angle
ince of South Tyrol (Northern Italy), 4,850 farms are rearing either considering the difference in altitude (meters above sea level) as the side
sheep and/or goats (Province, 2020). At present, approximately 38,300 opposite, the angle, and the walked distance as the hypothenuse be­
sheep are kept in South Tyrol (Province, 2020). Most of the animals are tween two consecutive GPS-location data records. The walking speed of
reared for lamb meat production and are used in extensive production the individual ewe was determined by walked distance and the time
systems characterized by roughage feeding and summer transhumance. interval between two consecutive GPS-location data records and was
Approximately 80% of South Tyrolean sheep is taken to mountain pas­ expressed as meter per minutes. Finally, the energy requirement for
tures for grazing (transhumance). walking was estimated considering the formula developed by Brockway
and Boyne (1980):
2.2. Data collection and elaboration Energy = 2.35 + 0.398G + 0.0286G2 − 0.036S + 0.00052S2

The following study was conducted between April and December where Energy is the energy requirement expressed as J/kg and meter, G
2021 including the period of transhumance (May-September) on two is the gradient measured in degrees and S is the walking speed measure
alpine pastures in the Langtaufers Valley (municipality of Graun) in the in m/min.
western part of South Tyrol. The mean temperature within the study
period in the municipality of Graun was 7.8 ◦ C and the average rainfall
per month within the study period was 66 mm (Anon Provinz BZ, 2022). 2.3. Data editing
For the following study 82 ewes of different breeds (mainly Tiroler
Bergschaf breed) and age (3–6 years) were considered. Most of the ewes Data editing was performed considering suggestions reported in
were at the beginning of lactation as for such production systems they Dobos et al. (2015). Records of ewes were retained in the dataset if their
have to give birth between March and May in order to have their lambs walking speed was within the range of 0 and 50 m/min (Clapperton,

T. Zanon et al. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 255 (2022) 105744

1964). Further, negative values for walking distance were deleted. In Table 1
addition, missing values for energy requirements were removed from Parameters considered in the model calculation for assessing the energy
the dataset. After editing the final data set comprised 866,146 records requirement of pregnant, lactating or dry ewes throughout alpine pasturing
from 274 days. (transhumance).
Parameter value/formula Reference
2.4. Statistical analysis Energy requirement for 0.23*LW^0.75 Abott (2018)
maintenance for grazing
Statistical analysis was performed with SAS software v. 9.4 (SAS sheep
Sheep milk composition 7.5% fat; 5% protein Jeroch et al. (2008)
Institute Inc., Cary, NC). First, descriptive analysis was performed for
Energy requirements for (0.37*fat%+0.21 Jeroch et al. (2008)
describing the distribution of the data. Further, Pearson’s correlations producing 1 kg milk [MJME] *protein%+0.95)/0.6
were calculated using the CORR procedure of SAS software v. 9.4 (SAS Energy requirement during days 10.4 Jeroch et al. (2008)
Institute Inc., Cary, NC). open [MJME]
Energy requirements during 17 Jeroch et al., (2008)
gestation [MJME]
2.5. Model calculation for estimating the energy balance of ewes during Energy content pasture feed 7.68 Starz et al. (2014);
transhumance mountain pasture [MJME] Pötsch et al. (1998)
Energy content feed ratio in 10.7–13 Resch et al. (2008)
barn [MJME]
A model calculation was performed to estimate the energy balance
Feed intake depending on 1.3–2.1 Jeroch et al. (2008)
for a 70 kg heavy ewe with twin lambs over the whole study period production stage [kg DM]
(April-December) including the period of transhumance (May- *
September) (Table 3). For our calculation we considered twin lambs MJ = Mega Joule; ME = metabolizable energy; DM = dry matter
because farmers should focus on promoting multiple births for
improving productivity and therefore rentability of these kind of pro­
duction systems (Ludemann and Trafford, 2009). Mean values for per­
formance energy during lactation when producing milk with 7.5% fat
and 5% protein as well as maintenance energy during gestation and days
open were estimated considering values reported in Jeroch et al. (2008)
(Table 1). Further, average energy content of pasture and alpine pasture
feed was estimated considering values reported in the studies of Starz
et al. (2014) and Pötsch et al. (1998), respectively and energy content in
hay during winter feeding was estimated considering values published
in Resch et al. (2008) (Table 1). Lastly, maintenance and performance
energy were summed to obtain the total energy requirement which was
put in relation with the mean feed intake estimated with values reported
in literature (Jeroch et al., 2008) in form of alpine pasture to describe
the energy balance (Table 3). Fig. 1. Mean estimated energy requirement and mean walking distance over
the study period according to Haversine formula (walking distance) and
3. Results Brockway and Boyne (1980) (energy requirement walking).

3.1. Ewes’ movement behaviour and energy requirement (Fig. 2), with its maximum in April (7.8 m/min) and its minimum in
December (2 m/min). In Fig. 3 the different levels of heights above the
Energy requirement expressed in MJ/kg live weight and walking sea level (asl) are reported. Before and at the end of alpine pasturing
distance expressed in km between April and December are depicted in ewes were located, on average, at 1,500 m asl. In the month of August
Fig. 1. Throughout the whole study period energy requirement and ewes were present at the highest altitudes (2,209 m asl) (Fig. 3). Overall,
walking distances showed a similar evolution (Fig. 1). Both parameters energy requirement and walking distance (r = 0.45) as well as walking
increased rapidly between April and May, remained on the same high distance and walking speed (r = 0.76) showed a moderate and strong
level until June and slightly decreased in the month of July (Fig. 1). significant positive correlation, respectively (Table 2). Further walking
Between September and October, a strong decrease was recognizable speed and energy requirement (r = 0.26) were also weakly correlated.
which continued until the end of the trial period in December. In terms Other parameters like slope, altitude or air temperature showed no or
of walking speed, a steady decrease over the study period was estimated

Table 3
Model calculation for energy demand during transhumance of an ewe with 70 kg liveweight having twin lambs and producing milk with 7.5% fat and 5% protein.
April May June July August September October November December

Estimated energy requirement walking [MJ/kg] 1.36 5.30 5.17 3.70 3.96 3.37 1.44 0.62 0.38
Estimated energy requirement walking ewe [MJ]* 32.91 128.32 125.24 89.58 95.74 81.47 34.92 14.98 9.09
Estimated energy requirement walking ewe per day [MJ/ 1.10 4.14 4.17 2.89 3.19 2.72 1.13 0.50 0.29
Production stage pregnant 1.7 L 1.5 L 1L 0.7 L days open days flushing stud
milk milk milk milk open season
Estimated energy requirement production [MJ ME]/d ( 17.00 22.90 20.21 13.47 9.43 10.40 10.40 13.50 13.50
Jeroch et al., 2008)
Total estimated energy requirement [MJ ME/d] 18.10 27.04 24.38 16.36 12.62 13.12 11.53 14.00 13.79
Estimated feed intake [TM/d] (Jeroch et al., 2008) 1.50 2.10 2.10 1.80 1.80 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50
Estimated energy content feed ratio [MJ ME] 10.70 10.70 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 10.70 13.00 12.00
Estimated energy intake [MJ ME/d] 16.05 22.47 16.13 13.82 13.82 12.29 16.05 19.50 18.00
Estimated energy balance [MJ ME/d] -2.05 -4,0.57 -8.25 -2.54 1.20 -0.83 4.52 5.50 4.21
Estimated energy requirement walking multiplied by 70 kg LW0.75 of our model ewe

T. Zanon et al. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 255 (2022) 105744

4. Discussion

The aim of the study was to estimate the maintenance energy of ewes
for walking on mountain pastures during transhumance to assess their
energetic status and propose appropriate management strategies which
may help to improve the productivity and welfare status of the animals
in alpine pasturing systems as well as the environmental protection.
Sheep pasturing has become a central mean for landscape management
and conservation in alpine area to reduce succession with dwarf shrubs
and bushes by browsing and trampling and thus creating space for
valuable forage grasses and to promote these through the nutrient input
of the animals (Frost and LAunchbaugh, 2003; Lombardi, 2005;
Blaschka et al., 2014; Gazzarin and El Benni, 2020). Nevertheless, the
Fig. 2. Mean calculated walking speed with standard errors over the study extensive farming of sheep on mountain pastures in certain moments
period based on GPS data. during transhumance might not meet the energetic demand of the ani­
mals (Blaschka et al., 2014). Especially, the higher energy expenditures
linked to moving in difficult terrain (Fig. 1; Fig. 3) might result in a
negative energy balance (Fig. 4). The latter results in fast body reserve
mobilisation and an increased risk of hyperketonaemia as typical for
subclinical and clinical ketosis (Simões et al., 2021). For instance,
Lacetera et al. (2001a, 2001b) observed a lower blood immunoglobulin
G concentration in ewes suffering under subclinical ketosis compared to
ewes with normal status which results in lower quality colostrum which
might increase the susceptibility for infectious diseases in their lambs.
Furthermore, high yielding animals may have a higher probability for
developing peri-parturient problems, a higher susceptibility for infec­
tious diseases such as laminitis, mastitis, and metritis as well as a
reduced resistance against gastrointestinal parasites (cattle: Esposito
et al., 2014; Simões et al., 2021). All together have a negative impact on
ewes’ fertility, which has a negative effect on the economic efficiency of
a sheep farming system (Legarra et al., 2007).
Besides its important ecological function alpine sheep pasturing
plays a crucial role in the context of increasing global food demand as
ruminants like sheep are able to use unproductive marginal grassland (e.
g., alpine pastures) for food production and therefore reduce competi­
Fig. 3. Altitude at which the sheep have walked over the study period. tion between food and feed and consequently reduce pressure on arable
land (Wilkinson, 2011; Montossi et al., 2013). However, a good pro­
weak correlations with energy requirement, walking distance and ductivity in the form of a high number of marketable lambs at the end of
walking speed (Table 2).

3.2. Estimated energy balance of ewes over the study period

In Fig. 4 the evolution of estimated energy balance in form of a model

calculation for a 70 kg heavy ewe with twin lambs over the whole study
period is highlighted. There is a significant increase in negative energy
balance from April to May which culminates in the month of June. In
this period the higher energy demand is next to walking also probably
caused by the production of milk (Table 3). From July onwards the high
energy demand for walking and estimated milk production and as well
as the estimated the negative energy balance decreases steadily and
turns into a positive energy balance from September onwards (Fig. 4;
Table 3).

Fig. 4. Estimated mean energy requirement of walking of an ewe (70 kg live­

weight and twin lambs) over the study period.

Table 2
Pearson’s correlation of selected parameters.
Slope [◦ ] Altitude [m asl] Walking speed [m/min] Air temperature [◦ C] Energy requirement [J/kg]

Walking distance [m] 0.00 (p = 0.92) 0.00 (p = 0.21) 0.76 * (p < 0.001) 0.05 * (p < 0.001) 0.45 * (p < 0.001)
Slope [◦ ] 1 0.00 (p = 0.55) 0.00 (p = 0.45) 0.00 * (p < 0.001) 0.07 * (p < 0.001)
Altitude [m asl] 1 0.01 * (p < 0.001) 0.09 * (p < 0.001) -0.06 * (p < 0.001)
Walking speed [m/min] 1 0.06 * (p < 0.001) 0.26 * (p < 0.001)
Air temperature [◦ C] 1 -0.02 * (p < 0.001)

*significant (P < 0.05)

T. Zanon et al. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 255 (2022) 105744

transhumance is central for ensuring economic sustainability of this description of feed quality. Further, no common time stamp was used for
extensive form of farming (Hambrusch, 2014; Gazzarin and El Benni, the GPS data. Therefore, there might be some over or underestimation of
2020). Therefore, it is necessary to provide the ewes with sufficient distances calculated. Moreover, although present on the same mountain
energy so that the lambs are supplied with sufficient high-quality pasture ewes were moving in different groups. Therefore, there might be
colostrum and milk and the ewes put a good body condition on for some additional effects (local weather conditions, distance to water
achieving a high ovulation rate during the mating period after alpine sources, vegetation, shepherds) which have an influence on the move­
pasturing (Kenyon et al., 2014; Banchero et al., 2021). The latter is ment patterns of ewes, which were in our study not considered. How­
crucial to achieve the highest possible conception rate in order to stay ever, our direct measurements of movement patters combined with
within the production cycle and generate the highest possible propor­ estimated energy demand provide important insights for optimizing the
tion of multiple births for keeping productivity high (Kenyon et al., management of alpine sheep pasturing and thus contribute to improving
2014). efficiency and profitability of such systems.
As Fig. 1 reveals, the energy expenditure for movement was higher,
especially at the beginning of alpine pasturing (May-June), which may 6. Conclusion
be related to the fact that the animals travelled longer distances
(5.4–5.5 km per day) and had to overcome the greatest differences in In the current study we analyzed for the very first time the devel­
altitude during that phase (Fig. 3). In general, the variation in distance opment of walking distance and walking speed and estimated the energy
travelled by the ewes varied between 0.2 km/d in December to 5.5 km/ requirement of sheep on alpine pastures (transhumance) considering
d in June which is in line with findings in Johnson et al. (2021). GPS tracking data. Results revealed that especially during the first
Walking speed in the current study (2–8 m/min.) was slower as re­ months of transhumance (May-June) pregnant and lactating ewes
ported for instance in Chen et al. (2013) (10.5–26.6 m/min for sheep on experienced a severe negative energy balance which was estimated to be
the desert steppe) and Manning et al. (2014) (60–78 m/min for sheep mainly caused by the longer walking distance and by great differences in
kept in two paddocks measuring 1.0 and 1.1 ha) which might be altitude. Therefore, supplementation of additional concentrates in this
explained by the difficult terrain of the mountain pastures on which phase, especially for lactating sheep, is highly encouraged to meet the
sheep walked as well as by the methodology for calculating walking higher energy demand and to guarantee high productivity of the pro­
speed in other studies. In our study, where ewes were freely moving and duction system via fertile ewes and rapidly growing and healthy lambs.
grazing on alpine pastures, walking speed was calculated considering
walking distance covered within two consecutive GPS-intervals. In Funding
contrast, Chen et al. (2013) determined the actual grazing time (head
down on the grass for browsing, biting and consuming herbaceous This article was further supported by the Open Access Publishing
vegetation) in sheep which were randomly allocated to one of four Fund provided by the Free University of Bolzano.
restricted grazing time treatments in considering walking distance
within restricted grazing time for calculating grazing velocity. In
Manning et al. (2014) walking speed was calculated in sheep which were Declaration of Competing Interest
exposed to simulated dog predation events. Therefore, the higher values
reported in Manning et al. (2014) compared to ours might be explained The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
by escape behaviour of sheep in that study. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
As reported in Table 3 the total estimated energy requirement for a the work reported in this paper.
70 kg heavy ewe varied between 12.48 and 27.37 MJ ME/d during
pasturing and transhumance which is similar to the results reported in Acknowledgments
Baum (2021) were mean total energy requirements of 24.69, 35.98 and
29.70 MJ ME/d were calculated for spring pasture, spring low hill The authors would like to thank Ulrich Stecher for providing the new
habitat and summer mountain habitat on rangeland pastures in Utah sensor technology and for the great collaboration during the project.
(US). Within this period sheep experience a strong negative energy Further, authors would like to thank all the farmers who willingly
balance as our model calculation highlights (Fig. 4), which next to en­ participated to the project.
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