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Feldor’s Guide to Elturgard


Written by Terry Herc

Creative Consultant: Nick Pengilley

Distributed by

All art is in the public domain or property of Wizards of the Coast


On the Cover: Straßenansicht von Ghent, by William Rainmund Dommerson (1885)

Fantasy cityscape with the Mauritshuis, by Bartholomeus Johannes van Hove (1837)
Blick auf den Schmiedebergerkamm, by Caspar David Freidrich (1837)
Lebhaftes Treiben auf dem Viehmarkt vor den Toren einer kleinen Kreisstadt an einem herbstlichen, by Karl
Stuhlmüller (19th/20th century)
The Stream in the Queen's Bower Wood, by Walter Crane and W. J. Linton (1862)
Крэўскі замак, by Unknown (1897)
Cerf dans un paysage forestier, by Gustave Doré (1870)
The Coast of Jutland Seen from Mølleknap Hills in Funen. Study, by Dankvart Dreyer (19th century)
Yosemite (Forest Fire in Moonlit Landscape), by Jules Tavernier (1881)
Character of Renaissance Architecture 0212, from 'Character of Renaissance Architecture' (1905)
Other images provided by Wizards of the Coast

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ago. Now in the twilight of his years, many
are concerned that he has not yet chosen a
successor, though few speak openly.
Elturgard is a theocracy that was Floating above Elturel is the
founded over 50 years ago, and now rules Companion, an orb that continuously emits
over most of the Western Heartlands. A daylight, illuminating everything within a
nation consisting of expansive grassland, hundred miles. The orb was created by
dense forests and rolling hills, Elturgard is divine intervention, though there is
split in three by the Chionthar river, which disagreement as to which deity created it.
runs through the middle of Elturgardian Nevertheless, it has become a symbol of
territory. Travellers in these lands should be goodness and many fight for justice in its
on their best behaviour. The Hellriders and name.
Companions are two major military factions Elturel has exploded with commerce
who enforce the law, and they will not since the appearance of the Companion.
hesitate to arrest troublemakers or even Situated along the northern banks of the
execute those who are found undermining River Chionthar, Elturel is a natural
the values of society. stopping point for those travelling by road
or boat on the way to Baldur’s Gate.
Elturel has historically been at odds
Elturel is the capital of the nation of with surrounding nations and borders have
Elturgard. Situated near the center of the been inexact. However, it is now generally
Western Heartlands, it is ruled by the High agreed that the borders of Elturgard end
Overseer, a priest of Torm named Thavus when a person on a horse cannot see the
Kreeg, who came into power nearly 40 years Companion in the sky.

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Extending for miles, these have been the site
of several fleeting gold rushes. The area
For an in-depth look at the village of would see bursts of activity driven by gold
Triel, please see Feldor’s Guide to Triel fever, as prospectors sought their fortune.
These bursts usually last only until the
Fifty years ago, Triel was another dot winter, when many would give up and leave
along the Trade Way, a major road following poorer than they arrived.
the edge of the Sword Coast. For decades Gold rushes are now quite rare, and
Triel could barely sustain itself amid most agree that mining in the hills is a fool's
shortages of food and fresh water. All that errand. Dozens of abandoned mines dot the
changed with the birth of the Companion, hills, with most long forgotten. There are a
the magical orb that continually emits scant few that operate regularly, and the
daylight above the city of Elturel. Since exact locations are often kept secret.
joining the theocracy of Elturgard, Triel has There are a few communities in the
seen increasing prosperity. Trielta Hills, mostly made up of gnomes and
The lands surrounding the village are halflings. These tiny hamlets are difficult to
filled with farmsteads and Triel is now an see on a surface as they are primarily
important source for grain, stone, and underground, but on occasion one can catch
timber. Triel has grown into a large village the faint whiff of hearth smoke. Most living
and is on the cusp of becoming a small town. in the hills are welcoming, if perhaps
It hosts a sizable market, well stocked shops, cautious of visitors.
and dozens of important villagers. New faces
appear each year as farmers and merchants
arrive looking for a new life.
The village still swells in size each
summer as hundreds of trade caravans pass
through. Peddlers sell their wares to would‐
be adventurers in the Golden Market and
the sprawling campground outside the
village. In years past most would leave in the
fall, but now many stay through the seasons.
Triel sees frequent disputes about
land ownership, especially with the poor
record keeping at the Elturel Land Registry.
Minor disputes are resolved at the village
council, but on rare occasions tensions flare
and blood is spilled. Serious matters are
taken to the high courts in Elturel, where the
Companions or High Overseer Kreeg dole
out justice

The Trielta Hills are rich with

minerals and sandwiched between the
Reaching Woods and the Forest of Wyrms.

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Soubar is a small village located at the Scornubel is sometimes known by its
northern edge of Elturgard territory, just second name, Caravan City. Situated at a
south of the Boareskyr Bridge. With a major crossroads along the Trade Way, the
population that shrinks dramatically in the river Chionthar is filled with barges and
winter, Soubar is driven by the trade season boats. Roads leaving Scornubel are filled
and sees its population rise and fall with the with traders headed north, east, and west.
seasons. Scornubel fell into decline a century
Soubar has a history of lawlessness, ago after the disastrous Spellplague. Trade
and a blade is as good as a word while in was disrupted all along the Sword Coast and
town. With no organized government, folk many merchants lost their livelihoods
are largely left alone, save for the occasional overnight. It was nearly a generation before
visit by the Hellriders. Unsavoury folk Elturgard rose up and the remaining
pushed out of Elturel may find themselves merchants of Scornubel joined the
here, and Soubar is regarded as being filled theocracy.
with shadows and those that live among Since then Scornubel has entered a
them. renaissance. Many of the old buildings have
The largest building is the Winding been torn down and replaced, particularly
Way tavern, which is built atop the ruins of the gambling dens, to adhere closer to
a temple once dedicated to Bane. The owner values of the Church of Torm. There are still
of the tavern is an eerie woman named Mag, many dark corners in the streets of
who has run the inn as long as anyone can Scornubel. The light of the Companion casts
remember. None can say exactly how old long shadows, and there are still those that
she is, and there are whispers that she is stalk the night as they did before Elturgard
touched by some dark power. She enforces came into power over the city.
strict order at the tavern with her trio of
quick-footed swordsmen.

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Marking the northern edge of The Forest of Wyrms is filled with
Elturgarian territory, the Boareskyr Bridge green dragons, wyverns, owlbears, and giant
was the site of a legendary battle between redwood trees. With yuan-ti invading the
the gods Cyric and Bhall. South of the north from the Serpent Hills and wandering
bridge, where Cyric threw Bhall into the bands of adventurers to the west, most
Winding Water river, the water is tainted dragons now make their home in the eastern
with deadly poison. woods. Still, the occasional whelp can be
Just west of the bridge is the grand found along the western edge of the forest,
Bridgefort, a keep built by the paladins of stealing livestock from nearby farmers.
Elturgard. Over time the protection offered With many of the ancient dragons
by its thick walls has caused a small slain or displaced, some say the heart of the
nameless village to flourish. Travellers can forest is filled with abandoned and treasure-
find all the standard village fare including a filled lairs. Those who have ventured into
tavern, a general store, and a stable. the forest occasionally return with loot,
At this distance the Companion can while others return only with tales of yuan-
only be seen on the horizon from atop the ti temples and horrific sacrifices.
walls of the Bridgefort. The Hellriders patrol The forest is very wet, and the ground
the south of the bride and rarely venture is often covered in plumes of mist which
across it. The proximity to the Forest of makes travel slow and uncomfortable. The
Wyrms makes it common to see green woods grow so thick that sometimes you can
dragons in the sky, though there has been no travel for hours without seeing the sunlight.
attack on the Bridgefort in years. Most choose to avoid these woods entirely.

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Hardbuckler is a small gnomish town Blackened ruins are all that remains
built along the Dusk Road as it wraps of this fortified keep built along the River
around the northern edges of the Reaching Chionthar. Many years ago, a mysterious
Woods. Protected by an array of ingenious catastrophe destroyed the fort and the
defences, the high walls and machine battalion of paladins garrisoned inside.
mounted weapons are enough to deter even Dedicated to the glory of Torm, none say
the bravest bandits. Considered a pleasant publicly what disaster caused the
place to share a meal or a story, Hardbuckler destruction of the most sophisticated
is a bastion of civilization on the wild fortresses of Elturgard. Questions posed to
frontier. Located at the edge of Elturgard’s High Overseer Kreeg are met only with
reach, the gnomes value their independence anger.
and ignore pressure to join the theocracy. Those that have been near the ruins
The true town lies below the surface, have seen the effects of the disaster. Stone
where tunnels and cellars create a network that has sagged under intense heat. A barren
of passages, rooms, and catacombs. For circle of earth, half a mile wide where
every room on the surface, it is said there are nothing grows. Trees twisted and gnarled
five times as many below the surface. for miles, oozing sticky black sap.
Friendly but private, the gnomes of A battalion of Hellriders are
Hardbuckler are tight lipped about their permanently stationed outside the ruins
secrets and few know exactly how big the under the direction of a trio of Companions.
town is. It is said that they bring their own rations
Most believe that Hardbuckler and eating anything from the nearby lands
harbours an entrance into the Underdark causes a terrible sickness. All entrances to
and that the gnomes will delve deep below the fort are blocked with magical barricades.
the surface to retrieve gems Nothing can enter or
and ore for their inventions. escape while under
Some say that the gnomes the vigilance of
have even established an the guardians
underground trade route of the ruins.
that rivals the Trade Way

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The Reaching Woods are located east The Wood of Sharp Teeth, sometimes
of Elturel and stretch across both sides of known as the Glimmerwood, lies south of
the River Chionthar. The woods are humid the River Chionthar. Since the coming of the
and misty from the constant rain and the Companion the trees on the northern and
low river banks. The edges of the forest are eastern edges of the forest have grown to
dotted with the sites of abandoned villages some of the tallest ever seen. The trees can
and ruins, packed between the ancient trees. be seen from many miles away, rising on the
Once home to a mighty herd of horizon like mountains.
centaurs, they have not been seen in many Once home to an ancient group of
years, and most are believed to have been elves, they abruptly abandoned the forest
killed by bands of roaming bugbears. Some many centuries ago. The woods are dotted
say the centaurs simply moved into the with traces of their culture, and it is
deepest depths of the forest, abandoning all common to find pieces of stone inscribed
connection to outside civilization. with weathered elven script.
Satyrs, dryads, and other fey creatures Lycanthropy is prevalent in the woods
are known to inhabit the forest. They are and many folks infected with the disease
very protective of their home, yet they have find their way here. Casting off their feral
been known to help a lost traveller find their reputation, the lycanthropes have built a
way. Recently High Overseer Kreeg has complex society and claimed the forest as
banned entrance or exit from the woods. their own. Some say they inhabit an elven
The official decree states that the quarantine ruin deep within the forest and are restoring
has to do with a fey sickness, however there it to its past greatness. To date, none have
are few that believe that explanation. seen such a fabled place and proven the tale.

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Berdusk is a massive city located on These expansive grasslands stretch
the banks of the River Chionthar near the across the Sword Coast and have been the
southern reaches of Elturgard. Renowned site of hundreds of ancient battles. Buried
for its artisans and trade power, since beneath the surface are thousands of lost
joining Elturgard it has seen mixed success soldiers whose names and causes are
conforming to the pious aims of the forgotten. It is common for a farmer to dig
theocracy. There is a lot of old money in up a rusted sword or helm while tilling their
Berdusk, and the source of wealth at times field.
remain questionable. Since the appearance of the
Berdusk has seen tough times yet Companion the grasslands have seen
continues to grow, with official residents incredible growth, and the blades blow in
numbering well over twenty thousand. The the wind like a wild green sea. The southern
activities of the Harpers seem to be centered reaches of the Fields are ideal for farmland
on this city, and although the Companions and land is quickly being doled out to eager
do no officially condone their activities, they homesteaders. Sections of land have been
generally turn a blind eye and see them as a dug up as far north as the Boareskyr Bridge
force of good in the world. as many seek a new life in Elturgard.
Great poets, writers and artisans are Shepherds and free folk disapprove of
born in Berdusk, and they rival those of even the homesteading in the Fields, who view
Waterdeep. The city exports fine art and the land as their ancestral home. There is a
frequently hosts the performance of plays great deal of tension between the new
and famed bards. The local nobility is not farmers, who want to earn a living, and the
born of high blood, and instead has old residents, who see their lives having
purchased their way into the upper reaches been stolen. The Triel village council must
of society. Though they have persisted for often resolves these land disputes, and
generations, there are still those who resent heated arguments have often come to blows.

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to be shepherds or cobblers are agents in
disguise, listening with eager ears for secrets
This small isolated forest is about a to be sold.
half a day’s travel north of Hardbuckler. Although open about their allegiance
Home to tribes of goblinoids, the forest is to biggest sack of gold, the Zhentarim have
ruled over by a ruthless hobgoblin king. A other goals. They cautiously seek to reclaim
fierce creature, he keeps his troops in check the power they have lost in recent years.
with strict punishments and brutal Each day more agents of the Zhentarim
executions. make their way out from Darkhold to
Some say the hobgoblin king has his infiltrate the highest ranks of other nations.
eyes set on Hardbuckler, seeking to loot the It is said that some of High Overseer Kreeg’s
town for the mysterious gnomish treasures. inner council in Elturgard report directly to
It is said that the goblinoids have allied with the Pereghost, although the rumors must
forces in the Underdark and intend to attack surely be false.
Hardbuckler from both above and below
ground. Orc bands have also been seen in
the area, and finely crafted siege equipment
have been glimpsed between the trees.
Rumors that the goblinoids have a
powerful magical artifact are believed to be
false. However, a missing detachment of
Hellriders lead many to be concerned. High
Overseer Kreeg says nothing openly about
the threat, but none the less, a group of
Companions have been dispatched to the

Darkhold is situated in the Far Hills

under the shadow of the Sunset Mountains.
With the Companion a barely visible speck
from atop Darkhold’s walls, the reach of
Elturgard stops well short of the fortress.
The westernmost stronghold of the
Zhentarim, it is ruled over by the mysterious
Pereghost, a powerful and seemingly
immortal leader. Under the Pereghost, the
Zhentarim have shed their reputation as
cutthroats and have reborn as a group of
ruthless mercenaries.
Built in the shadow of the keep is the
small village of Darkhold Vale, which has
flourished under the watch of the
Zhentarim. Travellers should be wary of
what they say in town, as many who appear

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turned into a vampire, and it was only the
divine light of the Companion that saved the
These are some of the groups that can order. They are now little more than the
influence events in Elturgard. Some groups standing army of Elturgard, relegated to
operate solely in secret, while others act simple patrols and city defence. There are
openly. currently about two thousand members of
The Church of Torm is a powerful the Hellriders.
group in Elturgard, seeking to reinforce The Lord’s Alliance has little sway in
their religious hold on the nation with the the region, however there have been visitors
construction of new temples and from the far north suspected of meeting
monuments. Many support the church’s with High Overseer Kreeg. The Alliance
aims, although some worry they will seeks new allies and a friend in Elturgard
overwhelm other religious sects and erode would help keep the North free. People
the traditional values of the region. Most of claiming to come from Waterdeep are
the Companions worship Torm, but there usually suspected of being members of the
are some who do not. Alliance.
The Companions are a religiously The Order of the Gauntlet has a
diverse group of paladins united by their strong standing in Elturgard and most
Creed Resolute. The official borders of worshippers of Torm would lend support to
Elturgard are marked by the divine light of the Order’s cause. Most of the Companions
the second sun, the Companion, and these are suspected to be members of the Order,
paladins dole out justice anywhere the light and many believe that High Overseer Kreeg
touches. There are two hundred is deeply immersed. Members of the Order
Companions, all of whom report directly to would find open doors in Elturgard, with
High Overseer Kreeg. many moving to the nation with the promise
The Emerald Enclave views the of peace.
endless day brought by the Companion as The Zhentarim are officially
unnatural and see its effect as detrimental outlawed within Elturgard, and members
and destined to fail eventually. They wish are punished with imprisonment or death.
that the light of the Companion would cease However, the amount of trade passing
immediately before more of the natural through Elturgard many to suspects that the
order is disrupted. Members of the Emerald Zhentarim seek a stronger foothold. Anyone
Enclave do little to support Elturgard. could represent the Zhentarim, though they
The Harpers have many supporters would soon be discovered by the Hellriders
in Elturgard, with many believing they are or the Companions.
seated in Berdusk. The Harpers have great
respect for the Hellriders and hope they can
restore their former glory. In contrast the
Harpers buckle under the Companions,
seeing their application of the law as
The Hellriders are an ancient
military force that has protected the lands
around Elturel for centuries. The Hellriders
were nearly destroyed when their leader was

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For many years he had kept extensive
journals of the people and places he had
travelled. There were few more well read or
Feldor Brewbarrel was a legendary better travelled than he. It is from these
bard who perished far too soon. His ancestry records that he began publishing his great
stretched back to one of the greatest dwarf treatise about the Sword Coast. Scant was
clans of Mirabar, but he was very much a there an inn, ale house, tavern, or gambling
citizen of Waterdeep, where his heart and den he had not set foot in. An incorrigible
his feet rest most of the time. Feldor spent sort, he would talk the ear of an earl, and
much of his youth travelling the Sword then spend the evening whispering sweet
Coast and beyond, learning the songs of the poetry into the ears of a duchess.
locals, and singing them at loud volumes So many were the words and ways of
late into the night. A soul who followed his Feldor, that it was such a terrible shame he
whims wherever they took him, he broke met his death too early. It was on his most
many hearts, and was not prone to staying dangerous and ultimately final journey that
to pick up the pieces. he once again met with Moradin at the
eternal forge. May his soul rest in piece, and
his words live on so that others can share in
some of the bliss he experienced in life.
Another round of drinks for the great
Feldor Brewbarrel!

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