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Tragedy struck the homes of the citizens of Ohill, in what had appeared to be a
series of coincidental suicides hours with thin each other. Investigators are dubbing
it ‘The suicide pack’ due to the belief that it was premediated although none of the
recently deceased had any known relations with each other.
The news report was blasted everywhere, it was impossible to escape it. The death
of Hannah, Aria and Layla was all anyone could talk about, it was seemingly
unthinkable that three girls with a seemingly perfectly life would do such a
horrendous thing.
The rumors around their death spiraled to the point of insanity, but little did they
know I was supposed to be the fourth. ‘’Sharia Richardson.’’ The sound of my
name rolled off his tongue as if I hadn’t been in Mr. Jackson’s literature class for
the past two semesters. ‘’Present.’’ I said tight lipped which earned me glances
from several of my classmates who was surprised that I even showed up to class.
‘’Read Act Two Scene Five of Williams Shakespeare Twelfth night and prepare an
essay of your thoughts of Mavaldo and how his character represents real life social
barriers and how class affects personality.’’Mr. Jackson directed earning a
uniformed sigh from everyone in the room except me who was quiet fond of
literature as the saying goes ‘’Art imitates life’’
Class was dismissed and my personal hell had begun. Remember how I said I was
supposed to be the fourth member? Well things didn’t go as planned last night, it’s
not that I chickened out more of I fell asleep during my attempt. What can I say but
anemia is a bitch.
I sat on my bed wrapped up in my bed cushions staring at the fresh coat of white
paint on the ceiling above me. I often found myself in this position every time I
returned from school, f
Layla,Aria,Hannah commits suicide hours within each other
Sharia also planned to commit suicide that night but fell asleep due to anemia
Reveals that Layla,Aria,Hannah and Sharia had all been raped by the same man
unknown t0 them

Each chapter focuses on one girl

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