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Identifying and

Managing Your

1. How do you deal with stress?

Personally the best way to deal with the stress that can be generated on a daily basis is to
try to focus on one particular activity and not want to do everything at once. Also another
thing that works very well for me is that when I am frustrated or stressed I stop what I am
doing, breathe and count to ten. After that I forget about everything and start again. Another
thing that I think is important to reduce stress is to have free time, time for yourself to do
what you like and enjoy doing something that you really like.

1. Identify at least one stress management strategy we've discussed

and explain how you can use these techniques to manage your

As I mentioned before, the strategy of counting to 10 and trying to forget for those ten
seconds everything that causes you stress. Another technique that I use is to identify the
moment when the stress starts because this will help you to change it from the beginning
and not make it worse.

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