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0 Question 

Response option  Response 

PQ  To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 
PQ1  Vision: My organization’s vision for the Multi 1: Completely disagree    
Actors Partnership is the same as that of 2: Mostly disagree 
other involved stakeholders.  3: Neither agree nor
4: Mostly agree 
5: Completely agree 
PQ2  Roles and responsibilities:              My 1: Completely disagree    
organization is clear about what concrete 2: Mostly disagree 
actions each stakeholder has to implement 3: Neither agree nor
to achieve our common vision.  disagree 
4: Mostly agree 
5: Completely agree 
PQ3  Processes: My organization is clear about the 1: Completely disagree    
documents, steps and timelines that are 2: Mostly disagree 
used to organize our common work.  3: Neither agree nor
4: Mostly agree 
5: Completely agree 
PQ4  Communication:                                      The 1: Completely disagree    
communication lines, rules and technologies 2: Mostly disagree 
used for communication between the 3: Neither agree nor
involved stakeholders are clear to all and disagree 
used accordingly.  4: Mostly agree 
5: Completely agree 
PQ5  Problem solving: There is a transparent way 1: Completely disagree   
to handle disagreements or conflicts 2: Mostly disagree 
between stakeholders in the Multi Actors 3: Neither agree nor
Partnership.  disagree 
  4: Mostly agree 
5: Completely agree 
PQ6  Voice: All stakeholders in the Multi Actors 1: Completely disagree    
Partnership are able to make their voice 2: Mostly disagree 
heard on key strategic issues.  3: Neither agree nor
4: Mostly agree 
5: Completely agree 

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