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Delisha Henderson
1. Two cultural changes were the introduction of food such as rice and curry and the religion,


b. Two ways the Indians contributed to the growth of the sugar industry were by providing their

knowledge of agriculture and their skills in that area, along with providing their labour.

c. Two differences faced by Indian indentured workers were racial tension between the blacks

and poor working conditions.

2. Two countries that received large numbers of immigrants were British Guyana and Trinidad

3. Indians were encouraged to migrate because they saw it as a way to improve their lives

because they came from poor large countries. Furthermore The Indians were willing to flee high

taxes, land loss, and poverty in order to migrate to the Caribbean to make a better living.

4. Three reasons for recovery and growth in the sugar of Guyana and Trinidad by 1870 are
introduction of Indian Indentured laborers, expansion of plantations, technological Innovations.

5. Two ways in which Indian immigration affected the economy and society in the Caribbean

- Economic Impact: The Indian immigration to the Caribbean had a significant impact on the
region's economy. The Indian laborers who were brought to the Caribbean to work on sugar
plantations helped to increase productivity and profits in the industry. In addition, the Indian
community in the Caribbean played a significant role in trade, entrepreneurship, and other
economic activities. Indian merchants, for example, established businesses that provided goods
and services to the sugar industry and to local communities. This economic contribution helped
to diversify the region's economy and contributed to its overall growth.

- Cultural Impact: The Indian immigration to the Caribbean had a significant impact on the
region's culture and society. The Indian community brought with them their own customs,
traditions, and religion, which influenced the cultural landscape of the Caribbean. For example,
Indian festivals, such as Diwali and Holi, are now celebrated widely in the Caribbean.
Additionally, Indian cuisine has become an important part of the region's culinary traditions. The
Indian community has also made important contributions to the arts, literature, and music of the
Caribbean, helping to create a diverse and vibrant cultural landscape.

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