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ESPOL 2017-18 TII Name: _________________________________________

IDIG1004 P_____
Prof: María Laura Pozo Andrade Graded by: _____________________________________
October ____, 2017
Grade: ___________%

Unit 1: Talented

Listen to this presentation. Then answer the questions below.

I. Select the correct option to finish what Angela says (Listening for specific

1. When I ______27 years old...

a. had b. am c. as d. was
2. When the work came back, I calculated ______.
a. maids b. grades c. greats d. spades
3. Some of my strongest performers did not have ______ IQ scores.
a. stratospheric b. atmospheric c. spheric d. spirit
4. …sure they’re hard…ratios, decimals, the area of a ______ .
a. parallelogram b. parallel c. paranormal d. kilogram
5. In education the one thing we know how to measure best is ______.
a. IU b. IQ c. I too d. AU
6. My research team and I went to ______ Military Academy.
a. Best Point b. West Point c. Lest Point d. West Joint
7. We studied ______ teachers working in really tough neigborhoods, asking…
a. cookie b. rookie c. lucky d. lookie
8. …private companies, asking which of these salespeople is going to ______ their jobs.
a. keep b. meet c. beep d. sleep
9. …one characteristic ______ as a significant predictor of success…
a. enraged b. submerged c. emerged d. enlarged
10. ______ is passion and perserverance for very long-term goals.
a. Lit b. Bit c. Spit d. Grit
11. …even when I ______ them on every characteristic I could…
a. watched b. latched c. yanked d. matched
12. To me the most ______ thing about grit is how little we know.
a. shaking b. shocking c. shaping d. shopping
13. What do I do to teach kids a solid ______?
a. dork ethic b. stork ethic c. work ethic d. work epic
14. Our data show very clearly that there are very talented individuals who simply do not
______ on their commitments.
a. follow to b. follow through c. follow thorough d. fall through
15. This is an idea developed at Stanford University by Carol ______.
a. Dweck b. Beck c. Weck d. Leck

II. Circle “T” for True” or “F” for “False” (Listening for understanding).

16. At 27, Angela left a very demanding job in teaching. T F

17. Angela taught seventh graders math in New York. T F

18. The only difference between her good students and her bad students was their IQ. T F

19. Her smarterst students obtained the best results. T F

20. Angela realized that doing well in school and life depends only on talent. T F

21. Angela went to high school to become a psychologist. T F

22. In many different contexts, the factor that ensured succes was grit. T F

23. “Grit” is less important than talent in order to be successful. T F

24. According to Angela, talent makes people gritty. T F

25. Succesful people understand that they will be successful if they persevere. T F

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