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Name_______________________ Date____________ Period_____

Ancient Africa Instagram Pages

● You are a citizen from Ancient Africa. (Ghana, Mali, or Songhai)
● You need to draw one picture to represent the uniqueness of the leader labeled below.
● Write a description underneath your picture, including at least one fact about that leader.
● Reflect on how well liked that leader was through the use of heart icons. (For example,
well liked people will have more hearts compared to people that are not well liked.)
● Create a hashtag for each leader. Example for Sundiata: #lionking
● It must be historically accurate.

Mansa Musa Sundiata Keita Tenkamenin

__________ Likes __________ Likes __________ Likes

Describe Mansa Musa Describe Sundiata Keita Describe Tenkamenin

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Social History ​©
Sonni Ali Askia Muhammad I Ibn Battuta

__________ Likes __________ Likes __________ Likes

Describe Sonni Ali Describe Askia Muhammad I Describe Ibn Battuta

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Social History ​©

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